Just when you thought it couldn't get weirder........ Is that Stalions on the CMU sidelines?

Submitted by Ezekiels Creatures on October 31st, 2023 at 2:56 AM


Central played at State on the Friday night before Michigan's opener with East Carolina. Is this Connor Stalions on the Central sidelines, credentialed, and wearing Central gear?



He's at the game studying signs for future reference?

Is this our beloved Connor with a wig? Video:





Maybe it's not him. But the debate is raging. Is it him?



Sooooo, if it is him, how is it he's wearing Central gear on the Central sidelines? How does that happen? Seems odd.

But hey, maybe it's not him.


I think I speak for a lot of people right now:



O S Who

October 31st, 2023 at 9:18 AM ^

someone on twitter posted a picture of stallions the next day at the ECU game from an MLIVE article. i mean he would have had to really change things up overnight (which is possible) for these both to be him. Also to me, the ear shape of these two people is just not anywhere near the same but that could just be the sunglasses causing that

According to mlive, this is connor stalions the day after at the east carolina game. pic.twitter.com/ZbetZdNx10

— Tom Weiss (@weisstho1800) October 31, 2023


October 31st, 2023 at 9:54 AM ^

The ear shape does it for me, too.  And it just seems so freaking unlikely that someone would put on a wig to wear under a hat in order to roam CMU's sideline.  Unless you're a real pro, that would look really stupid and probably draw a lot more attention than just putting the hat and shades on like a normal person trying to fly under the radar.  The only other explanation - if that's really Stalions, which I doubt - is that CMU/McElwain were in the know and happy to let him hang out with them to get an eyeful of MSU's in-game routine.  If everyone knew this was an NCAA no-no, it stretches credulity that a handful of CMU folks would be okay with that for UM's benefit.


October 31st, 2023 at 11:37 AM ^

Honestly, that looks like the same guy with a fresh buzz, something that would take 5 minutes.

This was the first weekend of the season, maybe he grew it out a bit for the summer and shaved it off the morning of the ECU game. Not exactly the craziest part of the story if true.



October 31st, 2023 at 4:05 AM ^

So to be clear: morons on the internet think that a complete stranger just put on a CMU hat and sunglasses and stood amongst CMU’s coaches on the sideline all game and no one on CMU’s team or coaching staff bothered to ask him questions such as “Who are you?” or “Why don’t I know you?” As Brian wrote in Signgate The Fifth, we’ve entered the stage where people can say absolutely anything and it will gain traction. This is hilarious.

Edit: Wow, it apparently actually is him. My bad, I stand corrected. I was going off the “debunked” facial recognition tweet that indicated it’s a CMU GA. I guess we’ve reached the stage where the truth is even stranger than what morons on the internet can make up.


October 31st, 2023 at 6:19 AM ^

This happens more than you think. When Tenn Tech(my dad played for Tech) played MSU we went to game. We walked right on MSU court as game ended. No one said shit to us.

My brothers did the same at Memphis Vs Tennessee. Got picks with Penny and even have all his call sheets. 

Hell when we tailgated in parking lot nearest Schemmy Hall my brother and his buddy walked in with the team like they were part of it. Thompson was on his visit and hung out with them like they were recruits 

If you act like you belong it is always possible 


October 31st, 2023 at 6:40 AM ^

I’m curious what’s the big deal. He has nothing on him. He isn’t recording a thing. What’s the difference between Urban being on B1G sidelines while having an office at OSU?  

Biggest thing that will save Michigan is they didn’t fund any of this. 


October 31st, 2023 at 7:11 AM ^

Sure this doesn't seem to further incriminate Michigan as it appears he's not recording and went rogue.  But, the fact that he went full Halloween costumed (with sunglasses LOL) as a CMU football staff and snuck into the restricted area (as a UM Football analyst) is really some suspicious shit that has malicious intent written all over it.  Further and more importantly, this proves that Stalions is a fucking delusional dumbass and there's is no way in hell anyone else on M staff could have possibly known, reach to this level of idiocy and aided in this nonsense,

UgLi Eric

October 31st, 2023 at 9:02 AM ^

I'll bet some buddy of his let him in. It'd be interesting to see his credentials. Then again I wish this all would just be done with. We have actual football coming up and as long as we don't start winning close or losing, the idea of this scheme having much weight will be over and done with. I'd just like to see our team again, on the field, rather than this vitriol, which is vile and venomous. 


October 31st, 2023 at 9:06 AM ^

Only saying so from the stance that Connor knew he shouldn’t be there as evidenced by the disguise.  With the new rule this flows up to harbaugh. Since the ncaa has a hard on for him it will give them ammunition they otherwise would not have.  It’s the same minor infraction of Baylor but that didn’t flow up to head coach.  Those are facts. 


October 31st, 2023 at 9:17 AM ^

Normally maybe not. But the new rule makes it clear he’s responsible for everything even if that’s clearly impossible. And it’s the ncaa against Jim harbaugh.  Not saying it means massive penalties like our foes would like and are spouting.  However, it now gives them something to actually penalize within the by- laws.  


October 31st, 2023 at 11:12 AM ^

It doesn't. If UM did everything the employer is expected to do as specified in the bylaws, then NCAA's options are limited. Bylaws says that the school has to show that it tried to educate its employees. We do not know how much education has occurred. More info needed before Harbaugh can be held responsible 


October 31st, 2023 at 10:01 AM ^

As fans, we don’t believe any of this is that bad, but the reality is that the grey area defense is gone since he was personally on the sideline as a member of the athletic staff instead of paying non athletic staff members to attend the games for him. Stop being an ostrich


October 31st, 2023 at 11:37 AM ^

IF it is true, I disagree and feel that this is actually fricking awesome.  It is a slam dunk proof that this young man was as rogue as one can be in regard to his actions.  There is ZERO chance that the staff was aware of this and it demonstrates the extremes that this individual was willing to go to further HIS career.


Granted the NCAA is unreliable in its reactions…...but the “coach is responsible for all” rule I s designed to thwart plausible-deniability situations.  In a business sense — this case is more of a “my employee turned out to be Jason Bateman” (? from American Psycho) than “the company committed systematic fraud but I was never copied on the memos”.  You cannot hold the CEO responsible for the former but need to put him/her in prison for the latter.


October 31st, 2023 at 9:54 AM ^

The difference is that this is expressly prohibited by an NCAA rule.  Despite the noise about all of the prior issues, none of that was expressly prohibited (although certain of the prior issues *arguably* were prohibited, if unclearly).  At this point, assuming this is him, a staff member clearly and intentionally violated the rules, and that’s bad.  The question remains as to how much should be imputed to Harbaugh or the team.

I can’t express how pissed off I am that this kid’s stupidity is, at the very least, going to dampen the mood around Michigan’s best team in my lifetime, a possible national championship, and the 1000th program win.  In all likelihood, all of this shit resulted from the unsanctioned insanity of one complete idiot who was never a player or a coach and who had no business doing any of this.


October 31st, 2023 at 5:04 AM ^


I don't know if this is real, but if it is, I would like to have a full scale investigation launched upon CMU.

Hey do you guys like tacos? I do. With double beef & sizzle sauce.

Goggles Paisano

October 31st, 2023 at 6:43 AM ^

To do shit like this, he HAD to be acting alone.  No one in the media seems to be able to fathom that there is a possibility that he did all of this on his own.  They think Michigan did a really lousy job of covering its tracks, which there is no way this was a coordinated effort from the top down.  No school would be that careless.   Dude was acting alone and passing it off to the coaches as if he was a sign stealing savant just from watching live in-game sideline activity.  


October 31st, 2023 at 2:46 PM ^

This isn’t proof of him acting alone in the eyes of the NCAA, this is only proof that there is a clear cut rules violation of in person scouting of another team by a staff member during the season in which we play said other team. Some of you guys need to stop going “aha, this is definite proof” when it is literally the furthest thing from proof. Proof he was working alone will only come from the NCAA not finding any other connection from other coaching staff in other electronic devices or financial accounts, plain and simple


October 31st, 2023 at 5:51 AM ^

Seems like there were a couple insiders saying that a few more bad things would come out in the story that hadn’t been leaked yet. I have to assume this is what they were talking about. Rumor is that this isn’t the only game Stallions did this at. So much for the, we didn’t really break any rules, it’s a grey area argument. supposedly this wasn’t the only game he did this at? I just hope this is finally the last piece to drop.