Welcome to the Hotel California

Submitted by The Mad Hatter on March 19th, 2020 at 10:01 PM

You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave (your house).

Governor Newsom just announced that the entire state is under a mandatory shelter in place order. Apparently that report showing that 58% of the state would be infected within 8 weeks made an impression.

Any news from our MGoCalifornian's? Do you have enough toilet paper?

Have to figure more states will be soon to follow.


March 19th, 2020 at 10:43 PM ^

DB, we've got food/water.  you're relatively near us and you are covered.  you know how to get hold of me.  have confidence. 

here is an article on the governor's order, not quite as dire as hatter says, but more of a 'social contract' idea.  link here: https://www.cnbc.com/2020/03/19/california-governor-issues-statewide-order-to-stay-at-home-effective-thursday-evening.html

this is bad flu, but its not the black death.  we will be fine.  will all take a financial hit, but it will be okay.  now suck it up, be wise and resolute, and put one foot in front of the other.



March 20th, 2020 at 12:09 PM ^

y'all be sleeping in the barn with the livestock, or camped out back in the pasture.  i'd be curious to see what one of our steers would do to a tent.  i personally wouldn't chance it, but i also wouldn't miss the thrill of watching someone else give it a try. 


March 19th, 2020 at 11:45 PM ^

DB-- supply lines are not breaking down. There is no war. There are no zombies. There is no chaos in the streets. There is literally no shortage of anything except PPE and, if things really go bad in the next couple weeks, ventilators. Italy has no shortage of anything but those things and doctors (a problem we don't have with the exception of rural areas least likely to be affected).

You'll get your medicines. Your biggest vulnerability right now is the damage the stress is having on your immune system. 


March 20th, 2020 at 7:01 AM ^

Define "trusted news source", please...

We all know that pretty much all news organizations have some political bent.  I prefer to stay in the center, but will stray center-left or center-right for interest pieces.  For me,  Politco is a strong source of news.  Though I do read some from The Atlantic and Vox (they have left-leaning biases, but strongly stick to fact based reporting).

If either CNN or Fox News are your main inputs, you are being deceived in favor of strong political bias.


March 20th, 2020 at 9:31 AM ^

trusted news source


most 'sources' are ridiculous chicken little bullshit. It's a virus. WASH HANDS FREQUENTLY with soap and water. Avoid contact with large groups, social distancing is key. If you or someone you know is sick, avoid contact.  Too many idiots here making it into the bubonic plague.



March 19th, 2020 at 10:33 PM ^

Well, he better deploy the guard because after a week of the entire state being shut down, the insular, the selfish -- you know, the kind of people who hoard TP, are going to get antsy.

Especially as their refrigerators empty and their garbage piles up.

Not to mention the strain that is going to put on Cali's shitty infrastructure… welcome back to rolling blackout season.

Do I have a problem with the order or protections in the name of COVID19?  No.  I'm commenting about how shitty people have been through this.   


March 19th, 2020 at 10:49 PM ^

You can leave your house to get food during a shelter in place.

Also I'm not sure what you mean by rolling blackouts, the energy use when everyone stays home is significantly less than when people go to school and work.  This is why all day Sunday is considered light load in energy marketing.

snarling wolverine

March 19th, 2020 at 10:51 PM ^

Actually the European countries that have adopted this (Italy, France and Spain) have seen their electricity use decrease.  It turns out that businesses were using more electricity than households.

You're not literally locked into your home.  You can shop for food and get some exercise outside, just keeping a safe distance from other people.


March 20th, 2020 at 2:22 PM ^

You are 100% correct about reduced energy loads on weekends. I gave support to the load models as well as watched actual load profiles. Weekend loads are indeed lower due to reduced commercial demand.

Residential energy (electricity, nat-gas) demand is lower than commercial.

My source is DTE Energy.


March 20th, 2020 at 2:05 PM ^

“Cali’s shitty infrastructure”...really? Compared to Michigan’s (or wherever you live)? Californian here. Having done a 9000 mile road trip all over America last summer (in my Tesla Model 3), I can assure you that our infrastructure compares favorably to most other states. Why? Because despite having 20 million vehicles consuming our roads, our state has been running a big budget surplus since 2012, so we have been in a position to pour taxpayer dollars into fixing and expanding our roads, highways, bridges, and even dams (like Oroville). 


March 19th, 2020 at 10:33 PM ^

We keep 50 rolls of TP on hand anyway. Nothing new here. California is usually a preview of coming attractions for the rest of the country anyway. 

Perkis-Size Me

March 19th, 2020 at 10:34 PM ^

Is it actually going to be enforced? If so, how? That’s my question. Are you getting fined or imprisoned if you’re caught being outside without a valid reason? If not, then are you just trusting people to adhere to the honor system? And if you are enforcing it, is this via local beat cops who deal with enough day to day shit as it is? Or are you pulling in the National Guard.

Don’t get me wrong. At this point I think it’s a necessary measure, but I’m curious as to how it will be enforced and what the punishment is for violating it. If you’re just asking people to go by the honor system, then I have my doubts about how well this work. Too many ignorant, arrogant “Fuck you this is America I have freedom and can go where I want when I want” types out there who still think this isn’t a big deal.

Perkis-Size Me

March 19th, 2020 at 10:52 PM ^

One of the articles I read said people can still go out for essentials (like groceries, gas, work if they have no choice but to go in for work), take walks, doctor’s appointments and the like. So I know there is some wiggle room here. I’m just really curious how they’re going to be able to siphon out who has a valid reason for being out and who doesn’t. Are you literally going to pull everyone over to confirm?

I also just have a hard time envisioning your local police force, who’s jobs are already busy enough, will be able to properly handle enforcing this on their own. This really does seem like something where if you want to do it right, you have to have the National Guard present to back them up.

It really does terrify me to type that out. Just how close we could be to martial law.


March 20th, 2020 at 9:34 AM ^

I’m in suburban Bay Area CA and most people who can are staying home. People are walking their dogs (my dog is delighted by this turn of events), going to the grocery store, and picking up take out. Basically being rational, which is quite the change in behavior for CA. I haven’t seen a single police officer this week. 

I predict a lot of Netflix and chill.


March 20th, 2020 at 2:16 PM ^

See username.

We're fine. It's super quiet here in general, but people are out and about, taking walks or bike rides (which are absolutely allowed under the restrictions). NO traffic. 

It's spring here, so weather is beautiful, and everything is in bloom - the city smells like jasmine and magnolia. 

I know the media has painted a picture of SF being a hellscape of homeless encampments, needles and shit - that's a sad reality in a few areas, but most of this city is incredibly beautiful.

The vast majority of people are keeping a safe social distance, so interaction is limited - but my experiences have been extraordinarily kind. Most folks are doing their best to be helpful and positive during trying times.

Everyone is calm, police are present but chill. 

It's frustrating to see groups of people playing basketball or soccer.

Sitting at home alone sucks, so it's essential to get out once in awhile for mental health.

No traffic, most people hunkering down as recommended. It's B-o-r-i-n-g. 

Stay safe and positive everyone.


blue in dc

March 19th, 2020 at 11:58 PM ^

Workers performing essential services including utilities, farmers health care emergency can go to work.  You can go out to buy essentials including food (including takeout) and hardware, you can walk your dog and ride a bike.

many nonessential stores will be shut down, but honestly, given the level of social distancing many I know in the DC area are doing, it doesn’t seem that different.


March 20th, 2020 at 12:42 AM ^

Business's breaking the order will be fined.  Individuals, not so much.  But there were some stupid cases of people getting parking tickets at regional parks in the confusion before they were declared essential.  It's not that you can't be outside, you're just advised to practice social distancing.  I took my dog to the park the other day and plenty of people were there.  The only difference was waiting at the single file bridge to keep distance from others. 


March 19th, 2020 at 10:40 PM ^

Can we see this model that produced the 58% number?  Will that be released?  Where did this come from?

And who defines "essential services?"

This is frightening - damn frightening - and it's not the virus which is frightening me any more.  


March 19th, 2020 at 11:23 PM ^

Absolutely.  We have absolutely lost our minds.

Nobody sees the world in shades of gray anymore.  We can't MODERATE our "social interactions," which is effective in its own right in terms of reducing the "reproduction number."

No, we must mandate ELIMINATION of them!  In the hopeless cause that we're going to reduce that "reproduction number" to zero.

This is going to end in riots.