Great Bo quote about night games

Submitted by Blue 4 Life on

In the freep today there was a quote from Bo Schembechler about night games and his thoughts on them. I greatly cherish hearing new quotes that I hadn't heard from two of my all time favorites, Ernie Harwell and Bo.

We miss ya Bo.…


The last time I had the distinct pleasure to be in the company of the late Bo Schembechler, he had a few thoughts about the current state of college football.

Among the topics he discussed were the varying start times for the games. Needless to say, Bo wasn’t thrilled with the notion of playing under the lights. In his distinct Schembechler voice, he scrunched his eyes behind his trademark sunglasses and delivered the following line.

“We used to tell the TV stations that we’re going to tee the ball up at one o’clock. If you want to come down and take your little pictures, feel free.”




September 29th, 2017 at 2:17 PM ^

Harbaugh was a virtual lock to come home at some point in his 50s if there was a Michigan vacancy.  He came when his NFL stock couldn't have been higher, and our program couldn't have been lower.  And he came because it was home.  It was clearly inevitable.

And the only way there wouldn't have been a Michigan vacancy is if we had hired a different elite coach.  In which case, we could have ended the pain earlier.  This fanbase wouldn't accept Lloyd winning 8-10 games a year, which is the best Les Miles would have done, and if he did better, we'd be happy! We wouldn't have accepted that mediocrity and it would have been championships or let's fire this guy and get Harbaugh.


September 29th, 2017 at 8:57 AM ^

It must be stated, that said LSU National Title was at the expense of the Buckeyes---and they were destroyed.

Secondly, as a die hard Cubs fan, the onus falls squarely on SS Alex Gonzalez, who booted a taylor-made, inning-ending double play ball, moments later.  Even if Alou could have made the catch (I'm very skeptical he would have), the Cubs still had to get another out to get out of the inning.

Other Andrew

September 29th, 2017 at 9:34 AM ^

I mean, the crying of the Cubs fans was also pretty wonderful.

But, but, but, but if we hadn't hired RRod, and then had him fail and get Hoke and then had Hoke also, fail, but not get fired before Brandon's ouster, would we have ever gotten Harbaugh? And on top of that Harbugh with Greg Mattison as a DL coach? Les would have probably been good, but after squeaking out the 2007 championship with two losses (albeit both in triple overtime), it is clear in retrospect that he couldn't maintain dominance as they only finished in the top 10 two more times. (Nick Saban may have had something to do with that, granted.)

Bando Calrissian

September 29th, 2017 at 10:15 AM ^

You ever tried to get on an El train on the north side of Chicago when the Cubs are playing at night and you just want to go home? Or dodged the vomit puddles and staggering drunk people everywhere? Or, god forbid you live in the neighborhood and commute by car to work, and then have to drive around all night looking for a parking place. 

Not against night baseball, but let's not pretend that Wrigleyville isn't pretty adversely affected by dealing with the Cubs 81 days and nights every year.


September 29th, 2017 at 2:36 PM ^

Maybe anyone that doesn't like it shouldn't live in Wrigleyville?

Lots of options for cool neighborhoods in Chicago.  Many of them less expensive and more convenient to the loop than Wrigleyville.  Live in Wrigley if you want to be in that atmosphere and with convenience to the stadium, but don't live there if you're adversely affected by it and find it to be a pain.

That's like living next to the big house if you weren't a M fan and then bitching about the tailgating and traffic and vomit and... just move.  There are other very nice parts of Ann Arbor.

Bando Calrissian

September 29th, 2017 at 2:56 PM ^

It's a north side problem--that feeling when you're getting on the Red Line anywhere north of Lake or so, and when the train gets there, it's full of people in baseball stuff who don't know where to stand, how to move to the middle of the train, and can't figure out that the gigantic Cubs logo at the Addison stop and the giant honking Wrigley Field behind it is the sign to get off.

But, thanks for the advice.


September 29th, 2017 at 5:06 AM ^

Love night games. At least, if you go by the Tweets they send out once those games are announced. Usually, if you play at night, there aren't a lot of other games on, so you get center stage. It's typically national as opposed to regional coverage.

Avon Barksdale

September 29th, 2017 at 7:05 AM ^

But people literally laugh at teams that play 11am central games. They are "reserved for the Big Ten" is what you usually hear. High school recruits (especially those in the west) aren't getting up at 9 am to watch a Michigan barnburner against Maryland. Will they watch that game at 3:30 or 7 pm? Maybe, but it's way more likely they tune in at that time as opposed to 9 am their time.


September 29th, 2017 at 5:43 AM ^

that you bring up Bo & Ernie together...  I had always gone with the perception that Bo fired Ernie, but there's more to the story (always is):


According to Jim Hawkins, the gist is that Harwell signed a deal for five years in ‘86 and “indicated that would be his final contract.”   Near the end of that deal he had a change of heart, but the Tigers and WJR wanted to go a different direction thinking they needed to tap into a younger audience.   When the contract was up in 1990 WJR wanted to let Harwell go but Bo insisted on extending Ernie an additional year, giving him a big raise and allowing him to go out with a “farewell tour”. 

Hawkins words on what happened next:

Schembechler thought he was being generous. In Bo’s mind, he had Ernie’s back.

After the 1990 season ended, Harwell, unaware that his future as the Tigers’ broadcaster had already been discussed and decided behind closed doors, went to the ballpark with his agent/attorney Gary Spicer to negotiate a new contract.  Reportedly, Spicer asked the Tigers for another five-year deal and a raise in pay for his client.

But Schembechler refused to budge.  So, reluctantly, on December 18, 1990, Harwell signed the one-year contract for 1991 that Schembechler offered.

Ernie also asked the Tigers to schedule a press conference at the corner of Michigan and Trumbull the next day.  The Tigers assumed Harwell wanted to announce his own retirement, following the ’91 season, and the ballclub was happy to oblige. WJR, unaware of how Harwell felt, even agreed to broadcast the press conference.

But Ernie was far from happy. He felt was being discriminated against because of his age.

Harwell didn’t graciously say good-bye. Instead, he told his adoring public that he was, in fact, being fired.

Everyone Murders

September 29th, 2017 at 7:51 AM ^

In fairness, Ernie was being fired.  As you note, "the Tigers and WJR wanted to go a different direction thinking they needed to tap into a younger audience".  Bo was the president of the Detroit Tigers at the time that (awful) decision was made.

Not that Bo was wrong in his actions, but if Ernie wasn't informed that initially he was not getting renewed at all, I can see him being put off by the one-year extension.  It may be a bit of "no good deed goes unpunished" from Bo's perspective, but it's not like Ernie had all the data to see the context of the one-year extension.

And "tapping into a younger audience" does sound a bit like age discrimination.  I don't think it is - entertainment is a field where you can discriminate in certain respects (notice how almost all the talking heads on the news are attractive* - esp. the female ones?).

*Some smokin' hot (especially mid and major market weather women), and some attractive in a "Sears Catalog" sort of way.  But nearly all attractive to a large segment of the audience.


September 29th, 2017 at 9:23 AM ^

As you note, you can't say "the Tigers" wanted to go in a different direction without acknowledging that Bo was the team president.  Now that all the facts are known, it turns out that Bo was pretty much the fall guy, and that WJR's general manager made the decision to "go in a different direction" -- which gave us "Rick and Bob" as truly terrible replacements, a decision Mike Ilitch promptly reversed when he bought the team.

But I'm sure Bo regretted not pushing back harder against this decision.  And, as typical for Bo, when the decision was criticized by fans and the media, he got defensive and swung back, while the WJR guy who actually made the decision laid low and let Bo take the flak.  Watching from the outside at the time, I was none too pleased with Bo.  With the benefit of hindsight, I can see why he acted as he did, but definitely wish he could have prevented a horrible decision.


September 29th, 2017 at 6:27 AM ^

The only reason I don't care for night games is because I have lived in Europe for the past 13 years and that means the game starts at 1am... means I don't have my customary beers during the game. Also, some night games are not fun to watch completely sober.


September 29th, 2017 at 3:07 PM ^

I lived in Plain-Palais and Champel for a few years while working at the UN. There was a fairly sizable group of UM alum (~5-10) that would show up for the marquee games at Pickwick's. We also used to go there for Sunday Night because Pickwick's has the NFL Redzone and airs it downstairs. (Note: this happened a few years ago...not sure if they still do this!).


Enjoy Geneva! I know it's expensive, but it's a great spot, and it's so easy to get around Europe from there. I miss it a ton!


September 29th, 2017 at 12:23 PM ^

It's not that bad... I normally take a "nap" until game time. Only issue I have is cheering or screaming at the TV... The worst is a national championship game because they aren't played on the weekend and I normally go to work the next morning... Europeans don't understand days off for sporting events unless it is Champions League or World Cup soccer.


September 29th, 2017 at 6:53 AM ^

Yeah, let's just play every single game at noon and leave the primetime marquee matchups to the big boys down south and out west! We don't want all that tv exposure that playing a big game at night every once in a while brings! If recruits want to play at night on primetime once or twice a year on a national television network, we'll say "fuck you, that's my bedtime! We don't want your kind around here, go to Bama, bitch!"

Wolverine Devotee

September 29th, 2017 at 9:25 AM ^

The TV tail now wags the Football dog. How people can't see that as a bad thing is sad. We went from no night games ever, to picking our night games to now networks being able to force us to play night games. All in a matter of 8 years. It's gonna be funny when the 3:30 game before the next game goes late and Michigan won't start on ABC until that game goes over. Just like it was funny that a freaking baseball game delayed the start of the game and put it on a channel no one knew they had. Things changed for the worse as soon as Bo left the athletic department. We went from printing the times of games on tickets because they were set before the season (1pm, 1:30) to networks picking all the times in 1990. In the snap of a finger. Loved his stance on November 3:30 games. They shouldn't ever happen here. And they didn't.....until 2013. We're 3-2 and were pretty close to being 2-3 in those games. Game times should be set by the following for the following: 1) by teams themselves and 2) with the fans in attendance in mind first and foremost. No offense, but I could care less about West coasters. We are in Michigan. Harbaugh AND Don Brown said they both prefer Noon games. Even the AD does.