We have to talk about the Wolverbear photoshop tweets

Submitted by stephenrjking on September 26th, 2018 at 12:02 AM

Remember the Wolverbear?



Yeah, that. Well, Ace's gif post today apparently started some sort of collective twitter breakdown, because things have gotten seriously weird.


https://twitter.com/Smoothitron/status/1044695851594129409 https://twitter.com/run_100mi/status/1044756530749308928 https://twitter.com/candor_for_sale/status/1044733554314358789 https://twitter.com/AceAnbender/status/1044738950802407429 https://twitter.com/AceAnbender/status/1044741632845914112 https://twitter.com/run_100mi/status/1044753639087042560 https://twitter.com/rockydubs85/status/1044757264446488576 https://twitter.com/Misopogon/status/1044767630308126720 https://twitter.com/stephenrjking/status/1044794615109439488 https://twitter.com/BlueBarronPhoto/status/1044779342566486016So, we can discuss a collective mental breakdown.

Or we can have, for the first time in what feels like forever, a great photoshop thread.

El Jeffe

September 26th, 2018 at 8:34 AM ^

Someone needs to shop Murderwolf into a still from Zelig and the pinnacle of postmodernism will have been attained and then the aliens can finally return to sweep us all gently from this mortal coil so we can return home.


September 26th, 2018 at 9:21 AM ^

I'm an old guy, but you guys sure made me laugh this morning!   Great stuff.   

I saw that bear head on TV (it's a bear not a wolverine) and I thought to myself, oh shit, nooooo.