Public Service Message: Avoid today's Free Press

Submitted by yossarians tree on

Our old buddy Snyder and the Freep have graced us this Sunday with a MASSIVE recounting, from several perspectives, of The Horror. To call it a history would be apropos. I saw it online and do not know if it is in the print edition, but if it is it's got to cover more than a hundred column inches.

I did not (could not) read it and you will get no link from me.



















August 17th, 2014 at 2:41 PM ^

I'd be very surprised if this is the only oral history of The Horror. And I'm sure and SI and a half dozen other CFB sites will have retrospectives too. And I can't wait for College GameDay to have a segment about it. Anybody got an over/under on the number of times the FG block will be replayed during the game broadcast? What a way to get Michgan fans pumped up for the start of college football season.

But at least we'll have a Wow Experience. Thanks DB!


August 17th, 2014 at 2:58 PM ^

Memories of the absolute horse shit preparation and performance by Lloyd Carr and his staff would slowly fade into the background unless there was a reason for all of the media outlets to reminisce about it at the same time. And DB provided the reason.


August 17th, 2014 at 3:09 PM ^

It has nothing to do with the opinion of the media. It has everything to do with not being able to enjoy the usual previews in anticipation of the season without everyone having a convenient excuse to dredge up memories of the worst single week in Michigan football history.


August 17th, 2014 at 4:04 PM ^

OSU and MSU are conference rivals with respectable teams. We're going to have to play them every year, and beating them will actually prove something. The App St. game was completely avoidable and here is no margin of victory that will stop people from talking about that one time we lost to them.


August 17th, 2014 at 3:58 PM ^

You or I may not care, but there's a lot of people who do. And there's a lot of people who do not appreciate the negative publicity that comes from it. Negative attention that was completely unnecessary and avoidable. There is no upside to this game, at all. It's not just the media.


August 17th, 2014 at 4:53 PM ^

what he claims to understand, which is branding. The negative media attention doesn't matter except for the fact that it dredges up a clear negative about Michigan football nationwide, and therefore is harmful to its reputation. A week or two of this is coming, and the funny thing is it all could be avoided. And even worse, a win will do NOTHING to erase that, because it's App St. Yet another thing he is clueless about.


August 17th, 2014 at 6:14 PM ^

"Dave" gets a pass on the 1st iteration of the Horror, but gets full credit for the brainfart that's bringing us the sequel!

From tix being unloaded for cheap, to all the gratuitous re-hashing represented by the Freep focus today (more to come too...), to the absolute no benefit outcome, this Horror is an Abominaton!!!

I'll be singing 7 Abomination Army, but I'll be watching, cuz..., because, well, because.... i'm an Addict!


August 17th, 2014 at 2:27 PM ^

You haven't been around here long enough.  Try the search button, using Rosenberg and Rodriguez and NCAA as some of your search terms and you will be enlightened. 

I saw that piece last night while looking for some content about yesterday's scrimmage. it brought back many painful memories, including why I wasn't shocked that the Freep ran the story.


August 17th, 2014 at 2:26 PM ^

The big reason for the general boycott is the story they ran on Rodriguez that kicked off the "practice gate" scandal. They made up a bunch of stuff, exaggerated a bunch of other stuff, choose to ignore pertinent elements of the NCAA rule book, and did things like trick freshmen into giving what sounded like damning quotes that they then presented out of context. Basically, it was a super unethical hit job that brought "major" violations to UM and was one more black eye on Rodriguez's tenure here (even though the small violations that did occur weren't Rodriguez's fault, but were the fault of some screw ups and neglect in the compliance office). They even had the gall to claim that the NCAA's findings vindicated them, when the findings weren't anywhere close to what the Freep alleged was happening.

That and they generate attention by generally attacking UM, knowing it'll lead to clicks and page views. Their UM coverage is essentially trolling. 

Perkis-Size Me

August 17th, 2014 at 2:35 PM ^

Among other things, tricking a bunch of our freshmen that year into giving them quotes that, presented out of context, really put the program in a bad light, sinking the Rodriguez ship even faster. If I remember correctly from Three and Out, Brian even confronted Snyder/Rosenberg about all of this after a press conference, and they just blew him off.

These guys live to troll Michigan Football.

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August 17th, 2014 at 2:20 PM ^

Wow, what an inventive idea for an article! Who could have ever seen this coming? Snyder must really be a great journalist for conjuring up such a UNIQUE masterpiece!


You know what was worse than that article, Snyder? Your bumbling, inaccurate, lightly-researched 'investigative' piece that set the program back years. I'm not sure how Brandon lets them in the building for press conferences; if it was up to me, the only thing Snyder would be getting out of Schembechler Hall would be turds wrapped in unsold copies of yesterday's Free Press.

Bando Calrissian

August 17th, 2014 at 2:20 PM ^

If you actually read the story (and, unfortunately, most of you won't), it's actually really fascinating. As much as we want to forget this happened, it's pretty interesting to hear the story told from nearly every perspective behind the scenes.

One thing I'd be interested to know, and BIll Martin claims not to remember, but who exactly were the other teams under consideration when they scheduled the game?

Bando Calrissian

August 17th, 2014 at 2:29 PM ^

Great quote from Ryan Van Bergen:

"Van Bergen: "This is a weird thing to pride yourself on, but if you watch Gingell run that guy down, how many kickers, with the game lost, are going to run that guy down and catch him at the 5-yard line? To me, that let me know we were at the right school. We may not have done things right (that day), but that showed you there was some integrity and character on the team and regardless of what the score ended up being, the season wasn't lost."

Mmmm Hmmm

August 17th, 2014 at 3:19 PM ^

If the only person (I can't bring myself to use the term journalist) writing about the coming game was Drew Sharp, I wouldn't be that concerned. What is much more potentially annoying is the SportsCenter endless loop. If Vincent Smith received a dollar for every time one particular highlight was played, he probably could buy an NFL franchise.

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Black Socks

August 17th, 2014 at 2:28 PM ^

Can someone explain to me how newspapers are still in business?  I would like to see their financials.  Are they funded by the government?  Serious question.