Brandon Brown

January 3rd, 2014 at 6:05 PM ^

Some trusted guys at Scout have heard from a source close to Lattimore that he is, in fact, leaning towards Michigan. Smith had decided to delay his announcement but has now decided that he will make his announcement tomorrow after all.

It's been believed all along that these two were a package deal and now it looks like it could be at Michigan. This is all hearsay right now and no one is saying it's 100%.

I reached out to Mason Cole and he said he is going to talk to them tonight and let me know what he finds out.


January 3rd, 2014 at 8:03 PM ^

I would say no way. What has transpired makes me feel either immediate playing time has become an issue or Urban got caught playing games. I also agree with those who said that Ginn Sr. Doesn't seem like he would allow games to be played with Hoke.


January 3rd, 2014 at 6:11 PM ^

Please don't get our hopes up like this. Regardless of whether anyone believes this staff is competent or not, it's always awesome getting highly regarded recruits. Either the staff proves than can develop great recruits into great players, or we get someone else who will get a chance to do so. Win/win in my eyes. Someone is going to be able to come in here and do something with these guys, and I cannot wait for that day.

Bo Nederlander

January 3rd, 2014 at 6:18 PM ^

But if it's not, I heard some rumblings yesterday that both now want to take officials to MI from a completely different source. This seems entirely possible. But I might hate you for a few minutes tomorrow if it doesn't. Nonetheless, thanks for sharing the info, Brandon!

Bo Nederlander

January 3rd, 2014 at 6:19 PM ^

 I heard some rumblings yesterday that both now want to take officials to MI from a completely different source. This seems entirely possible. But I might hate you for a few minutes tomorrow if it doesn't. Nonetheless, thanks for sharing the info, Brandon!


January 3rd, 2014 at 6:24 PM ^

If they want to play with Peppers and Thomas and get near instant playing time, and do so without ever taking an official here, then Michigan it is...

but it sounds more to me as if this is a planned snub by OSU folks towards us.

turd ferguson

January 3rd, 2014 at 6:45 PM ^

I'm still not even close to buying it.  Even if some of the Scout OSU guys are hearing this, they're probably hearing it from people who want the suspense / false hopes.  In fact, while Urban was at Florida, wasn't he known for encouraging his recruits to play up their FSU interest right before announcing their decisions?


January 3rd, 2014 at 6:17 PM ^

From Smith's twitter: "Me & Marshon Both Are Committing Tomorrow , We Had A Plan A Long Time Ago & We're Sticking To It"
Means absolutely nothing in terms of destination, but it's certainly confirmation that they're a package deal.


January 3rd, 2014 at 6:17 PM ^

There is no way they are coming to Michigan.  I remember seeing a pic of these two during their official visit to Michigan, and they looked like two people who were trying really hard not to enjoy it would have been a betrayal to their OSU roots to actually have a good time at a great place like Michigan.

I'd be shocked if they came to Michigan. Not happening.


January 4th, 2014 at 4:42 AM ^

it was also what they said about the visit.  They definitely were impressed by Michigan, and you could tell by their comments that they were impressed (I don't want to look up the links) but it seemed like they were trying not to piss off all of their friends/family in Bucknutland by being TOO excited about Michigan.

Believe me, I'd love nothing more than if these 2 guys decided to play for Michigan.

Victor Valiant

January 3rd, 2014 at 6:47 PM ^

I find it hard to believe that they will come to Michigan, but I'm not going to lie and pretend that my hopes aren't up. My hopes are very up, but I don't mind a little disappointment.