Meta: How gritty are you?

Submitted by ST3 on

I was listening to a leadership seminar this afternoon. The speaker started discussing why people of similar IQ can have different career outcomes or results. His explanation for this mentioned two important trends:

  • *Attention to grit
  • Attention to star performers

Obviously, the first item caught my attention. The asterisk was for a note at the bottom of the slide that read, "*Take the grit assessment at

Go to about halfway down that page and you will see a link to test your grit. (All this time, I thought all I had to do was look in the mirror to determine my grit.)

After creating an account and taking the test (how gritty is that?) I got the following feedback:

Grit is perseverance and passion for long-term goals. Our research suggests that grittier individuals accomplish very difficult challenges – see for more information.

Thank you for your kind contribution to this research.

Jun 21, 2017
Score Range : 1 to 5
The Grit Survey : 4.75

That grit score of 4.75 puts me in the top 98% of gritty people.


June 21st, 2017 at 6:59 PM ^

I'm not gritty but I've sung a little ditty, got myself some titty, give many of you little pity, own a nice kitty and and can be quite shitty but no not gritty.


June 21st, 2017 at 7:02 PM ^

I tried to register a few times but the site kept reporting an error so I stopped and likely won't try again. Guess I'm not gritty at all...

Leroys Horde

June 21st, 2017 at 7:04 PM ^

I'm a coach's kid and would consider myself a mild student of the game, however I don't think anyone would ever describe me a lunchpail guy.  High sports IQ and cerebral, but neither scrappy nor a gym rat.  I try to play the game the right way, but probably average motor and not much of a grinder. Maybe a 2.5?


June 21st, 2017 at 7:10 PM ^

How did social skills escape his theory? I've seen numerous extremely intelligent people not reach their potential in their profession because they couldn't hold a conversation/articulate their intelligence. Also- I'm 5'10" of pure Slovak, and dunked in game twice during my high school basketball career. I invented grit.


June 21st, 2017 at 7:33 PM ^

does that make me gritty?  and if it does, then hats off to our vets who got into it overseas.  many of them would be a 5 x 5.  


June 21st, 2017 at 8:19 PM ^

I'm very gritty and am extremely good at long term goals that most would give up on. sometimes that's good as I almost always follow through on what I say I will. But, I also rarely pack in a lost cause or realize maybe this isn't the best use of my time and sometimes feel that delays my development in things like relationships, careers, etc.


June 21st, 2017 at 9:28 PM ^

Grit...  I'm 5'5", white, and played bball in HS.  I qualified in submarines in 7 months, under the Arctic ice cap.  Circumnavigated the globe in 15 minutes.  Taught myself enough engineering stuff to make a good living in a degree dominated world.  Taught myself enough plumbing and carpentry to not need repair calls.

Too lazy to register for the test.  Guess I'm not all that...


June 24th, 2017 at 7:15 AM ^

Who said anything about orbit?  I did mention submarines.  I circled the globe by running around the north pole, submerged, in 15 minutes.

Next time try reading for comprehension before you attempt to be all high and mighty...


June 21st, 2017 at 9:38 PM ^

Summer jobs - busted my hump from day 1 when "of-age" at 16 - construction and city maintenance where one of my jobs was to grease the sewer pumps ... Yes, that meant putting on the haz-mat suit and climbing down in that hole with a grease pump to make that shit flow. Paid for 100% of my college education working summers - the extra $5/hr for "hazardous pay duty" from building scaffolding to 5 stories on construction sites paid my annual tuition at Michigan. No free shit like the Regents are proposing these days. Career - earned my UM BBA from that summer sweat equity and then achieved an NYU MBA working 2 jobs while attending night classes. Have had a 32 year career in finance where I survived 3 mega-bank mergers and watched bodies fall from the Twin Towers. I commute 2 fricking hours each way to work every day to downtown Manhattan. I love my job where I currently restructure distressed companies, why? because I can help save their employees from the crapper. Am I gritty, you decide. But I am sure the hell not taking that stupid online survey test.


June 21st, 2017 at 10:34 PM ^

That defines the problem with our society today. Too many folks have a moral campus thet is steering us into the rocks of life. I've seen it all and things about people don't really change. Thru the millennium of life the truths of hard work and integrity win out. Short cuts and freebies create soft people who can't battle the realities of life and a world filled with anarchy.