From Russia with Love - Gugu the Wolverine

Submitted by MGoArchive on January 24th, 2023 at 2:33 PM

There's a crazy Russian guy out there who runs a wildlife sanctuary for Bears, Wolverines, Wolves, and other animals - this is documented via Instagram. One of these animals is a female Wolverine, named Gugu. It's amazing how well fed he must keep these animals in order for them to play with him (there is zero doubt in my mind that both Mr. Po the Bear, the Wolves, and Gugu would rip him or anyone else to shreds if they got seriously hungry).

Anyways, here is a recent post of Gugu (respectfully) play biting him -

Someone please forward this to Jim, I feel he would find this amusing as well.


January 24th, 2023 at 2:35 PM ^

I have seen multiple 'Go Blue' comments on the Gugu posts, so some of you may already be aware of Gugu.

He is also aware of Michigan - he had a semi-recent post wearing a UofM sweatshirt.


January 24th, 2023 at 2:40 PM ^

I definitely put guys like this in the same category as those thrill seekers who scale up the 100 story buildings just to do pull ups on the edge of the top floor for the Insta page.   Yes you can do this for a while but eventually it will end badly.  Not a lot of old thrill seekers around if you havent noticed.

So this guy, out in the wild, is making friends with a bunch of animals who view him like I view a sirloin steak.  He may get away with them "play biting" for a while but eventually one of them will absolutely turn him into lunch.


January 24th, 2023 at 10:56 PM ^

I think the right person could make friends with just about any animal.

There are just too many videos online of it happening. Lions, alligators, hippos, wolverines, wolves, etc.

Agree that if an animal is desperately hungry it may attack, but hunger would make even alpha humans in the zombie apocalypse attack.

So keep your wild animal fed, sure, make sure it is a younger one and not an old male stuck in its ways. Have months of patience. Once friends, then make it best friends by finding the good scratch spots. Dont stick around it too long especially at first. Make it miss you and be excited to see you again.

King Tot

January 24th, 2023 at 2:46 PM ^

I have been to the zoo in Novosibirsk twice. It is one of the only places in the world with Ligers but both times they were hiding. 

The Wolverine was not hiding. It wore a trench into its pen from running the same murderous warpath everyday. 


January 24th, 2023 at 3:01 PM ^

I don’t think I have seen a wolverine petted by anyone before, it was strange to see it so docile. Usually any video is at a distance with them running away or trying to f&ck up some other animal. 

St Joe Blues

January 24th, 2023 at 3:20 PM ^

The last Wolverine video I watched the prey was covered in blood from neck to waist, all 11 of the warriors that were on the field at the same time. It was thrilling watching that Wolverine slice through them like a scythe through dried grass.

They didn't stand a chance.

Booted Blue in PA

January 25th, 2023 at 11:57 AM ^

We really need a live mascot....  isn't there some type of Wolverine Rescue program in Canada or Russia?   We could adopt an orphan wolverine cub and raise her as our own... she could be in a comfortable spacious cage and attend all home games.....

Of course she'd be named Maizy..... or if she were a he, Blue..