An "Ohio" thing?

Submitted by nappa18 on
Since we are in that interminable period between spring and fall practices, please indulge me. I am not from Ohio or have ever spent more then a few days in a row there. I do dine out with friends from Ohio fairly frequently and they always, I mean always ask for separate checks. Even in "upscale" restaurants. It isn't that they need to watch every dollar either. For Ohioans and non- Ohions both, is this strictly a state thing? Or is it common to other parts of the Midwest? Thanks.


July 7th, 2016 at 10:26 PM ^

I don't like you . You're clearly an ND fan that decided to lurk here disguised as an M fan. And by the way, Michigan>Notre Dame everything.


July 7th, 2016 at 11:38 PM ^

it was obvious though. He planted his ass on here about 2 mins after word had leaked out and began with the fucking insults. I had to recuse myself from taking the honor because I pretty much gave it away with my first response. Good looking out. 

Michigan Arrogance

July 7th, 2016 at 8:32 PM ^

If you tell the wait staff at the beginning that there will be sep. checks, it's NBD. If you have 13 people all sep billed and they have to figure it out at the end, that's a PITA of course, but the server should have known to begin with (unless they are young and hew to  serving).

Or, you could do what I do* and set 5 singles on the table at the beginning and tell the server everytime time they fuck up or let my drink run empty, I take away a dollar for their tip.


* I've only done this when I actually know the server really well, like good friends.


July 7th, 2016 at 8:40 PM ^

I find that in college towns the assumption is separate checks, and the wait staff expects it. But even in non-college towns, whenever I go out to eat with coworkers we always get separate checks. That's in Michigan. In Florida I don't remember that happening as much. My friends and I down there would always just trade off treating. 

In LA everyone always wanted separate checks, but waitstaff hated dealing with it. 


July 7th, 2016 at 8:49 PM ^

Wait I'm from Ohio…. is this not standard everywhere? If I go out with friends everyone pays for the food they are and the drinks they drank; is that not the norm? Are you insinuating that one person should be stuck with the check? How do you decided who should pay? Is there like some wheel of misfortune? Do you flip a coin? Eenie meenie miney mo? Do you go in order? Who determines the order? Who keeps track of who pays each time? I have so many questions!!


July 7th, 2016 at 8:57 PM ^

I've talked my friends into credit card roulette a few times. Everyone stick their card in a hat and let the waiter/waitress draw which card pays. It's REALLY hard to laugh it off and act like its cool when he draws your card, but it's fucking awesome when your douche friend that just got a raise gets his card pulled

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The Mad Hatter

July 7th, 2016 at 8:56 PM ^

If you invite me to dinner, you're buying. If I invite you to dinner, I'm buying. If it's a large group of people, my father-in-law pays. Because I'm not paying for a meal that I had to eat while listening to my mother-in-law yammer on about whatever bug happened to crawl up her ass that day. Usually President Obama. He spends a lot of time up there for some reason.


July 7th, 2016 at 8:59 PM ^

I live in Ohio and I didn't even know it would be considered abnormal to ask for separate checks? I remember when I studied abroad overseas literally no restaurant over there split checks, and it was a total PITA for all my Ohio friends and I.

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July 7th, 2016 at 9:14 PM ^

Never noticed the separate checks thing, but in NYC and Jersey, everyone stands "online" instead of "inline" like normal people.  Odd.


July 7th, 2016 at 9:36 PM ^

God i hate the "on line" thing.   All the people on SiriusXM always say that.  I had never even heard the term until i got sattelite radio and since its mainly based in NYC, the DJs and talk shows on there would say that term.  

CRISPed in the DIAG

July 7th, 2016 at 9:17 PM ^

Ohio or not, I don't mind separate checks if you make it clear to waitstaff.  I've lost track how many times a slice of pie and a single pint from a couple pitchers of Natty ends up costing me $45. Don't subsidize the debauchery of your crew.

OSUMC Wolverine

July 7th, 2016 at 9:22 PM ^

I have never been anywhere in the continental US where I was at a table with 4+ adults and the wait staff has not asked if checks were separate or not.  Granted I typically am in tourist areas if not in the midwest.  This has held true at Chilis through $100+/person establishments--


July 7th, 2016 at 10:07 PM ^

about separate checks. I kind of just want to pay for what my wife and I are ordering. it doesn't have to be down the penny, but if you want a decent tip don't give me a stank face because you have to do some elementary school accounting and know who ordered what. that's kind of your fucking job.


July 7th, 2016 at 10:23 PM ^

I don't have an issue if people want to split the check, but just make sure you're informing the wait staff early (though the best will assume or ask). When I waited tables in college I just always assumed splits (it really isn't hard to do) in case it came up later. But most of the time we just divide by number of people/ couples and call it a day if it's close to equal. A few bucks here and there my assumption is it evens out over time.


July 7th, 2016 at 11:54 PM ^

If I invite someone out to a decent restaurant, I'm paying.

If some buddies and I are going to Shwarma King or Los Amigos or BW3 for lunch, separate checks. Each pays their own way.

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July 8th, 2016 at 1:08 AM ^

I live in Korea and basically every foreign restaurant accepts that people usually split the bill. This doesn't seem like a Michigan thing or even an American thing. Not sure what the big deal is. Expecting me to pay your dinner because I invited you out sounds like I'm paying you to be my friend. Youre not ND and i'm not warde manuel. You're not my date. I'm not trying to get laid. Buy your own cheap ass a meal or don't come out.

Wolverine in 312

July 8th, 2016 at 3:33 AM ^

If ther are four of you, someone pick up the check (it's not hard to keep track of who bought dinner last time). If there are ten, split it evenly among couples (if you dont have a date, find a buddy to venmo). 


July 8th, 2016 at 9:52 AM ^

anymore.  I'm also not splitting the bill when the wife drinks cost twice as much as my Bulleit on the rocks.

And I mean that going both ways, I don't want my friends to have to split a bill when they're drinking $6 beers and my wife is drinking $11 glasses of wine.


July 8th, 2016 at 11:28 AM ^

of women who will split a check to the penny. If I have dinner with friends we all just throw in the same amount and cover it, no matter what people eat. I'm not going to bitch over a couple of bucks and make sure the waiter is also taken care of nicely.

I don't get people who go over a check to the penny and try to get exact amounts from everyone. Just toss in your $20 or whatever and move on.