Submitted by NYC Fan3 on May 18th, 2021 at 12:00 AM


  • Ryan Graves, former Navy pilot Lieutenant, on how often the U.S. Military encounters UAPs on the East Coast: “Every day. Every day for at least a couple years.”
  • Graves on what he thinks the objects are: “I would say, you know, the highest probability is it’s a threat observation program.”

What do you all think?

Personally, I find these stories amazing and can’t imagine where their technology is at to be able to accomplish those speeds.  It’s an awfully big universe and I thinks it’s naive to think we’re alone.

Blue Vet

May 18th, 2021 at 7:31 AM ^


- if you flip "UFO" to "OFU," because of the little known-transitive alphabetic property,

- then go down one letter in the alphabet from the "O," because of gravity, that yields an "N,"

- keep the "F" the same because the middle is a pivot, just as the male middle leg is a pivot,

- then go down one letter in the alphabet from the "U," to be consistent, which gets a "T,"

and all those logic-based procedures together turns UFO" into "NFT"!

Coincidence? I don't think so.

A Lot of Milk

May 18th, 2021 at 12:13 AM ^

Uhhh I'm pretty certain they mean UFO's in the literal sense of an Unidentified Flying Object, like an unaccounted for plane or drone. They are not talking about flying saucers and aliens

NYC Fan3

May 18th, 2021 at 12:17 AM ^

Did you read the article?  If not aliens, who has the technology to create crafts with the below specs?

 “Imagine a technology that can do 600-to-700 g-forces, that can fly at 13,000 miles an hour, that can evade radar and that can fly through air and water and possibly space. And oh, by the way, has no obvious signs of propulsion, no wings, no control surfaces and yet still can defy the natural effects of Earth’s gravity. That’s precisely what we’re seeing.”



May 18th, 2021 at 12:33 AM ^

Exactly. Cuomo was basically saying earlier that he’s not a believer because he’s all about being fact based. But then it’s like well don’t all of the facts suggest that nobody on this planet could possibly have the technology that these things are displaying. Like do we really think that China is that far advanced? So if it’s not human beings creating these, then where are they coming from?


May 18th, 2021 at 11:37 AM ^

So I watched the guy say that in the 60 Minutes interview (and it's worth noting he is NOT one of the eyewitnesses), and they're showing the footage of the smallish device skimming the surface of the water. But the interviews with the pilots who saw it specifically said the first thing that jumped out to them was the wake it was creating in the water (i.e. the spray from the propulsion). And the other footage had wings or something like it. So that quote was super dramatic, but it didn't line up with the examples the Pentagon released.

Don't get me started on the "defying" physics part (ok, I already did below). That phrase is so cringe and makes him sound like a hack. No one has the option to "defy" physics, and if they do, the physics is wrong and we have a bigger problem than someone on Xenu has to send objects here to observe us by flying around the most unpopulated areas on the planet when all they really need is internet access.


May 18th, 2021 at 12:49 PM ^

The U.S. Navy has patents for crafts that would be capable of operating like that, based on breakthrough discoveries in quantum physics. Look up Salvatore Pais, the Navy scientist who has patents for crafts like the ones being witnessed. The first time Dr. Pais and the Navy applied for the patents with the US Patent office in 2014 they were denied on the grounds that it was not feasible technology. The Navy wrote back claiming it was in an operable state, and the patents were then granted in 2016. You can read them online and see diagrams of the crafts. The technology needed for these crafts to exist are first of all  room temperature superconductors, which the public knows are very close (as soon as 5-10 years from now) to being a real thing. Dr. Pais/the US Navy has a patent for this. Next is the ability to create an electromagnetic force field around the exterior of the craft. The military has for sure researched this since the late 40s/early 50s, and in the last 20-30 years non-military scientists have made many breakthroughs in this area. If you live for another 30 years you might finally get your Back To The Future hoverboard! Keep in mind that it is often said that top secret American military technology is 10-20 years ahead of what the public has access to. It isnt out of the question that these UFOs are part of a military black project. Or it could be Russian or Chinese, more likely the latter.


May 18th, 2021 at 12:28 AM ^

the Daily Wire?  There are a number of...shall I say more established organizations that have in depth reporting on this. 

It is fascinating, also interesting that despite how fascinating it was, in the midst of everything that happened last year, this was barely a blip. 

Wolverine fan …

May 18th, 2021 at 3:40 PM ^

This sentiment is a huge part of the problem: "everything is enormously biased?" No, it's really not.

You should take a closer look at their reporting and separate the opinion section from the news section. If my statement that the NYT is impartial elicits an immediate dismissal from you, I'd say your perception of bias is way off base. After all, the NYT is one of the United State's four newspapers of record, if you didn't know. One of the many things that separates the Times from a hack like Ben Shapiro and his publication is that when they make a mistake, they issue a correction/retraction. I'd keep going, but I don't think you're interested in a good faith argument here. 

Wolverine fan …

May 18th, 2021 at 10:59 AM ^

Can't tell if trolling... so here's the link to Newsguard's review of the Daily Wire:


"This website severely violates basic standards of credibility and transparency"

In short, no, they aren't "certified" and you should look for alternate source(s) when reading the news.


May 19th, 2021 at 10:38 AM ^

or it was a ruse in the 1950s to appear vulnerable?  Maybe as a way to make contact by crashing and proving they were extraterrials.  The Brooking’s report told the govmt all they needed to know about how societies would react.  look at how people acted in 2020 when told to wear a mask!  


May 18th, 2021 at 12:50 AM ^

It’s intriguing. But it’s essential to repeat that “unidentified” is not equivalent to “extraterrestrial” and the burden of proof to equate them here is immense — and far from met with the evidence currently available.

As logic goes, one of the healthiest practices is to be at peace with our general paucity of absolute knowledge about … anything. Hold all the maybes in your mind that you want.

“Maybe” is wisest word in our language, whereas “I’m certain” is routinely the dead end of fool’s. And, as always, the slow, metered acquisition of knowledge is a feature, not a bug, of the scientific method.


May 18th, 2021 at 10:07 AM ^

That first video is the contemporary equivalent of attributing all UFO sightings to swamp gas or Venus or meteors or lenticular clouds.

It's disingenuous and dishonest in its presentation of the particular video in question because he continues to mix in obviously fake CGI videos that have nothing to do with the military video he's supposedly debunking.

The debunker says that the FLIR videos were taken by people who don't know how to use a camera because the result looks like a "dirty spot," a comment that reveals the debunker's complete ignorance about the particular cameras being used to make those videos. IOW, he has no fucking idea what he's talking about.

If you want an informed exposition of the Tic Tac incident, then watch this very long interview with David Fravor, who was the FA-18 Hornet pilot who was directly involved as an observer:

Or you can read this article interview with the guy who was directly involved in recording the original videos:


There's nothing wrong with being skeptical about UFOs, but in this particular case the idiots making these debunking youtubes are plainly ignorant about the specifics of the event, the technologies involved, and the training, abilities, and intelligence of the pilots and personnel involved. It would be more sensible if the debunkers simply asserted that this was all an intentional scam perpetrated by the DOD.


May 18th, 2021 at 1:10 AM ^

Doesn't really make sense to me.  If these UFOs are so technically advanced that they can fly like people are saying, then why are they even bothering to be visible?  Clearly if some other civilization had tech that could fly like this, they would also have some sort of observational tech that would allow them to gather info on us without us seeing them.  Or they would be able to move these UFOs so fast that they would always be out of range of our jets.  

I don't doubt these pilots are seeing something, and whatever it is is acting really strangely.  But I'm not really to chalk it up to aliens just yet.  

Teddy Bonkers

May 18th, 2021 at 10:12 AM ^

If these sightings are crafts not of this world, perhaps they are purposely slowly revealing themselves. If a species had the kind of technology exhibited seems likely they could also receive and process all transmission and have supercomputers that analyze every aspect of the world wide web, even this thread is probably being included in their analysis. With all this information available would they really need to fly around to gather additional information? 


May 18th, 2021 at 10:38 AM ^

"Why do you think they would care if they were seen by us or not?"

Because anytime we have a report of someone spotting them, they always try to get closer and then the object takes off at some impossible speed so it can't be followed.

It makes no sense.  They clearly don't want us to make contact, and they clearly have the technology to completely avoid detection, yet they let us "see" them just to flex their tech and vanish?

I'm not buying it.  I mean, maybe these aliens are just galactic internet trolls or something, but the behavior doesn't really make sense.