OT: Something's Happening in Alabama with Kiffin

Submitted by Bando Calrissian on

Sounds like Lane Kiffin may be on the way out at Alabama due to some... Extracurricular activities. Worth staying tuned today if the rumors have legs.

This is probably the best compilation of all the twitter buzz out there:


EDIT: Only posting chatsports because they've compiled the twitterverse into one article. 


September 24th, 2015 at 1:16 PM ^

Lane "Faust" Kiffin has a deal with Mephistopheles. Anytime he gets fired, he will simply land at another high-profile NFL or Power 5 college job within months. In this case, he got over on the devil... the soul he bartered in the deal is a real lemon.


September 24th, 2015 at 1:17 PM ^

"Something is happening in Alabama." You can take that to mean almost anything, like there is something going on there?; or really, there is something going on there?; or well, of course, life takes place there, so something is going on there. 



September 24th, 2015 at 1:25 PM ^

This is probably Lane's agent floating out these rumors to hide the fact that he's getting fired for performance.  Like those idiot Michigan house reps that made up the gay hooker story to hide an affair.


September 24th, 2015 at 2:11 PM ^

It's also possible that the information on the wedding was added as a result of reading this thread--I don't recall that information being there earlier. Fits with the location.

It wouldn't speak well for the traffic levels of chatsports if a spike of readership linked from this thread on this site was notable enough to add a shout-out to the article. I'm sure this thread is driving clicks, but it can't be that many.

UM Fan from Sydney

September 24th, 2015 at 1:32 PM ^

Oh please tell me that bloke will get fired yet again. I don't know why people keep giving that lunatic chances. He sucks.


September 24th, 2015 at 1:35 PM ^

The solution to this problem should be obvious to Saban.  Hire "Gorgeous" Al Borges.  We never had any "OC banging the coach's daughter" problems while he was here.


September 24th, 2015 at 1:56 PM ^

Items that raise questions if this is true

·         Alabama just lost so angry fans starting a rumor would be possible

·         Story went from a boosters wife (not that crazy) to Saban’s daughter (really crazy) in about ten minutes

·         Physical altercation between Saban & Kiffin has the ring of BS story made up by drunk fan

·         Fake Saban daughter pics circulating as part of the story

·         Cowherd felt there was enough to the story to go ahead and tweet about it

 Items that indicate this is true

·         Lane Kiffin



September 25th, 2015 at 2:14 AM ^

I thought the same thing when I first heard about the story (Cowherd there was enough to the story to go ahead and tweet about it). Then I thought, he recently moved to Fox sports and they love this kind of rumors = news type of crap. Anyone who claims to be a journalist and is bringing attention to rumors is a terrible news reporter and is one of the main things currently worng with Journalism today. Just my opinion


September 24th, 2015 at 2:12 PM ^

The week after a Bama loss, the guy that most Bama fans want to pin the loss on is rumored to have done something completely unverifiable but totally fireable. Gee... I wonder who started THIS rumor?


September 24th, 2015 at 2:16 PM ^

Not to be a debbie downer in all this delicious Kiffin-ing, but if either rumor is true it means a married man cheated on his wife with another married woman OR Kiffin had sex with his boss's daughter who is almost half his age.  Nobody really "wins" here.

turd ferguson

September 24th, 2015 at 2:23 PM ^

I already feel bad for Saban's daughter.  If that part of the rumor isn't true - and I'm suspicious of it - then it's really shitty that she has to put up with this (and soon after getting married).  Those rumors and reputations tend to stick with people even if the rumors are totally baseless.  Plus, this thread alone has people calling her chubby and weighing in on her hotness, and I'm sure that's happening all over the internet right now.


September 24th, 2015 at 2:27 PM ^

I did see him at a bar on a Friday night before a gameday in Tuscaloosa hitting on (also, kinda being hit on by) college girls last year. My friends who are big Bammers were pissed that he was out the night before a game.

So, what I'm saying is that this doesn't surprise me.

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September 24th, 2015 at 2:27 PM ^

At least the SEC is good for laughs.  Earlier this year we learn a former player is tagging the wife of the head coach of former team's rival (Florida-FSU), and now we have the OC possibly sleeping with the daughter of the head coach at another school.

Gold, pure gold.