Harbaugh Explains Why The Will Wear Maize

Submitted by CarlosSpicyweiner21 on
It is to celebrate the anniversary of when the school first decided to make Maize and Blue their official colors. Truthfully I wonder what Jim thought when the higher ups told him to say this was the reason and to not just say it was because Nike/Jordan Brand backed a massive truck full of cash to the schools back door.


August 29th, 2017 at 10:49 AM ^

I dunno man, I'm starting to hear from my non-UM buddies about how this uni sucks.  When non-UM fans use your unis to trashtalk you, it's a problem.  This time it's just one of those obvious things: all-yellow unis (especially bright yellow) kinda sucks.  If they did non-yellow pants it might have worked.

I'm not sure which is worse, having to watch the eyesore unis on TV or having to listen to the trashtalk all week from everyone else how they look.  All I can say is "I know, right?!?"


August 29th, 2017 at 10:44 AM ^

Low qualification requirements aren't exactly unique to Alabama, and all NCAA FB schools have a general minimum requirement.

I think the point still stands.  Alabama recruits at an elite level without resorting to uniform gimicks.  At the end of the day, winning and an open door to the NFL are the things that matter most.  If stylish uniforms mattered most, teams like Oregon would be at the top of the heap, but they aren't.


August 29th, 2017 at 10:24 AM ^

Does Nike think in terms of 'good for the program' or even what the players like?  I have to think, bottom line, this is about selling sports apparel.  If fans buy a bunch of yellow jerseys, then success.  If fans turn their noses up at it (like me), fail? 

If all/most players and recruits like it, but all/most fans don't, is it still a success if no yellow jerseys are sold?  If Nike isn't getting a return on their money, I have to think no, but I'm not a marketing guy.


August 28th, 2017 at 7:34 PM ^

Its not like they are messing with the helmets. The helmet is the iconic piece of the uniform. I don't care what they wear below the neck so long as the helmets have wings. Give me grey alternates next year, I don't care. If it gets the kids pumped up, great. This isn't wrecking any tradition. There is a segment of this fanbase that gets way too worked up over this perceived sanctity of things that aren't actually sacred. I'm dancing on your lawn. Neg away. *Yes, I copied and pasted this comment from the previous thread. Its my own, and it is worth repeating.


August 28th, 2017 at 8:11 PM ^

I got news for you: "sanctity" is nothing but "perceived." One man's "sanctity" is another man's "Fuck it, who cares?"

You think the helmets are sacrosanct, yet they didn't exist prior to Crisler getting here. We've been wearing the same basic jersey/pants combos since at least the 1940s—with a very brief interruption in the mid-70s—so why aren't they sacrosanct?

I'd be more impressed with Harbaugh's argument if there was no intention by U-M to sell maize jerseys cross-promoted with this.

As far as the argument "well the kids love it" goes, Jesus Christ, you people should see what 19-year olds were wearing in 1971. Kids don't know shit. That's why we have adults running the fucking program.


August 28th, 2017 at 6:49 PM ^

Its funny that Florida is wearing all blue, so this will be a maize and blue game from a color perspective.  It probably makes more sense for them to wear all orange or something.


August 28th, 2017 at 6:56 PM ^

I wish the team would push to wear their home uniforms more, even as the away team.  It looks great when USC/UCLA both wear their home uniforms.  Michigan in maize and blue and Florida and blue and orange would look sharp on the field.  And I really want to see the same for the Michigan/OSU game.  Would be much cooler than these alternates and if Nike wanted to, they could be special "home" jerseys with a little patch or something so they could sell those.


August 29th, 2017 at 12:43 AM ^

but for Saturday,  Florida wouldn't be able to wear their home blues.  They'd have to wear alternate orange or away whites.  And they're the home team so they get to choose.  They chose their blues so we had to wear whites or maize.

We'd only be able to wear our home blues on the road against certain colors.  Wouldn't work against PSU, of course, and probably not against MSU (green), NW (purple), Purdue or Iowa (black) wouldn't work. Would work against red which covers about half the teams in the Big Ten.


August 28th, 2017 at 7:01 PM ^

The maize uniforms are not my favorite, but what truly matters to me is the outcome. Wear maize and win, then it's all good with me.
Florida people are annoying. I didn't care until they started chirping at me wherever I go. I can't go to work, the gym, the store, or anywhere without hearing about the SEC. they don't even seem to care about their own team, just the SEC.


August 28th, 2017 at 7:07 PM ^

Win or lose, this game shall heretofore be referred to as the "Maize Jerseys" game.


To add, I'm curious to see how they look on the field/screen. I don't love white jerseys, so I'm willing to give these a shot.

Everyone Murders

August 28th, 2017 at 7:06 PM ^

Also, while I generally tend to believe Harbaugh, his explanation is out-and-out bullshit.  Dave Brandon's goddamned rape noodle ("You Know You Want It") is behind this.  It's him and Kraft.

I'm going to leave no stone unturned proving this.  I'm coming after you, mac-and-cheese conspiracy. 


August 28th, 2017 at 7:14 PM ^

Who cares what the fuck we wear. Just win the god damn game is all that matters at the end of the day. If what we wear helps the guys feel better mentally than wear it. If it helps bring better recruits than wear it. If it helps earn the athletic department more money than wear it (disclaimer only every once in awhile not DB frequency). Jesus you guys get your panties in a wad over the dumbest things.