Blue in Paradise

June 4th, 2020 at 6:09 PM ^

This topic went off the rails quickly here but the first commenter nails it...

Every rookie QB should be forced to watch Ryan Leaf's rookie training camp and pre-season.  He was such an incredible big asshole and douchebag that the OL and D schemed up ways for blitzers to get free shots at him.

It will be worse for Jake Fromm.  Just think that this is the ass hat that George chose over Justin Fields.


June 4th, 2020 at 9:41 PM ^

Yeah, that one pretty much broke me and made me not renew my membership.  Long standing theory of the NRA is that any gun reform is a slippery slope.  While possible, it's hard to endure the mass shootings any long without at least some common sense reform.  Bend not break would be my prescription for guns but the NRA won't be having any of that anytime soon.


June 5th, 2020 at 12:52 PM ^

That's not even Apples & Oranges there, child!

So far as I know none of the children at Sandy Hook were legally carrying firearms, so the NRA had only a vested interest in protecting the rights of the shooter to acquire weapons. And advocating for more armed teachers and security in schools.

They theoretically had an interest in vigorously representing the victim Castile, but were silent.


June 4th, 2020 at 4:56 PM ^

Have you lost your mind?  Cancel the 2nd Amendment and we’ll get EXACTLY what Fromm wants.  State agents with guns — and of course, the state is controlled by white elites.

These kind of ideologically inverted fools are gonna get us black people slaughtered like Europeans in the last century.  But that’s ok, cuz they can always virtue signal with black squares on social and throw another BLM protest.  

This is WHY the 2nd Amendment protects ALL Americans.  Get real.   


June 4th, 2020 at 5:51 PM ^

State agents already have guns, and they wanted to use them this week on citizens pretty much only because citizens also have guns.

But the state is still "controlled" by the constitution, even if we're hanging dangerously on the edge (and even slipped this week in Lafayette Park). 

That adherence to the constitution is why so much of the state did not want to allow some of those elite whites to use more guns on citizens.

Speaking of the Constitution did anyone here suggest we cancel the 2A?  I didn't see that.  I saw a suggestion that it's applied unevenly.

Michael Burnham

June 5th, 2020 at 12:18 AM ^

Exactly!  They all should be protecting those protesters who are marching against the extrajudicial murder of a man by the agents of the state.  Instead they only get riled up by someone telling them to put a cloth or piece of paper over their nose and mouth or that they can't go to the beach.

Maize and Luke

June 4th, 2020 at 4:37 PM ^

I never said the things I say are racist or illegal and you won’t find evidence to the contrary on my phone BY/FROM me. I can’t say that’s true for the individuals sending messages to my phone. Nor would I ever out them for it because it’s private conversation.


June 4th, 2020 at 4:09 PM ^

1) He chose a public career and all his conversations are public  

2) Racist and sexist jokes, even in private, have negative consequences.  If you (not Maize and Luke specifically) don’t understand why, that’s a problem.  

3) We are all responsible for those consequences. So don’t make the joke, and more importantly, speak up and condemn it (edit: Best done in the moment privately within the group) when someone else makes the joke. That’s the opportunity to do something.  Doing nothing is not acceptable.


June 4th, 2020 at 11:42 PM ^

The lack of character represented with these downvotes against speaking up against racist jokes is disappointing.  

As far as Tunneler and similar comments

1) clearly you have no idea what it’s like to be a public figure.  Like it or not, their private comments being public is just a “fact” of life.  

2) The idea that you and others want to use the professional comedian excuse is ridiculous. You clearly aren’t one and it’s no excuse for a failure of leadership. No doubt Harbaugh would speak up and Dabo wouldn’t.  

3) Speaking up when someone makes a private racist joke might be the first time that person, as someone else below suggested, has the opportunity to learn. I guarantee you, you and your buddy aren’t telling those jokes in a mixed group and for that reason alone you know it’s wrong. But the bigger issue is that by not speaking up you are telling everyone in that group that its ok.  And some will even take that racist or sexist joke literally. You, by your silence, are proliferating the problem. And that silence is exactly what is being called out now across the nation.  Your ability to understand this is only limited by your ability to read, and ask, to understand the perspectives of others and step in their shoes.  

A wise man once said:

“The lesson I want you to learn is: It doesn’t matter what you look like. You can be tall or short or fat or thin, or ugly or handsome, like your father, or you can be black or yellow or white. It doesn’t matter. But what does matter is the size of your heart and the strength of your character.”

Herman Munster


June 4th, 2020 at 4:36 PM ^

1.) To some extent yes. But this isn't a political official or someone with true power. I think athletes are entitled to keep some conversation private. 

2). People need to watch what they say, and think on how something might be seen by others. Hypothetically speaking, say this was an out of context joke gone horribly wrong. While it may have made sense in Fromm's head to say it, that doesn't mean people are going to view it that way. 

3). We should be responsible and held accountable for things we say. However our society has a problem in which we are too quick to condemn. Just because you say something bad doesn't mean you can't grow and learn from it, and realize that you are wrong. I also don't think the first course of action for saying something wrong is having your life ruined.