OT: Boy Scouts of America changing name, dropping "Boy"

Submitted by crg on
FYI. The discussion might end up getting hopelessly polarized and, if so, the moms can do what they like about it. However, I know that there have been/are a large number of former scouts in the ranks of the greater UM family (myself included) and that membership is certainly a factor in admissions as well - so this is somewhat relevant.



May 2nd, 2018 at 4:50 PM ^

There's a 0% chance you've ever watched a full episode of any show on Fox News and almost assuredly your only interaction with the channel is through carefully curated clips from other sources (Late Night shows, left-leaning websites, etc.) designed to appeal to your sense of outrage. I say this as someone who doesn't watch any cable news. 

For example, the night Tucker Carlson gave a great monologue regarding our pointless intervention in Syria (something the left in this country used to be against) did left-wing sources give him any credit? No, instead they played clips of a lighthearted segment from the show regarding pandas to discredit him. 

But please, pretend you're getting news from a non-partisan source when you read Huffington Post and watch MSNBC. It's heartwarming that someone as naive as you exists. 


May 2nd, 2018 at 6:28 PM ^

You are wrong on every count. I occasionally watch Fox News just to see if anything has changed. Their Trump love has cooled a little, but is still the same "liberals are stupid/mentally ill/anti- American/the enemy" bullshit it's always been. I get my news from a wide variety of sources and mediums. Having worked in the industry, I know quite well how important it is to verify facts from diverse sources. Your un-written implication that I am a liberal is also incorrect.


May 3rd, 2018 at 11:43 AM ^

Sure man. Everyone gets their news from a "variety" of sources behind their screen name, but somehow end up having the same positions as someone who reads exclusively from HP, Mother Jones and watches MSNBC. And you could of course say the same about the counters to that. 


May 2nd, 2018 at 12:26 PM ^

The US BSA was one of the last countries which was not co-ed.  Talked with Canadian scout leaders once at an event when I saw their female boy scouts and asked if it caused any problems.  They said no.  Venturing has been co-ed for some time with no problems that I am aware, and it wasn't a problem in the troop where I was committee chairman.  Things change, and BSA has had a numbers problem for some time.  This was inevitable in my opinion.


May 2nd, 2018 at 1:35 PM ^

If the mission of the Boy Scouts is to develop leaders of tomorrow, then what message does it send that boys and girls should be treated differently in that sense. Teach them all at a young age that they are all capable and stronger when together and maybe we stop getting board rooms that are less “good ol’ boys clubs” and more representative of actual society.


May 2nd, 2018 at 2:11 PM ^

That presumes that there are no,other programs geared to prepare leaders that are either gender neutral or female only. The BSA is one of an ever growing (and almost cumbersome) number of options these days, which is one of the reasons why membership is declining - it is too difficult for kids/parents to do scouting in conjunction with all the other activities these days.


May 2nd, 2018 at 5:10 PM ^

That's an honest question, not saying you're wrong.

But putting a kid in a contrived male-only environment that will rarely be replicated for the rest of his life doesn't in my experience help with self-confidence.  Just as often, putting him in a "safe" place would allow him to appear confident but precisely wouldn't develop self-confidence for, you know, actual real world situations.  But again, that's an unsubstantiated theory just like yours so curious if there is any evidence of what you're claiming.

At least you owned it with the get-off-my-lawn comment.


May 2nd, 2018 at 7:06 PM ^

But I'm not the arbiter. I think boys, and girls, respectively, are more comfortable learning new things without the slight pressure to impress the opposite sex. I think it injects a certain level of distraction that is unavoidable. That's a very healthy thing as well, and day to day living, and school systems provide plenty of that. I think there should also be a space for scouts as they have historically existed, for that reason and lots of others. 

Bando Calrissian

May 2nd, 2018 at 7:29 PM ^

...there is...

Read what the policy actually entails. It's local option. No troop is being forced to go coed. It's local option--if you want to have an all-girl troop, you can. All-boy, you can. Coed, sure. It's up to the chartering organization to determine what format works best for their unit.

yossarians tree

May 2nd, 2018 at 1:56 PM ^

It's a modern and changing world, and as long as we are not throwing out gender-centric modes of thinking and behaving I don't see anything wrong with crossing lines at times when it benefits everyone. But virtually every culture on Earth that has ever been, and at the same time, and unbeknownst to one another includes ritualized sex-specific teachings that help young men and women grow into adulthood within society. Joseph Campbell researched and wrote brilliantly about this throughout his whole career. It is entirely human and natural, and, arguably, vital to the survival of the species.


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:33 AM ^

My instant reaction was "what is this bullshit?!!!one!11eleven"

But, honestly, the boy scouts are an organization with declining membership. I'm all for having kids share this kind of experience, in general.

Its the adults I worry about.


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:59 AM ^

has lost its identity.  I tried to have get my then 6 year old son involved in it a couple of years ago, and by extension, myself, and it was not at all apparent what their purpose had become as an organization.  It was like the leadership still observed all of the "customs" of the organization without any real coherent idea as to the end that such customs were serving.  Honestly, my son was just confused.  I decided that if we wanted to camping or hiking or clean up a park, we would just do it and avoid all of the..., uh, weird stuff. 


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:32 AM ^

I think this will give a temporary enrollment boost by adding girls to the ranks, but long term???  I see more benefit in having Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts as separate entities.  As a scout leader, I found it hard enough to comply with the two-deep leadership requirements.  Adding another gender to the equation will make it that much more difficult to arrange.  Our Troop had a great adult leadership enrollment, but it was still challenging to get actual participation from the parents.  Still, I hope this works out for them because it's a tremendous organization and learning experience for kids.


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:55 AM ^

I'm much less familiar with Girl Scouts' programs than Boy Scouts (having been a Boy Scout).  What has been the take from the Girl Scouts national orgainization?  I have to assume, they've at least looked into the problem of "we're boring, outdated, and less applicable than the Boy Scouts" (I'm just paraphrasing here).  Are they making attempts to modify their approach?


May 2nd, 2018 at 2:04 PM ^

I don't know, I can see how it may help.  I'm probably a small demographic here, but I have boy/girl twins, I am an Eagle Scout any my wife has her Gold Award, we both want our kids to do scouting, but in our discussions about scouting, it's pretty clear the infrastructue to offer greater experiences is, or at least was, much higher in the BSA.  My wife says she wishes she could have been in my troop.  We both had well run troops (mine was probably extrememly well run), but I had easier access to all the high adventure camps and jamborees that my wife just didn't.  I know Ventures in co-ed, but that's not until your older and getting in a troop and enviornment that fostors growth toward those high adventure experiences is important for retention and growth. 

And secondly, man, it makes it a hell of a lot easier on us parents to juggle one troop instead of two.  I know that's a bit selfish, but man, we already got a lot going on in life.  

My wife and I acknowledge there are definiate advantages, at least in our opinion, to single-gender spaces at times, so it would be a big change for a co-ed troop, but I can also see a lot of advantages.  In the end, how this turns out will probably have to do with how well individual troops are run.


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:35 AM ^

I enjoyed my time in scouts as a child and I have been worried for a while that the whole ship may come down.


I think a name change is a good idea.


Blue and Joe

May 2nd, 2018 at 10:35 AM ^

Most people don't understand this topic. Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts are two entirely different organizations. It's not as simple as "there is already a place for girls." The organizations do many different things. Some girls may prefer the programs in the Boy Scouts.


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:52 AM ^

It's not shit, they do some really cool stuff in my daughters troop, but I will concede it's an organization that does really well with younger girls and loses it's appeal as Girls get older.  There's a great opportunity for cooperation between the organizations to learn from each other and it's one that should be taken advantage of without trying to burn down the other organization.

Bando Calrissian

May 2nd, 2018 at 12:09 PM ^

I had a handful of friends in high school who were still involved in Girl Scouts. They were the only ones left of their group, even though there had been tons of them as Brownies. They wouldn't even admit to being in the organization--they always talked about it as "church."

All of them got the Gold Award; none of them publicized it. It was crazy, considering that Gold Award is an incredibly difficult achievement, far more difficult than Eagle is on the Boy Scout end. But they were embarrassed of what the other girls might say. The stigma was that great.

Bando Calrissian

May 2nd, 2018 at 2:46 PM ^

The kids in my troop have a tradition of wearing their Eagle medals pinned to their gowns at high school graduation. It started with a group of guys about five years ago, and kept on going. Just because you have kids doesn't mean my observations of the program on the ground in my neck of the woods aren't valid. Scouting isn't universally reviled out there.

Again, YMMV.


May 2nd, 2018 at 10:35 AM ^

The planet is dying, war looms, but all these boomers are screaming "I want all children sorted into groups based on genitalia goddammit!!!!"