OT: if you could do it over again

Submitted by tasnyder01 on March 14th, 2019 at 10:42 AM

If you could do it over again, what profession would you choose for your life? Why? Hours, travel?


March 14th, 2019 at 9:19 PM ^

Well yea, but he mentioned being interested in a specialty that got attention from the ladies, not sure what that has to do with spinal surgery.

*Sees Dr. BradyV pull up to his (or her) yacht slip driving a lambo and then two models climb out of the passenger seat*

Oh, never mind, I stand corrected... :)


March 14th, 2019 at 11:19 AM ^

Work harder in high school, spend more time in the gym, blah blah blah....

I would have spent more time as a kid practicing golf and spending more time/resources with golf instructors. At 5’9, I had no chance to play college football or basketball, was a pretty good high school player at both and great memories, but my size would never allowed me to succeed. But jeez Justin Thomas and Rory McIlory are both the longest guys on tour and they are both about my size, and my golf game now is pretty dang good, who knows maybe with better coaching and more dedication I would have had atleast a better chance at playing college sports. Oh well, we’re all dreaming right? I’m pretty happy with my current life anyway.


March 14th, 2019 at 12:45 PM ^

I was in the same boat but with hockey. I made it to the minors in hockey so i was pretty happy with myself, but i am currently a scratch and am honestly trying to get good enough to where i will be able to play on the senior tour when i hit that age. Golf is so much harder than hockey ever was for me. 


March 14th, 2019 at 11:21 AM ^

Going back to do it over again probably wouldn't have the intended result, due to lack of wisdom, experience, and clarity of rear-view mirror thinking.

Plus, many of the greatest experiences and painful lessons that have shaped today might never occur.

aka "Don't look back at what might be gaining on you. ." (S. Paige). Also, "Avoid fried foods which angry up the blood. ."

UM Fan from Sydney

March 14th, 2019 at 11:29 AM ^

1) I would have pursued making EDM. I'd love to be a world famous DJ.

2) If not 1, then I would have majored in IT or try to get into the video game industry, making games.


March 14th, 2019 at 7:30 PM ^

I was a dj/producer for a few years after college, played everywhere from NY to LA to DC, signed tracks to EDM labels in the UK, and ran two record labels. It was the most fun period of my life bar none. I know a few guys who managed to stick with it, but making it big more or less comes down to luck.

Perkis-Size Me

March 14th, 2019 at 11:31 AM ^

I made the mistake of studying something I loved in college without thinking about also learning something that would get me a job. I studied history, with no intention of going to law school or being a professor. So by the time I finally started thinking about what I should do with my life (towards end of junior year), it was already too late to change majors. Trying to get a job my senior year was one of the most humbling, defeating years of my life. Got rejected more than I would've thought possible, and I had no direction. Some nights I just applied blindly, not even knowing if I would like the job, just knowing I effing needed one, and I absolutely refused to move home. Luckily I got one, but that job taught me the importance of having a plan. I went into that job every day for six months feeling miserable and out of place. Don't blame anyone else for it. I did it to myself. 

If I could go back and do it all over again, I would've gotten a minor in history, and a major in something far more marketable. I work in Human Capital Management now and am pretty good at it, so I'd probably focus there. I think the motto should be "get a major in something that gets you a job, and a minor in something you really just want to learn more about/are passionate about." And if you're one of the lucky bastards where those two things coincide, you've got it made. 

If I could've done it all over again and money didn't matter, would've opened a no-kill dog shelter. Hands down. I'd work 18 hours a day for pennies and you'd never hear me complain once. 


March 14th, 2019 at 11:34 AM ^

I spent 20 years in the Marine Corps, and would do it again in a heartbeat.  I joined to get away from my home town, thinking it would be a 4 year hitch, maybe get some GI Bill benefits and return to the "real world".  Turns out it was perfect for me.  The discipline, the esprit de corps, the moral and mental courage.  It was exactly what I needed.

Now with all that said, my second career as a systems analyst is boring, but it pays the bills and has great hours, 6 am to 2:30 pm. 


March 14th, 2019 at 11:39 AM ^

I'd either go the sports radio/broadcasting route or go to law school. Law school was my dream until I was a freshman at UM and decided not to pursue it. The OP title is kind of confusing. I thought it was going to be a, what things do you wish you could do over again....too many to count...although without all the bad decisions I made, I wouldn't have my wife and three kids. So it actually didn't turn out bad at all!


March 14th, 2019 at 1:45 PM ^

No actually I just love being outdoors, fishing, hunting, etc.  There are many times you see people poaching, going over the limit on fish, or just plain tearing up someone else's property.  I would like there to be plenty of resources for my kids and their kids to be able to enjoy as well.  I take it you are one of the people I described.  It has nothing to do with power trips or abuse of power.


March 14th, 2019 at 10:45 PM ^

I made it pretty far into the interview process to be a CO last year. It was pretty intense and the academy looked to be even more so, but it definitely would have been a good gig to have had it all worked out. It didn't work out for me, because my background investigator thought I was too much of a nice guy/not tough enough, but at least I gave it a try.

Wolverine In Iowa 68

March 14th, 2019 at 11:50 AM ^

I would have invented the internet.



I can't answer this seriously.  I shared the story of my marriage and my kids in the past, not going to re-open that right now, as it's getting close to an anniversary date for one of my little ones.


March 14th, 2019 at 11:53 AM ^

I am making more money than I ever would have imagined. Had a great experience serving in the Army. I have a wife who humbles me every day with her beauty and cooking skills, and 3 kids that are healthy and love me. My life hasn't always been easy, but I would do it all again going through the suck to get me where I am at today, and I wouldn't change a damn thing.

L'Carpetron Do…

March 14th, 2019 at 12:02 PM ^

Talk show host/comedian/comedy writer. Shit, I may try to do that anyway, but I am getting a bit old. 

Or I would've dove full on into politics. Thought I should've gone harder earlier on - maybe I could've been the governor by now!

I am a man of contrast.

Ty Butterfield

March 14th, 2019 at 12:17 PM ^

I still don’t know and that is the problem. Not sure if I would do college again because it was a complete waste of time and money. Recently started a new job that I actually like. Not a ton of money but the health benefits and 401K is very good. It is what it is. 


March 14th, 2019 at 12:37 PM ^

I'm a PE teacher, part time HS strength coach, and adjunct exercise science professor in Maine.  I think I'd do it all over again and come out the same, however I went back to school for a career change so if I did it over again I'd do this the first time and probably would have went to school in Mass where teacher salaries are a bit higher.  Drawbacks...teacher salaries aren't ever going to make you wealthy.  Pros...they are a relatively stable job with built in raises and a pension.  Plus, I get out of work every day at 3pm and get summer's off.  Maine summers on the coast are pretty sweet.

Ezekiels Creatures

March 14th, 2019 at 12:39 PM ^

I would follow what my aptitude tests in high school pointed to. My guidance counselor was on my side. But, I didn't see it that way at the time. 


March 14th, 2019 at 12:46 PM ^

looks at user name.  looks at date created.  conjures up question:

so, ezekiel, did your guidance counselor tell you to be an old testament prophet, or are you a recreated ohio troll trying to be cute and cash in on a former ohio running back's name? 


March 14th, 2019 at 12:45 PM ^

I'd have gone and got a PhD in History right after undergrad and become a Professor. 

I make a good living now and don't hate my career, but would rather be reading, writing and teaching.  


March 14th, 2019 at 12:59 PM ^

Golfer.  I never practice and play 1-2 times a week and I’m not bad.  Almost always break 90 (except on really tough courses) even though most of my concern is drinking beer and smoking a bowl.  Golf is kinda secondary to getting a nice buzz and spending 4 hours in a beautiful, natural setting.

Even if you don’t make it big on tour, golf pros can make some good $ and they just like, play golf all day.


March 14th, 2019 at 5:23 PM ^

I'm sorry, this is wrong on so many levels.  I started golfing at 19 (worked maint crew summers in college), was better than scratch in a year or two and played on the old hooters tour after I graduated.  Didn't take me long to realize how much of a leap it was from being under par in that context to competing on tour courses with lightning, curvy greens.

Could have taken the pts and become a teaching pro, but - main point of posting - club pros generally make shit money and hardly get to golf.  True story.  Sure if you're the head pro at a swanky course you'll find six figures but most of those guys are working from a 60k base and supplementing with lessons.

I'm a software engineer now (thank goodness I picked a solid major) and there's part of me that wants to echo what stephenrjking said - would have liked to find that earlier- but truth is I enjoyed bumming around the se in my mid 20s.  Wasn't making much but before you have a wife and kids that hardly matters.

Love what I do now.  Total flex hours, wfh a couple times a week.  Even started golfing again a few years back - holy shit the new equipment makes it easy.  It's true what they say though, it's hard to turn your hobby into your job and still love it as much.  I stopped playing but 2 or 3 times a year for like a decade after I realized I wasn't gonna make it as a touring pro.


Hold This L

March 14th, 2019 at 1:05 PM ^

Would have taken hockey seriously instead of coasting through. Would’ve made it somewhere but I put in zero effort. But really I’m fine where I am now. We all should be. Everything in our lives has led us to where we are and we really don’t know what kind of person we would be if it went differently.