OT: Boy Scouts of America changing name, dropping "Boy"

Submitted by crg on
FYI. The discussion might end up getting hopelessly polarized and, if so, the moms can do what they like about it. However, I know that there have been/are a large number of former scouts in the ranks of the greater UM family (myself included) and that membership is certainly a factor in admissions as well - so this is somewhat relevant.


Toby Flenderson

May 2nd, 2018 at 10:56 AM ^

Unfortunately, I think people have taken gender equality to mean that "men and women are exactly the same" rather than "men and women are equal in worth, and each gender's contributions should be respected". It is simple, boys and girls are different in respect to developmental stages and how their brains are wired. I think it is importants for boys at this formative age to have an environment which promotes healthy male interraction with one another. 

Toby Flenderson

May 2nd, 2018 at 11:32 AM ^

Oh I do not dispute that at all so thanks for bringing that up. I think there can be a happy balance for which we do not dissuade boys and girls from picking up hobbies not stereotypically dominated by a particular gender, while at the same time allowing boys and girls to have environments for which they can built positive relationships with those of the same gender. 

Monocle Smile

May 2nd, 2018 at 11:26 AM ^

That's actually where it tends to get worse, as boys observe the behavior of girls who have already been told that they're not as good at math and science, etc. I have heard that's been changing, which is solid, but I see no reason for the scouts to be strictly "no girls allowed."


May 2nd, 2018 at 11:44 AM ^

Interesting perspective, but one I don't think is informed by how education is currently structured.  The shift has definitely gone to "Girls can do anything."  Which is good as long as it doesn't get over-emphasized to where boys are left wondering why they don't get the same types of encouragement.

Boys need space to be Boys and I would argue that girls need the same.  The whole mission of the different scouting organizations was to provide that space and I see no reason for that to change when there are ways to improve the currently existing organizations.

It comes down to watching how my sons troop interacts with each other, realizing there's value in it and knowing it would instantly change if there was a girl around.  That's just the way kids are, whether people think they should be that way or not is irrelevant.  So I don't see the need to mix scouts when there are other ways for Boys and Girls to mix.  


May 2nd, 2018 at 11:53 AM ^

agree with your overall point (kind of), but if my son's school is any indication, girls are dominating the shit out of math and science right now (and really anything else that involves playing school).  


May 2nd, 2018 at 12:05 PM ^

Because we’ve lived in a society that has actively forced differences for so long. It’s really quite impossible to say what the true biological differences are when we don’t live in a society that gives boys and girls the exact same opportunities.


May 2nd, 2018 at 12:12 PM ^

Ummm, yeah, no, thats simply not true.  It sounds good and you may REALLY super-duper want it to be true, but it's just not.  

There are several biological differences between boys and girls.


There's an argument to be made about how much they matter and whether those differences are over-emphasized, but a basic denial of biology is a non-starter as an argument.  


May 2nd, 2018 at 2:02 PM ^

However, if you completely remove the society aspect (essentially having humans act on pure instinct), then the gender differences would likely become further magnified. The blurring and de-emphasis of genders is mostly facilitated by the over development of society (facilitated by technology). Not saying this is fundamentally good or bad, but against the natural order (just as organized agriculture is against the natural order, but not necessarily bad).

carolina blue

May 2nd, 2018 at 10:36 AM ^

It really shouldn’t be as polarizing as it has become. My dad works high up in the scouting ranks and was a part of the National discussion. It has been in discussions since the 90s and began as a tool to be an organization the whole family can participate in. Interestingly, a lot of push apparently came from the Hispanic population which wanted to put their boys in the scouts but also wanted to put their girls in a similar program but have it be a “one-stop-shop” type deal for the whole family. The goal of scouting is, amongst many other things of course, is to make well-rounded young adults out of them. When you consider that, this is actually a great move and can make Scouts a great program for kids. I know my wife growing up wanted to be a boy acout. She found what they were doing far more interesting than the activities in Girl Scouts. Now maybe that’s a possibility for this generation.

The Maize Halo

May 2nd, 2018 at 10:46 AM ^

I think it should be up to the Girl Scouts to just be less boring / make girls actually want to participate (and do the kind of things Boy Scouts do) before a step like this. From past experience as a cub / boy scout,  I just think it works best with the boys doing one organization and the girls doing another -- initiative should be on Girl Scouts to just, well -- be more interesting in 2018.

Bando Calrissian

May 2nd, 2018 at 12:01 PM ^

Do you think this decision just happened instantly? The GSA resisted the kinds of changes their constituencies were demanding for decades. They had troops and councils demanding updated, less home-ec-esque programming, they were losing membership like crazy, and when the BSA decided to step in and finally offer the programming their members were asking for, they cried foul.

I respect the GSA like crazy, but it should have been their job all along to offer the kinds of programming Scouts BSA now does for young girls. They didn't, they still won't, and here we are.


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:53 AM ^

I'll give up the "boy" in boy scouts, if the Girl Scout Cookie becomes the Boy Scout Cookie.


A fair trade...


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:55 AM ^

I went to the Candian Jamboree for boy scouts, we camp with scouts from countries all around the world.


Canada, Austrilia and one I cannot remeber had girls in boy scouts.  It will be fine.


May 2nd, 2018 at 11:12 AM ^

As stupid as this decision is I'm sure the boyscouts will love it.  That's one thing I never understoof about sexual discrimination.  The feminists act like men hate women.  Men love women! It's all they think about sometimes.  I wish I was the only male koala in the offce.  That'd be great.  Unfortunately no one wants to bone a Koala these days. Chlamydia goes away!


May 2nd, 2018 at 11:42 AM ^

In my opinion, your comment highlights a major driver of sexual discrimination. Specifically, that boys/men view girls/women as sexual objects to satisfy a need that they think about all the time. You say this is men "loving' women... I don't think that means what you think it means.


May 2nd, 2018 at 12:18 PM ^

In my opinion, your opinion highlights a major driver of the crazy leftist propoganda and delegitimizes real sexism.  Specifically, that if someone mentions that men are attracted to women and like to look and think about them because we have testosterone and are genetically engineered over thousands of years to be this way somehow we're actually saying "women are only objects designed to satisfy a need" even though we never said that. That was not in my mind at all and I think they tells more about your insecurity regarding sexuality and the dynamic between men and women that you project that and interpret what I say as an example of what drives sexual discrimination. There is real sexism, and then there is liking to look at boobs or nice biceps or whatever.  There is nothing wrong with the latter as long as your not violating that person's rights.  Repressing your sexuality and denying that there are beautiful differences between the sex's that can  and should be celebrated is the weird thing.  


May 2nd, 2018 at 12:27 PM ^

I don't know about leftist propoganda... I was speaking from my own experience, which as you point out, heavily shapes the way I see the world. This is why I started by saying it was my opinion. I didn't mean to infer this is what you were doing, just that I see an easy way to begin viewing another person as an object rather than a person. I don't think this makes me insecure. I think these are conversations that would be good for both boys and girls to have with each other though.