Meyer banned from OSU property, cannot contact players

Submitted by EGD on

There are some new reports out covering some of the deals of Meyer's administrative leave.  In particular, he's not allowed to contact players, he has no access to his university email account or communication devices, and he can't be on OSU property.  

Here's a link to the story.  


August 9th, 2018 at 2:24 PM ^

In Peurto Rico, they have something call Champagne cola. It tastes exactly like rock and rye. When i had it, the person i was with was from PR and couldn't shut up about it. I had one sip and I instantly knew i had tasted it before but couldn't place it. A month later it came to me. I don't know who was first, but they taste a lot alike. Does that deserve a go blue?


Louie C

August 9th, 2018 at 3:02 PM ^

Old Man Johnson used to let us run around on his property when we were kids. This guy with this cool ass purple bike used to cruise the back roads frequently; each time he would have a different girl on the back. He would then take them into one of barns. We may have been kids, but we sure knew what was going on in there. 

All of the girls were pretty, but there was one I'll never forget. Very beautiful, and wore a beret. It wasn't red, but it wasn't purple neither. Maybe it was magenta, I don't know. 

The guy was really cool. Dressed a little funny, but he was cool. Heard he could play the guitar like nobody's business. Lotta folks say he could have made it big. There's always random people from your childhood that for whatever reason you don't forget, and he was one of them. There was just something about that guy. I wonder whatever happened to him....


August 9th, 2018 at 3:53 PM ^

Mom used to take us to Kresge at the 7 Grand strip mall. Then afterwords she would take us to Sanders for a hot fudge sundae. I still have a weakness for hot fudge sundaes.

On subject. Meyer is a sleezeball. OSU is a sleezeball factory. They deserve the worst parts of the bible thrust upon them. Fire from the sky. Plagues of locusts. That sort of thing.


August 9th, 2018 at 4:03 PM ^

The school is far less responsible here than Meyer is, IMO.

1) OSU may not have known about the charges at Florida.  I think that's been confirmed, correct?

2) OSU also probably didn't know about the photos and the cries for help that Shelley Meyer was receiving.  If that's the case, to Gene Smith and OSU, it was an accusation of DV (singular) without charges.  Florida didn't can him for the same thing (if they even knew) and it's somewhat reasonable to justify giving a guy a second chance for something for which you think is an isolated incident for which no charges were brought.

Where Meyer is so at fault here is that he and his wife and any staff members that knew about the 2009 incident were the ones that knew that this was an repeat and habitual offender.  You can't give third and fourth and fifth chances and not do anything to help.  You can argue all you want that the Meyer's didn't do anything "illegal" and even that they may have complied with the rules in each individual case, but the collection of what they did here was absolutely and undeniably the enablement of domestic violence over a long period of time and if OSU wants to show any inclination that they care about abuse of women, they can't continue to associate with or employ the Meyers.

That said, I think Smith probably knew it was more than an isolated incident and if so, needs to be fired along with anyone else that knew of the extent of the abuse.



August 9th, 2018 at 2:01 PM ^

I know it's an unpopular position, but to date, I stand by OSU having handled the situation appropriately. Of course we'll see how the investigation actually wraps up, and my opinion is subject to change.


August 9th, 2018 at 2:08 PM ^

You're talking about OSU - Home of "I hope he doesn't fire me" AD's and Gene Smith who wrote the playbook on "deny, deny, deny."  

This is what is going to happen - Meyer will be penalized severely like missing 4 games, but will be allowed back just in time for the meat of the schedule because of course.  OSU will state he is on probation, on a short leash, etc., etc., all of which will be bullshit.  OSU will talk about revising all kinds of process and guidelines to avoid situations like this again, all of which will just be noise to appease the torch and pitchfork crowds until the next controversial shiny object du jour draws away the media attention.

Book it.


August 9th, 2018 at 2:10 PM ^

So you're in the camp that says Meyer's responsibility is to do literally the bare minimum as a leader at one of the largest universities in the world, and if he does that, nothing else is important? Regardless of what else happens, he hired a known wife beater at OSU, and kept him on staff through multiple additional complaints of assault. Even IF he reported it in 2015, he kept the wife beater on staff for THREE MORE YEARS until outside factors FORCED him to fire the guy. 

Meyer may have reported. He may not have violated his Title IX obligations. Nevertheless, he is a scumbag and if OSU keeps him they are saying, "winning football games is more important than anything else." 


August 9th, 2018 at 2:28 PM ^

I just LOLed too, but it was only figurative LOLing... :-/

OSU can do all the investigations they want. Indeed, it was smart to do so, as it could save them millions of dollars if they can fire him with cause. Yet the outcome should essentially be a foregone conclusion, unless they find some massive bombshell that completely relieves Meyer's guilt - like the president or Gene Smith forced Meyer to keep Smith on staff and asked him to lie at B10 Media Day. Short of that - which I'd bet my left, right and center testicle ain't forthcoming - they guy should be fired. 


August 9th, 2018 at 2:35 PM ^


Let's recap OSU's response to the Zach Smith revelations: Zach Smith fired, OSU suspends Urban which apparently prevents him from contacting players, and then sets up a committee to investigate Urban that by most accounts (at least outside of MGoBoard) makes it look like an investigation in good faith.

Now you can claim you know exactly what Urban knew, what he reported, what Gene Smith knew, and what the committee will decide, but personally, I can just wait another 10 days or whatever it is to find out more before I make my final judgement on how OSU has handled the situation. Call me crazy.


August 9th, 2018 at 2:49 PM ^

Will the investigation change the fact that Meyer kept Smith on staff after multiple allegations (and at least one arrest) for domestic violence? I am not "guessing" what Meyer knew; we know he knew about 2009 (he admitted as much), and he said last week who knew about 2015. He then admitted lying to the media and public about his knowledge at B10 Media Days. How will an investigation change ANY of this???