Tyrone Biggums

February 11th, 2016 at 2:17 PM ^

I'm not a scientist but I did stay at a Holiday Inn last night with some mean green. Like light if gravity travels at the 186,000 mps then our peception of these gravitational waves wouldn't take any time to travel through space from their origin.

When you reach the speed of light time essentially slows to nill. The wave of light or gravity is more a less a time traveller. The faster you travel through space, the slower time passes for you as compared to other relative objects in the universe.

Now that we are able to perceive these new waves we can peek back in time in a sense. And nothing travels faster than light that is perceptible except Denard!



February 11th, 2016 at 4:04 PM ^

Gravity waves travel faster than light. That is a proven fact. Tier 1 and 2 science are only just figuring this out. The insiders have already participated in time travel as well. Check out Al Bielek from the Philadelphia Experiment. Dude is not crazy, everyone thinks he is because they find the truth to hard to fathom within the confines of lower levels vice being pushed at the university level. Yea, I am privy to higher science and can tell you the secrets of the universe but for your amazement and disbelief. Everyone rejects true knowledge of the matrix at first.

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February 11th, 2016 at 12:49 PM ^

Gravitational waves do not lose much energy while traversing through spacetime since they interact very weakly with matter. Thus, to generate opposing gravitational waves, we would need to create objects equally as massive -- for the LIGO event, it would require impossible amounts of energy (65 solar masses as a base, plus we would need to get them accelerating, etc.), not to mention, we would necessarily create black holes, which might cause some other complications for us...

It would take much (much, much, etc.) less energy to create some sort of hovering system for a car than to counteract gravtitational waves.

carolina blue

February 11th, 2016 at 11:42 AM ^

It probably means a lot more long term once we figure out what we can do with this information. In the short term It basically means we will be able to directly view black holes. Right now all we can do is indirectly confirm the existence of black hold due to bending of light from a star and that kind of thing. With this we can look directly at one and view what characteristics and effects it has on the surroundings.

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February 11th, 2016 at 11:50 AM ^

The LIGO project still seems strange to me.  The scientists themselves admit that seismic activity or even a passing freight train can register in their data, and that it is a constant battle to get it right.  How they can ultimately determine this vibration is due to black holes colliding?


February 11th, 2016 at 12:11 PM ^

The same waveform was detected in Louisiana and then a few milliseconds later at a second detector in Washington state, which would indicate an extraterrestrial source.

Edit: As to how they specifically know that it was from two black holes, my (limited) understanding is that the shape of the wave detected accords with the predictions of both relativity and computer modeling for two extremely massive objects colliding. Given the required mass, the objects must necessarily be black holes. But I eagerly await corrections from any actual physicists.



February 11th, 2016 at 12:39 PM ^

I got my PhD in Physics in the same field of research as LIGO just 1 month ago.

Your question is very important. To answer it, one would have to explain the fundamentals of gravity waves. Gravity are essentially fluctuations of the fabric of space, that is, actual fluctuations of the distances between objects. These waves have a unique shape as they travel through space. That is, if you're looking at the x-y plane, say, a passing gravity wave will shrink spatial dimensions in the x-direction and expand spatial dimensions in the y-direction. This is very unique. A seismic wave, or slamming a car door in the parking lot, will not do this.

This dictates how LIGO detectors are made. They consist of two detectors orientated orthogonally to each other. You only consider a vibration event a "detection" if expansion of one arm is correlated precisely with compression in the other arm.

Moreover, from theory, we know what frequencies and amplitudes to expect for a gravitatoinal wave source. Moreover still, "detections" were observed simulatneously in Washington and Louisiana, further boosting everyone's confidence.

Lastly, I'd like everyone to appreciate the technical feat that LIGO just accomplished. LIGO measures the distance between mirrors spaced 4 km apart. In order to detect gravity waves, LIGO must be able to discern if one of those mirrors moves relative to the other by 10^(-18) m. That is 1/1000th of a proton radius. The interatomic spacing of atoms in a typical solid is 10^(-10) meters. LIGO had to be able to detect motion almost 1 billion times smaller than that. It is truly an astounding scientific achievement. 


February 11th, 2016 at 3:51 PM ^

by saying you're way smarter than me. That out of the way....


"Lastly, I'd like everyone to appreciate the technical feat that LIGO just accomplished. LIGO measures the distance between mirrors spaced 4 km apart. In order to detect gravity waves, LIGO must be able to discern if one of those mirrors moves relative to the other by 10^(-18) m."


How can you even do that on the earth? I mean... a micro micro tremor in the earths crust or the sun heating the land in between the two mirrors or the two lab techs by the mirrors playing nerf ball and bumping into the mirror..... it seems a million things could move them that much. 


February 11th, 2016 at 5:24 PM ^

It really is mind-blowing.

The key thing to keep in mind is that they 'subtract' the signals from the two orthogonal 'arms' of the detector. Seismic shaking is certainly larger than 10^(-18)m, but it will effect both arms the same, and subtracting gets rid of it. On the other hand, the relatively puny gravitational wave displacements will effect the two arms in opposite ways, thus being detectable.

As far as I understand, what ends up limiting LIGO's performance is the thermal vibrations of the last few atomic layers of the mirrors - a crazy, but common, limitation in this field.

Again, I was not on the LIGO team, just in the same field. One of the LIGO big-wigs was on my defense committee though.



February 11th, 2016 at 11:50 AM ^

My physics knowledge peaked at 17 with AP Physics, but I love reading these threads and the comments from the more intelligent set of MGoBloggers.  I learn something every time I read a thread like this.

Thanks for posting!


February 11th, 2016 at 11:57 AM ^

When you read the "breaking" story account of this, it basically sounds like they stood outside, held up a microphone and they heard, "Hi! We're gravitational waves!"



February 12th, 2016 at 8:00 AM ^

Yeah, no flying cars, just confirmation of existing ideas. But pretty huge for a few reasons. We've been searching for them a long, long time. Measuring gravity is hard because it's so weak compared to the other forces (like 10^30 times weaker). So a great experimental and technical accomplishment. And it means people don't have to waste time trying to explain why there _aren't_ gravity waves. 

EDIT: I should also have added that it is a huge milestone along the way to opening up a new subfield in astronomy, that is, gravitational wave astronomy. We should eventually be able to make new measurements (and old measurements in new ways) using gravity waves instead of electromagnetic waves (light, infrared, x-ray, etc.). In fact, some new astrophysics has already been done with this LIGO result as, to my understanding, it implies a relatively high population of black holes in the range of 10's of stellar masses (because it's sensitive to the types of high-frequency gravity waves these things emit in death spirals, and it wasn't on for long, so they seem likely - again, that's my takeaway, but I'm far from a pro physicist, so take it FWIW).


February 11th, 2016 at 12:24 PM ^

My son is looking at Caltech, who with MIT, are leaders in the LIGO efforts. They also recently "killed" Pluto and predicted a new, unseen ninth planet based on gravitational pull of nearby orbits. Just wow. Here's a LIGO video that is for laypeople like me:



February 11th, 2016 at 12:47 PM ^

Relativity theory shows that the stronger gravity is, the slower time goes. Time is an important variable that GPS satellites use to triangulate your location. And if you're orbiting 10,000 miles above the Earth's surface the weaker gravity at that distance can throw things off by 500 trillionths of a second each second. That doesn't sound like much but would result in inaccuracies of several miles making GPS pretty useless.


February 11th, 2016 at 1:03 PM ^

If this is indeed true - an awesome discovery.

The only thing that bothers me when I read the article is this section.  Bold emphisis mine:

"On Sept. 14, the system had barely finished being calibrated and was in what is called an engineering run at 4 a.m. when a loud signal came through at the Livingston site. “Data was streaming, and then ‘bam,’ ” recalled David Reitze, a Caltech professor who is the director of the LIGO Laboratory, the group that built and runs the detectors.

Seven milliseconds later, the signal hit the Hanford site. LIGO scientists later determined that the likelihood of such signals landing simultaneously by pure chance was vanishingly small."


So, the system had just barely finished being calibrated and something got detected?  That's either incredibly conincidental or perhaps once the system was calibrated some part of the system (mirror, support, anything) settled and "snapped" into place.  If the two seperate sites were setup the exact same way, it's plausible the settling of the experiment occurred at the exact same time in those two places.

I have to think the experimenters already ruled this out, but really, RIGHT when you finished calibrating the thing you detect something and it's gold?  And nothing that big since?

EDIT - I'm assuming the calibration being talked about in this article was the first one ever and this experiment was "brought online" for the first time on Sept 14.  If this was just the first calibration of that particular day, then my doubts fade away.  It doesn't seem clear to me from the article if this was the experiement's first run ever or just first run of the day.  I got the impression it was the first run ever, hence the skepticism.


February 11th, 2016 at 2:20 PM ^

The time delay from detection to publication (and thus acceptance as a "proven" finding) is about five-six months, as you can see from the September detection and today's release. Ars Technica's science reporter said this from the press conference:

From reading body language I am guessing they have seen more signals, but are not ready to talk about them yet because they haven't published on them.

So the short answer is, these events are not actually extremely uncommon. It may have been in some sense lucky that they got a result so quickly, but it's not highly unlikely for them to have done so, or at least not to a degree that it puts the results in doubt.