Fuck Cancer / Thank You MGoBlog

Submitted by Cali Wolverine on
As many of you know, my wife (a fellow UM '98 grad) has been battling cancer for the past 6 years. She was diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant with our youngest daughter. Despite spreading to the lung and brain, she battled through surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, experimental trials, parp inhibitors, and immunotherapy. We traveled around the country for the best treatment trying to find that home run cure, or at a minimum so she could be a mom to our two little girls for as long as possible. Unfortunately, we started hospice care a few weeks back after exhausting all of our options and no longer being able to control the cancer. My wife continues to hang on even though she could leave us at any moment. I just want to thank MGoBlog and all of its contributors for providing such an amazing outlet for one of my greatest passions...Michigan Sports. MGoBlog was the perfect remedy for many restless nights, medical appointments and hospitals visits. The Michigan family will be losing an amazing wife, mom and alum. But like any true Wolverine she battled to the very end. Fuck you cancer - we are coming for you with a cure soon. And fuck the assholes that are negging people's comments. EDIT: We lost her this afternoon.


March 1st, 2017 at 9:37 PM ^

every time I see a post of yours. So sorry to hear about this latest turn. God bless you and your family.


March 1st, 2017 at 9:43 PM ^

I'm so sorry for all of you. For your wife, who wanted time with her daughters. For you, losing a dear wife and partner, for your daughters, never getting to know their mom. My wife's mom died of throat cancer when my wife was 7 - 8 years old. Recovering from that kind of loss is always difficult. I am praying for all of you.


March 1st, 2017 at 9:57 PM ^

My mom's been fighting for a year and a half. It's an odd type; never a large tumor, but at worst has been little "salt and pepper" specks scattered across the peritoneum. We don't watch ct scans because there's nothing to see, but we just watch her weight and ca125's. I'm about as optimistic as anyone can be and i just expect that she's going to get on top of it and go into remission for several good, long, life-filled years, but in the back of my mind I know that she's going to die of this and sooner rather than later. A 6 year old little girl that went to daycare with my son died last week from cancer. I hate this damned disease with every bit of my being. Love your wife well in the time she has left, Cali. It sounds like you have. Prayers for you and your family, brother.


March 1st, 2017 at 10:00 PM ^

I am so sorry to hear this terrible news. I lost my wife to the same terrible disease - two young children lost their mother.

I cannot say anything to help. But, I do want you to know that 10 years later - the children are grown, happy and healthy.

May you find a source of strength, the kids were mine. They will need you and you will need them. Your wife's spirit will follow wherever any of you go. Family will love and friends will support. You will find happiness and love in new places.

May God bless all of you.


March 1st, 2017 at 10:13 PM ^

The loss will be tough, no question. Your wife's brave battle of six years will be rewarded with precious memories for you and your daughters. I especially feel sad and happy for your youngest one. Sad, because obviously, happy, because she is old enough to remember and cherish your loving wife just as your older daughter and you will.


March 2nd, 2017 at 1:01 AM ^

What a crushing story. So sorry for what you're going through. I wish you and your children peace and happiness throughout; I can't even imagine. I'll keep you in my thoughts and send the most positive of vibes your way, friend. 


March 23rd, 2017 at 7:51 AM ^

3/2: I wish there were something I could say or do to help. I am very sorry.and wish there was a cure for that rottin to the core disease. 

EDIT:3/23 Dear Cali I just read about this latest punch in the gut of your wifes passing and wish you and your family the strength to recover mentally and physically from such a terrible turn of events in a very unforgiving world. No husband especially of your age and with children should ever have to go through this. I also wish your children the best in the future and hope the impact of this doesn't affect your kids in a way they can't recover fully as I am sure would be one of your wifes last wishes.

May the best of luck be your future and I will take with me one small positive. That the perspective of something this devestating we all can use for strength in those days we all have when we wonder why this life can be so damn demanding and cold. We can remember that it could always be worse.


March 2nd, 2017 at 4:19 AM ^

Im so sorry you are going through this. I just lost my mom to cancer in sept. so i know what its like. i was with her every step of the way. my heart goes out to you and your family. stay strong fuck cancer!


Everyone Murders

March 2nd, 2017 at 7:55 AM ^

I just saw the edit, and again want to offer condolences on her passing away.  I hope that your memories of her and your family and friends offer you comfort in this difficult time.

And if folks on the board would use Cali's sharing of this story as an impetus to make a contribution to a cancer research charity, well ... do that.   


March 2nd, 2017 at 9:28 AM ^

rally around those wonderful daughters of yours and your extended family.  can't even imagine.  

God bless you cali, and those girls.  they'll look to you on how to handle this.   papa bear, stand guard over them.

man.  i just can't even imagine.  


March 2nd, 2017 at 9:37 AM ^

So sorry for your loss.  I lost my father to lung cancer in 2015 and I can't imagine how I would handle losing my wife.  I hope you and your girls can find some comfort at this awful time.


March 2nd, 2017 at 1:27 PM ^

It sounds like your wife was an amazing fighter & role model for your daughters.

I hope that Hospice was a good (relatively speaking) experince for you, they do an unbeleivavle job and I couldn't thank them enough when my Dad passed a couple years ago.

He died of ALS, which is about one of the top 3 worst ways to go.  Hospice made his last weeks bareable for all of us.


March 20th, 2017 at 1:10 PM ^

I'm so sorry Cali Wolverine.

My mother is stuggling as I write at 95lbs in ICU for the past MONTH due to pancreatic cancer.

Fuck you, cancer, indeed. Fuck you cancer all the way to hell.


I am glad she is no longer suffering and I am sorry for the burden you and the rest of her loving survivors must bear as you shoulder on.

Hang on.


Edit: met with palliative care team today. She's now 85lbs. I hate you cancer so damned much.


Edit: she died March 10, with loved ones present and in peace.


March 2nd, 2017 at 10:53 PM ^

To you, your girls and your family. I thank you for sharing your updates along the way and am so truly sorry that she is now gone. I know you all did everything you possibly could. Take care my friend and take solace in the fact that she will be with you every day through your daughters.


March 3rd, 2017 at 12:31 AM ^

My girlfriend's father fought the disease for 3 years and was hard to see him go downhill during his fight. Lost my grandmother as well. I cannot bear to read the word as it just angers me. I go in for a biopsy on Monday and while I am not trying to worry, I do not know what I will do if the results come back showing I have something. If so I hope to fight with the courage your wife has shown.

Cali Wolverine

March 3rd, 2017 at 12:50 AM ^

words and positive vibes. This fucking sucks. Looking forward to taking my two little daughters to Ann Arbor for the first time to see Mommy and Daddy's old stomping grounds. They have been to enough USC games...it is time to introduce them to the Big House.


March 21st, 2017 at 9:37 AM ^

I'm always reticent to proffer my sympathies in situations like this because anything I say winds up sounding so platitudinous, but your story welled up a lot of emotion in me this morning and I felt compelled to reply.

I, too, have young children and the thought of them losing their mother is frightening. I shudder at that thought and can't imagine what you're going through. I just know that you will raise two great Wolverines and their mother will RIP seeing that come to fruition.

May you find peace in these troubling times.



March 23rd, 2017 at 11:59 AM ^

I'm sure that you'll want to spend plenty of time alone with your daughters. But if there's one thing that I know with absolute conviction, is that your daughters should see how much we all loved your mom because we all love Michigan. And Mrs. Cali Wolverine was Michigan through and through.

God speed to you, your wife, and your daughters. 

rob f

March 3rd, 2017 at 9:00 AM ^

your two little girls. I just now saw on the Friday Posbang thread that you all suffered the loss of your loving wife/your daughter's mommy. All I can offer you is my prayers, but know this: time heals much of the pain. Hang in there, buddy, especially for your girls.

The Mad Hatter

March 3rd, 2017 at 10:07 AM ^

I cannot even imagine what you're going through.  It must be awful.

I'm going to stop writing now, because I typically deal with death and loss by making jokes and people don't always appreciate that.  But let me know if you need a laugh.  I have a lot of great widower jokes.

Godspeed and take care.


March 22nd, 2017 at 4:43 PM ^

I missed this as I was out of the country a few weeks back.

I'm very sorrry for your loss...my deepest condolences to you and your family.

When you're in town, let us know. Your first beer is on me.


March 22nd, 2017 at 5:48 PM ^

I can not begin to imagine what you and your kids are going through at this time.

Life is so very precious and I hope our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ brings you comfort in these trying times. 

GOD Bless!!!