OT - How/When Did You Know Your Spouse was 'The One'?

Submitted by xtramelanin on


Lets try a more positive thread, hopefully something interesting too.  I note that the MgoSpouses take some fairly regular heat on the blog.   But at some point in the past you made the decision that he/she was 'The One', the wife or husband that you decided to plan the rest of your life with.  So do tell, what character traits, common interests, anecdotal stories, adventures (G rated), moments in time, whatever it was that caused you to pop the question or say 'yes' to the question? 

This could be answered by those with significant others and the engaged Mgobloggers too, if they care to share.

Hope you are enjoying your Saturday.  I will note it is snowing here.  




May 14th, 2016 at 9:20 PM ^

This is not meant to be funny because it's true.  When I cheated on her, and she stuck with me through years of counseling and healing... never imagined taking a relationship to such a high level.

PS: I do NOT recommend this route.

rob f

May 14th, 2016 at 9:47 PM ^

did the work and are better for it.

I'm envious of you, too, though---I did the work/counseling for a lengthy amount of time to understand and heal while my ex went thru the motions of going to counseling only briefly when she cheated 7 years and 2 kids into our marriage.  Proclaimed herself "healed" and quit going.  In reality, though, she couldn't escape her dysfunctional upbringing during which both parents cheated on each other repeatedly and eventually had multiple marriages each .

A dozen or so years later she repeated that same pattern and so ended the marriage.  Yes, damaged relationships can heal, but only if both put in the work, as you and your wife have proven.  You now have what I strived for.  Cherish it and continue to focus on keeping it strong while counting your blessings .

Perkis-Size Me

May 14th, 2016 at 9:20 PM ^

When I brought her home to the parents. I knew I loved her and that she was the one, but when my parents told me they loved her, that was the icing on the cake.

Got down on one knee this past December and I haven't looked back since.

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May 14th, 2016 at 9:24 PM ^

Long story for me and the Missus. Short version is that we met about 12 years ago, both were dating other people and then lost touch for a number of years. When I ran into her again in 2010, I had no choice but to not let the opportunity pass by. I asked her out and she confided that she was glad I suggested a baseball game instead of something stuffy. I knew right then. 6 years together and almost 3 years married. I'm thankful every single damn day.

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May 14th, 2016 at 9:29 PM ^

When I realized how successful and wealthy she was going to be. In all seriousness, we were dating for a good 6 months when I realized she was my best friend. It was pretty much that simple. I don't remember one specific moment, really. (I was only half joking about the money part)


May 14th, 2016 at 9:28 PM ^

Oh, I try not to give my wife too much flack around here - she sort of gets the whole modding thing and has even sat in for me on liveblogs during games while I watched the game, sometimes when I was at the game. She's a good sport about that stuff and I pay her in my so-called near-gourmet meals.

When did I know she was it? I think when it dawned on me that she accepted me for all that I am and am not (I am admittedly a very odd person with a lot of baggage) and was there for me in some difficult moments personally early on in the relationship (hard to believe that's nearly 15 years ago now). I'd have to ask her for her answer on me, and naturally, she's at work at the moment. 


May 14th, 2016 at 9:31 PM ^

I knew when I watched him eat four large pieces of sheet cake at a party, each in one bite, that he was someone who deserved serious consideration. Also, he continued to help my grandmother walk from the car into a restaurant even though she refused to remember his name. 


May 14th, 2016 at 9:31 PM ^

About six months into dating, we spent our first weekend together. We were driving to breakfast on Sunday and I looked over at him and thought, I could see myself doing this for the rest of my life. We were still in college so it was a few years before we got married, but this year is our ten year anniversary and we are very happily married! He does think I spend too much time on mgoblog and recruiting, haha

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The Bos of Me

May 14th, 2016 at 9:32 PM ^

Love at first sight. No kidding, the minute I set eyes on her I thought, "well, all that looking is done". Never thought it was possible/real until it happened to me. She was not immediately convinced, but I've got skills and closed the deal.

Late Bluemer

May 14th, 2016 at 9:33 PM ^

She is very easy going. Last gf before her was total drama. Best event in my life was meeting her. Btw, she was a total 100% mich fan from day one and converted me from nd.


May 14th, 2016 at 9:38 PM ^

From the start. Never any doubt. Going on 23 years and can't fathom not having what we do. 

Fortunate and try never let a day go by without conveying that.

Love what we have.


May 14th, 2016 at 9:50 PM ^

it was the fall of 1997. Junior year of high school. She moved to Ypsi from Ohio, and went to band camp so she knew some of my friends. I saw her first day of school and asked my friend about her ( they were in band.) Second day of school I got the nerve to talk to her at lunch. I told a joke and she shot cherry Pepsi out her nose from laughing. First date, we went bowling and the ball slipped on her back swing and hit me in the wedding vegetables. Other than a few short squabbles, we've been together ever since.


May 14th, 2016 at 9:52 PM ^

Anyone else like me... have ever been married?  I have never felt like any woman was the one. 

Monocle Smile

May 14th, 2016 at 10:34 PM ^

Although I find the concept of "the one" to be hokey and harmful, there was one girl I should have stayed with. Instead, I moved a thousand miles away because I thought my career was more important. Still regret it.

P.S. Tons of you lot are old.

a different Jason

May 14th, 2016 at 9:59 PM ^

The first second I saw her. Total love at first sight. It was several years before we had a serious relationship. We both had other relationships during that time, which seems odd now. She has asked me if I would ever cheat on her. I said no, one woman has been enough. She took it about as well as you'd expect.


May 14th, 2016 at 9:58 PM ^

I had my guard up for awhile, wondering where the red flags were. It took a little bit until I came to realize that she was the kindest, genuine soul I had ever encountered.


May 14th, 2016 at 9:58 PM ^

After a few dates, I got mad about some stupid stuff. She was cool as a cucumber. I realized me being a jerk need someone who will put up with my crap. More than 10 years later, I was not wrong about she being the one. But, I realize now that she also knows how to dish it back. I need a kick in my a** once in a while. So, not very magical, but it was more practical for who I am. Life is not like movies.

Cranky Dave

May 14th, 2016 at 9:59 PM ^

both of us. I knew after 2 days when we opened up about things that neither of us had done with exes. Anybody who loves me knowing all of my warts is the one.


May 14th, 2016 at 10:03 PM ^

I was destined to be slaughtered and she saved my bacon. Now she feeds me slop and I lie around in filth all day. It's a good life.


May 14th, 2016 at 10:20 PM ^

Easy. She stuck by my side when no one else would.

Got married when I was 19 and she was 17. Been together for 18 years and counting and it just gets better as we get older. Looking forward to when all the kids are out of the house (3 more years).

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May 14th, 2016 at 10:33 PM ^

When I met mine, I knew she was way out of my league hot - but she stuck around anyway.  We were living together for a while, and I realized she needed health insurance.  Funny thing, if she were my live-in domestic partner I could have listed 'him' as a dependant.  But, being female, I had to marry her.  Yes, that is exactly why we got married.

Fast forward nearly 10 years, through some righteous crap-ass fights, and I finally realized it when I had to attend my dad's funeral by myself last June.  Couldn't afford to board the dogs on short notice, so she and the kid stayed home.  I was never so lonely as that week, despite being surrounded by family.  That's when I knew...  Unreal that it took me almost 11 years together before I figured it out.


May 14th, 2016 at 10:35 PM ^

several woman I have dated I thought were compatible, but they all ended up being difficult, fickle people. Thought I would be married with kids by now. Now that I'm older the game has changed (lots of divorced women with kids out there, having to be more careful now that I have more financial assets as opposed to being flat broke right out of college)