SIAP: Freep Article (Sorry) on MSU "Culture of Silence"

Submitted by FauxMo on…

Sure seems that this goes way beyond Nasser, or even just athletes. A student waiting 117 days for a ruling on her accusation of sexual assault against an instructor? Students unable to even get appointments with rape crisis counselors, or getting turned away from a rape hotline? This is jiust really ugly stuff. Wrap together Nasser, the Izzo (Walton, Paine + Appling), Dantonio (4 rapes last year alone, plus the other stories coming out), and what appears to be a similar attitude about sexual violence across the entire campus, and this is just really bad. 


January 28th, 2018 at 2:37 PM ^

It’s not fun at all. It’s fucking sad. Sparty trolls are rampant now more than ever. There is no high horse involved for calling out a terrible choice of words. Go back to RCMB and stop concern trolling. EDIT: my response was to a caved account talking about people with their high horsed responses. It showed up on mobile.


January 28th, 2018 at 11:52 AM ^

There is nothing "fun" about this. I take no pleasure in this. I was equally disgusted in PSU, Baylor, etc. I don't want to use this to make fun of our sports rival. This is a tragedy not just for MSU fans and alum, this is a tragedy for our state. Let me be entirely cold-hearted here and say this: Big, big cash pay-outs are coming to victims, possibly in the +$100 million range. That's coming from us, the taxpayers of this state. If for no other human reasons, we should be paying close attention to this story for that reason alone... 


January 28th, 2018 at 3:21 PM ^

I will gladly support payment. These women’s leaders bed were shattered and a Michigan funded university utterly failed them. If the money gives them a bit of solice, it’s well worth it.

And no. I take zero pleasure at this happening at a rival. I wish it had never happened. And taking pleasure in MSU’s razing seems to take, again, precedence away from the victims.

We need to look at our own house to make sure this never, ever happens here. And MSU needs to be investigated minutely to clean out the rot


January 28th, 2018 at 3:44 PM ^

Absolutely. I know for a fact UM is not squeaky clean. Maybe something good can come out of this, in the form of UM and a whole bunch of other institutions taking a good, hard look at how these situations are treated internally. After Baylor, PSU, this, and 100 other situations similar or much smaller, this should never happen again anywhere. 


January 29th, 2018 at 11:45 AM ^

re -read my original post. Meant to say 'Women's lives were shattered' Not 'Womens beds' or whatever. 


But this: 

"Absolutely. I know for a fact UM is not squeaky clean."

Scares the shit out of me as an alum. I want to get on top of this NOW. Find the predators. Protect the victims. If we take a black eye, who cares, but lets get it done.

Now, all that said, we need to get this done logically and transparently. No cover ups. No blocking investigations. But I also think we need clarity. 

Another trend on campus that has me worried is the he said/she said situations. Those are tricky. By that I mean Boy A meets Girl B at a party. Both are hammered. They have sex that seems consensual at the time (girl takes off boys clothes, her own, etc.). Three days later I don't think it's fair if she says she was assaulted due to lack of ability to give consent due to the alcohol; as the same could go for him. So what do we do with those? Clarity. Transparency. Make sure the girl has access to victims groups and doesn't get shunted to the side. Make sure the boy has access and a fair ability to defend himself. Make sure the proceedings (minus the names) are completely public record, so the world can see that we aren't shunting things off to the side. 

I realize this could end me up in Bolivia. But I want a world where we are clear, transparent, and as fair as possible to everyone. Let's judge all cases as best we can, and report them openly (don't have to use the names), and live with a goal of protecting the victims. If we do that, for the world to see, I think that will keep us out of the worst of the trouble. 




January 28th, 2018 at 12:07 PM ^

"Fun" is not the way I would describe this.

I certainly think some at MSU need to lose their jobs and possibly face criminal charges, but I don't take pleasure in that, knowing how people have suffered from their (in)actions.



January 28th, 2018 at 7:20 PM ^

Your account is caved because you’re a troll. Good trolls are usually more clever, but you can keep working on that. RCMB will still welcome you back and it’s really okay to go be with your true friends. I’m sure they will love to hear all about your experience getting banned from MGoBlog. I’m sure you guys will all talk about how much “fun” you had. Asshole.


January 28th, 2018 at 11:58 AM ^

if you think this is fun because of where it happened you are a complete piece of shit.

i won’t deny the fact that i’ll be happy when izzo and dantonio are fired/resign in disgrace because they’ve pretended to be hard line disciplinarians when the reality is exactly the opposite, but this isn’t fun by any stretch of the imagination

Mr Miggle

January 28th, 2018 at 2:17 PM ^

You were the only one to neg the next board topic. You did that just about the same time this thread got neg bombed. Anything posted a few minutes after that wasn't negged.

I suppose it's all a coincidence, but I don't believe it. And saying you take your Ls in stride is a joke. You've been insulting and arguing with people that negged you for something that even you must know was bad.


January 28th, 2018 at 12:05 PM ^

Nothing about this is "fun". And I would/will be just as outraged if it was/is happening anywhere else. I have no doubt you are correct in assuming that this culture exists at other schools. But ESPN outing it is an absolutly good thing. The shit runs deep-there, and likely at a lot of places, and it needs to be exposed and changed.

Piston Blue

January 28th, 2018 at 12:14 PM ^

I for one, don't want MSU's reputation to be ruined because of this. MSU has been gaining a lot more respect academically over the past decade, and I want there to be as many quality universities/colleges available to Michigan citizens (at a more affordable price) as possible.


January 28th, 2018 at 11:46 AM ^

The more familiar it seems. We’ve seen this before: the Nixon Administration. I’m curious, Sr. Salvatore Quattro, if you would agree with that assessment? You know history exceptionally well.

The Mad Hatter

January 28th, 2018 at 2:35 PM ^

In basic human decency. The longer I live the more I think that we're all just 3 hairs away from being apes. Take away government, religion, and other forms of societal control and humanity would become one gigantic rape, robbery, and murder festival in short order. /Or it might be time for me to up the prozac dosage.


January 28th, 2018 at 2:29 PM ^

Interesting analogy, but it'd take a pretty hight bar to get to Nixon in my book. Keep in mind that, among other things, in addition to all of the shady Watergate stuff we rightfully associate Nixon with, Nixon went behind the US government's back and (successfully) stalled peace talks in the Vietnam War in '68 so he could be elected President (aka, he probably actually committed treason).


January 28th, 2018 at 11:54 AM ^

Aside from the courtesy review requested by the board of trustees, there has to be a real investigation underway by now by the US attorney's office, doesn't there?