Dax Hill recruitment: lemon eaters need to come forward and pay the piper

Submitted by WindyCityBlue on December 19th, 2018 at 1:48 PM

Ok.  So I have a really good insider who told me right away that Dax Hill was flipping back.  So I tried my best to screenshot all those who said they'd eat a lemon (or bag thereof) if Dax Hill flipped back.  I know I wasn't able to capture all those citrus commitments, so please those that I missed (we'll find you if you don't!) 

Unfortunately, I've been trying all morning to get the screenshots to attach, but can't seem to do so (damn you Mgoblog 3.0).  So, I'm just going to write them in below:

RockinLoud: I will suck a bag of dick-shaped lemon flavored candies if he flips back to UM

B1G or Bust: I will suck a bag of lemon-shaped dick flavored candies if he flips.

Perkis-Size Me: I'll eat a lemon and shit myself simultaneously if he comes back.

I Like Burgers: I will eat a bag of lemons the day Michigan flips a 5-star Bama commit.

Motives: I am of the same sentiment, lol.  (meaning that he will follow I Like Burgers' lead)

Adrian: ll see his bag of lemons and raise another bag, mostly because i like lemons

DCGrad: I will take a lemon too to help with this.

BIGWEENIE: I will do it. 1 bag of lemons. Come on down kid

Chalky White: I'll eat a box of Lemon Heads.

theguy49503: I'll volunteer to help you (I Like Burgers) eat them

LSA91: I don't want to identify the things I would eat to get Hill back to Michigan.

ih8losing: I'll join the lemon eating party should Dax flip back to the good guys. 

Alumnus93: What?  No way it's same as Solomon.... Hill doesn't live in Alabama does he? Why on Earth would he have to hide a Michigan committment?  I don't buy this..at all.... I'll gladly eat a lemon if wrong. (I like lemons)



December 19th, 2018 at 3:46 PM ^

Pucker up fellows! I was always confident Dax would come back, especially after Harbaugh called him and said Saban had lied about him leaving.


December 19th, 2018 at 3:47 PM ^

I promised to deliver a bag of lemons to I Like Burgers, or Venmo the money for one.  So, Burger Boy - gimme the address!  I'll be ecstatic to pay for this!!!


December 19th, 2018 at 4:52 PM ^

Count me in the group that HIGHLY doubted he'd flip back, but I'd never commit to eating a lemon or similar. 

But hey, it goes to show we CAN have nice things. #Crootin


December 19th, 2018 at 5:44 PM ^

It wasn’t actually a Fire Harbaugh post. In 2014, Brian said if Bolden took Morgan’s spot without injury he would eat a lemon. It happened soon after and Brian tried to backtrack. I made this thread in response: 


The Mgoblog Community rose up and ate lemons, rind and all, on video, challenging more and more posters. Many accepted and the cries of “Eat a lemon!” grew louder until Brian gave in and posted a video eating a lemon. 


December 19th, 2018 at 6:09 PM ^


All the sad-sack defeatists on the board get to suck lemons today.

Some, apparently, are going to do even more-drastic self abasements.

However, I would like to suggest something better.  To all sad-sack defeatists, instead of doing any of that, how about you instead vow to quit being a sad sack, to get some morale, and to become a fellow indomitable Wolverine?


B1G or Bust

December 19th, 2018 at 7:41 PM ^

Realized that I will be at work later tomorrow than anticipated.

Donated tonight instead.  Proof posted on my orginal offer in this thread.

Good evening everybody.


December 19th, 2018 at 11:09 PM ^

Dont fret... for things aren't what they seem... That Wolf oven is 16 years old, and came with the house..and the vent is a knockoff Viking hood, made in same factory in China, cost me only $800 vs $5K. My unsolicited advice to you, is this.....always pay up for the best appliances, fixures, countertops...  I always get Bosch...they NEVER break..ever... Wolf ranges last forever... and thats quartzite countertop...    you'll save on constantly replacing the stuff, and then get repaid when you sell anyway... end up being WAY ahead... if you go cheap, you'll end up paying more over the years, believe me...    but don't do this with autos... i drive a 15 year old volvo, by choice.


December 20th, 2018 at 8:58 AM ^

im no bitch.....Half lemon my ass... look closer... I cut it up in quarters first, because I had to hold my phone in my hand while videotaping.  That is a full lemon I ate, AS PROMISED...