How do we get to see football this fall?

Submitted by blue in dc on July 14th, 2020 at 8:59 PM

Wear masks.

Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention made the bold assertion today “If we could get everybody to wear a mask right now, I really think in the next four, six, eight weeks, we could bring this epidemic under control.”

This op ed provides some of the information that backs up his assertion.





July 14th, 2020 at 11:29 PM ^

I just got the announcement today from my 9th grader’s school district that things are going in the wrong direction and school will have to start out online. It’s very disappointing. The fact is if every body had done their part to contain this thing and ignored the bs we would be in good shape for school and maybe even football (no fans).  

It doesn’t take a degree in virology or math to understand the virus can’t spread if it can’t jump from one person to another. And with 2 weeks max of shedding we are done in three weeks.  Now that doesn’t account for all the health care and other essential workers exposed on the front lines so it’s really a little longer. 

We know lock downs work fastest, but so does wearing masks, cancelling gatherings, washing hands, and staying away from one another. A small sacrifice means school is in session, the economy can rebound, and football is back.  How is that so hard to understand. Why do their have to be so many people that are fooled and manipulated by an idiot con man. 

This is no different that football. To win the game you can’t have a couple of players that aren’t playing and you cant give up in the third quarter either. 

What’s hardest to accept is that people are only starting to realize you can’t just order the economy back.  Football, jobs, school, and everything else you love can’t come back until this thing is contained.  


July 15th, 2020 at 8:54 AM ^

I don’t really disagree with the premise of wearing masks, but to your points:

1. The economy - the stock market is approaching all-time highs, job growth off of the low far exceeded expectations, and the recovery is well under foot. Not disagreeing that a massive spike threatens that but we are doing better than many think economically. 

2. As for kids returning to schools, virtually every country outside the US has re-open schools in full and has not seen a massive spike in Covid, especially amongst children.  In fact, one of the few things that people seem to agree upon is that children have a new year Dash zero fatality rate from this disease. Schools should be open, regardless, as they provide an essential function and the risks of remaining remote far exceed the risk to children from COVID. 


July 15th, 2020 at 9:12 AM ^

The. Stock. Market. Is. NOT. The. Economy.

"...the stock market couldn't be more divorced from the United States’ broader economic situation."

Your 401K may be looking OK, and I hope that near-retirees are taking advantage of the reprieve, but I don't think the US economy is anywhere near OK.


July 15th, 2020 at 9:30 AM ^

blue in dc

July 14th, 2020 at 11:40 PM ^

I believe it is a reference to Alex Jones who once said, 

"I don't like 'em putting chemicals in the water that TURN THE FREAKIN' FROGS GAY! Do you understand that? I'm sick of being social engineered, it's not funny!"


July 14th, 2020 at 9:19 PM ^

I made a time machine out of my 40 volt electric mower, which I have dubbed the Tesla


got the flip phone human machine interface set to 2027 when we win the national title vs. Wyoming 

Perkis-Size Me

July 14th, 2020 at 9:34 PM ^

I don’t know if the pandemic would actually be under control that quickly if we all wore masks, but even if it were true, we’d still miss out.

Too many people refusing to wear masks out of a supposed “we’re throwing off the shackles of tyranny” bullshit when in reality it’s more about sticking it to the media, owning the libs, or because they’d rather listen to politicians who tell them what they want to hear vs. medical professionals who tell them what they need to hear.

OSUMC Wolverine

July 14th, 2020 at 10:17 PM ^

i am from a rural background and have lots of family and friends that still call open spaces home. Sadly a large part of the disbelief in the threat COVID poses is because of a total lack of faith in the media.....crying wolf about everything for years has resulted in distrust and fatigue. And yes i think the distaste for masks is in part a "Im not falling for this again" mentality. It frustrates me as a member of the healthcare community for sure....but I understand the distrust of the media....the media panic culture of the last few years has not and will not serve us well as a community. It does need to stop at some point....who would have thought 20 years ago that the National Enquirer would be the template for mainstream media in 2020?

OSUMC Wolverine

July 15th, 2020 at 3:29 AM ^

Assuming 'them' is referring to the rural community in general: Fox news is often in step with main stream republican views. It is a misconception that everyone in rural communities view republican mainstream as a good thing. Rural communities often have distrust of all government regardless of the party affiliation of those in government. The seeming affinity to the republican party is because it is the lesser of two evils for those with true conservative values... real love your neighbors and community, church going, blue collar hard labor types. 


July 15th, 2020 at 9:27 AM ^

The seeming affinity to the republican party is because it is the lesser of two evils for those with true conservative values... 

Yeah, except not at all, in reality. They have been hoodwinked, brainwashed, whatever descriptor you care to use. The R party is most definitely NOT in their best personal interest. But they have been tricked into believing that it is, ironically, by the "other side" of that same media that they distrust so much. 


July 15th, 2020 at 12:00 AM ^

The distrust in media was not created by the media.  At least not by any traditional media with an independent newsroom and editorial board.  Facebook is not news media.  

Any study will show you the belief in the media cratered in the last four years which clearly correlates with the rise of a blow hard that has a large blow horn and who has a clear need and agenda to undermine the legitimate media organizations that publish fact based research as much as possible and who are overseen by independent editorial boards.  The idea that the blow hard could play the victim game and blame the media was really surprising to mainstream republicans as well as democrats and independents.   The idea that people would also believe that blow hard when he took the term “fake news” (that was first published to describe fake news websites funded by foreign money with nothing but a website and which posted completely fake stories during the election) and immediately apply that term to legitimate news was horrendous. 

Further, don’t blame the messenger. They did not cry wolf.  They are only reacting to the fact that a well known New York Bull Shitter BS’d his way to office and every week there is a new scandal to report. 

PEW Research in Jan 2020 on trust in news”

“One of the biggest changes we saw was increased distrust among Republicans for 14 of the 20 news sources included in both studies, with particularly notable increases in distrust of CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post – three frequent targets of criticism for President Donald Trump. While there has been far less change on the Democratic side, two exceptions are The Sean Show and Breitbart News, which are now distrusted by a larger share of Democrats than in 2014.”


July 15th, 2020 at 3:48 AM ^

FaKe NeWs !!! 


You are spot on...Trump has two over-sized skills and that is flooding the news cycle w scandals so that it is almost impossible to keep up..and using simple catch-phrases to label the opposition (Fake News, Lock Her Up, Hoax!, Sleepy Joe...) which works esp well in an over-saturated news cycle plus the backing of Murdoch/Fox 'news'.  

Its amazing how well he's de-legitimised the counter-balance of a (semi) functioning democracy (including both news and congressional oversight) in less than one term. Don't think America and the world can afford another.  



July 15th, 2020 at 9:35 AM ^

Any study will show you the belief in the media cratered in the last four years which clearly correlates with the rise of a blow hard that has a large blow horn and who has a clear need and agenda to undermine the legitimate media organizations that publish fact based research as much as possible and who are overseen by independent editorial boards.  

I don't really agree with that. In my mind, the media in general (mainstream, at least) has earned that lost trust since 9/11 or before. Since Reagan repealed the Fairness Doctrine, really. I think back to Jon Stewart just destroying Tucker Carlson, Bill O'Reilly, et al. He was identifying the real issue then, and got Tuckers show cancelled as a result. We needed more voices like his, at a critical time, but media companies wanted their precious profits rather than to tell us the straight news. And here we are today, people can't even agree on fucking established science. We are screwed, truly. 

All that said, there is no doubt it has become exponentially worse in the past four years, and we haven't hit the bottom yet. That could be a long way down still. Scary times.