OT: Scumbag Favre steals 1.7 million from poor families in Mississippi

Submitted by blueandmaizeballs on April 5th, 2022 at 7:00 PM

So here is more to the story of Brett scumbag Favre and him stealing money from poor families in Mississippi.


[Edited in as a clickable alternative to the barstool link. Tip of the hat to MGoUser 'mackbru' for being the first to post this link downthread.

I also edited the OP's title in response to the OP's first reply  -rob f]





April 5th, 2022 at 7:03 PM ^

Supposed to be "steals"  and I apologize if link is broken or not workable.  This is updated and has more information to the original story.  Guess I don't understand why two of Green Bays best ON field QBs are just slimy and shady people.  They are very self centered and self absorbed and only care about themselves.  AR complains about not getting help yet he has to make 50million a year.   GTFO and Favre a multi millionaire and then some steals money aimed to help people who are in tough times and don't have it as well as others.  What is it with these guys and their fans still support them.   I would hate it if my QBs of my sports team were like them.  Could also throw in Watson also 20 plus sexual assaults but gets a guaranteed 240 million dollars.   Hope his civil suit is about 239.9 million dollars. 


April 5th, 2022 at 7:05 PM ^

My friend's grandpa had everything he owned stolen in either MS or AL. They came in the middle of the night and threatened to kill everyone or they could leave everything to them and move. I know this was common practice, but it still threw me when I found out. Hopefully in the future his family can get back what was stolen. 


April 6th, 2022 at 9:01 AM ^

Yeah, without more detail and context, that story doesn't sound plausible. I mean, just leave the house and drive directly to a police station, say you were threatened with death and coerced to give up all your possessions, and the police will go and get your house back and imprison the perpetrators. Unless this story happened in 8th century England, of course... 


April 6th, 2022 at 9:46 AM ^

I have lived in Mississippi for about 25 years. If this was before 1970 and the victims were black, it is plausible. I have spoken with many people who survived the Jim Crow era or have stories about their family members' experiences. One friend's father told me he was whipped with a bull whip for not getting off the sidewalk quickly enough when a white person approached. The man who integrated Mississippi State University is a personal friend. The local high school celebrated the 50th anniversary of integration last year. This is not ancient history.


April 6th, 2022 at 10:43 AM ^

Is that why the only Republicans on the January 6th committee are being primaried, including one of the higher ranked members? Look at how your party is voting on these issues. The leading GOP candidate for President is currently the guy who attempted the coup. The GOP has told us what they are about. You don't get to hide behind the few outliers who still believe in doing what's right. And the fact you think the situation in Seattle was relatively the same as an attempt to destroy our democracy explains why we are in this mess.


April 6th, 2022 at 11:27 AM ^

The Jan 6th rioters were stupid, but to call it a coup is also stupid. Those idiots were about as organized as a kindergarten class.

It's one thing to acknowledge a wrongdoing, it's another to buy the opposition's propaganda as if it were real. That's why those guys are getting primaried.

CHOP and the BLM riots get invoked in regards to Jan 6th because most people on the right believe the Jan 6th rioters should be punished, but also want the other rioters punished for their sins too.


April 7th, 2022 at 2:20 PM ^

Looting/rioting/destroying private property, while bad and deserving of punishment, isn’t remotely comparable to a concerted (using that word loosely, given the incompetence of the dipshits in charge) effort to interfere with the operation of the federal government and the attempted interference with a peaceful transfer of power. Not particularly surprised, given your posting history, that this distinction is lost on you

Bo Glue

April 6th, 2022 at 11:20 AM ^

Speaking of lazy arguments, how many members of US Congress participated in or abetted that event? How many threats were issued to Republicans in congress if they dared to investigate it? Just asking questions.

Not even digging into the politics at all, your application of logic to this argument is weak, at best.


April 6th, 2022 at 3:04 PM ^

So much this. Trump is a Russian owned fascist who idolizes Putin and Kim Jong and wishes to be dictator of a US engaged in a race war while destroying the environment for monetary gain. Nothing democrats are doing comes anywhere close to that. The two sides aren't remotely equal. Yeah democrats are still owned by lobbyists and do whats in their own best interest, not the country's. But theyre not actively destroying the environment, schools, the postal service, making racism ok again, cheering on Putin, thinking other politicians are baby eating lizards, etc etc. Anyone who supports current Repugnicans is dumb as dirt or a trash human or both.


April 6th, 2022 at 10:34 AM ^

I mean there is skimming off the top and there is storming the Capital building, gerrymandering, making it harder for people to vote, and banning books. 

Everybody does “it”, but one party’s “it” is far, far worse and saying it’s not is excusing that behavior. 


April 7th, 2022 at 7:29 AM ^

There is a danger with wide labels.  The real underlying issue is we have a system that is designed for minority rule.  Only one republican candidate for president has won the popular vote and that was Bush v. Kerry in 2024 when swiftboats for justice turned Kerry's voluntary Vietnam service against him.  In that time frame we have had 3 republican presidents and 3 democrat presidents. Really not feeling like a shinning example of democracy. 

Currently one major party has zero platform.  It is a party of grievance and obstruction with no plans to govern.  However they are able to remain in power by minority rule and division politics on fringe social issues.  Banning CRT and transgender participation is sports is nothing more than a rage machine issue with no substance.  Banning voting rights and more importantly how votes are counted pushes the minority rule even farther.  

Outlaw gerrymandering and Citizens United to get dark money out and you will go a long way toward getting a government that more closely represents the will of the people.  We are not as divided as the media makes it out to be. I talk to friends with different views and we have very similar ideas on values and outcomes. The debate is almost always on how to get there.  When you look at individual issues and take R's and D's out of the equation the majority of the country is on the same page.  

Sorry for the rant this morning.  I live in TN where the republican congress just introduced a bill that allows for common law marriage between a man and a woman with no age limit.  Essentially a loophole for statutory rape.  I have lived here 10 years, I promise you 50% of the people in TN do not believe that adults should be able to marry children.  It is being sold by a hard right anti gay marriage bill so it gets the 30% or so bible belt seal of approval.  Just embarrassed for the state today and the bad press.




Booted Blue in PA

April 6th, 2022 at 8:13 AM ^

trying to degrade someone you disagree with by implying 'Real America' is derogatory might possibly be as ignorant as implying that the statement, "I prefer classic rock" is a racist identifier.


be a responsible citizen, do your part to end division not further it.   

amazing how a thread, from barstool, about bret favre can be twisted into a political discussion.  some people just thrive on this shit


April 6th, 2022 at 12:10 PM ^

I agree that we should stop seeking to sow discord.

I disagree that this is not a political story. Brett Favre conspired with the then Governor of the State of Mississippi to divert Federal funds from their intended purpose in order to illegally line the pockets of those who are already wealthy. This story is inherently political without any twisting.


April 5th, 2022 at 8:06 PM ^

Thanks for posting this version, by the way.

As only a few people read Seth's introduction in the Mod Sticky, I suppose we have to assume that, for many, posting links from that site is not done out of malice. 

That said, I keep telling myself that we should have the occasional pop quiz on the personae non gratae and sites on the "no mention" list, just to see if people are listening. They aren't, but we could see.


April 6th, 2022 at 11:39 AM ^

No need to program it, just need to install the module.


If you want to have extra control about which external links should not be allowed in your site, this module helps you. With this module you can create a blocklist of URL's that are forbidden. When a user tries to input an external link to a non allowed URL, an error will be displayed.


April 6th, 2022 at 12:48 PM ^

I mentioned this in another thread and some guy got VERY upset about it.  So I say this with trepidation, but Seth did leave a comment in a thread a few weeks ago about how he's okay with Barstool links that are actual news and the Barstool ban goes back to their early days when it was all "bewbs" (his term). 

Now I'll wait for that same commenter to demand evidence and begin another tedious debate defending his righteousness.

I'm not even a Barstool fan but it seems like they do put out some actual news now and have grown into some level of legitimacy and not only frat boy humor.  Again, I'm not a fan so please don't jump on here to yell at me about why you don't like them.


April 5th, 2022 at 7:17 PM ^

That's a really poorly written story with a throwaway and completely opaque last line that begs the question whether its author has some political agenda of their own. You might do better to link to the original investigative piece that it's obviously drawn from: 


You're right to seize on the particularly ugly fact that a nice chunk of financing was money earmarked to help struggling poor people. Here's hoping that, if true, this story has legs and other media outlets pursue it. 

EDIT: Sorry, I am more or less repeating what Mackbru says above.