John U. Bacon weighs in on Izzo & Dantonio

Submitted by redwhiteandMGOBLUE on


On the difference between Izzo and Dantonio's situations

"I would make a distinction between Izzo's situation and Dantonio's," Bacon said. "As far as I know, Coach Izzo's got three situations to answer for. One of course is Travis Walton, the one being discussed, also Adreian Payne and Keith Appling were both part of an incident with a woman that looks horrible, and what happened will be a question worth answering for sure. We don't know about that. In Dantonio's case, he's got a ten-year pattern of 16 players accused of sexual assault over this stretch.

"I'm not dismissing in any way Izzo's situation, but it seems to be at least contained. Now, how bad that is, we're going to find out. I don't see Dantonio's as contained. I see it as a pattern that has been rolling out for a decade, class after class, and that, to me, is a different situation."

I'm not sure why Bacon is stating that Izzo has his situation "contained". Contained, because from what we know thus far, he's only dealing with Walton and Appling/Payne? That seems like a strange choice of phrase since we just found out more info yesterday when it was reported that Walton was living with Izzo when both of his issues happened. And who were the other two basketball players involved in the gang rape with Walton?  That doesn't seem like a contained situation to me. I do know that Izzo was frazzled and lost after these last two games and now he can expect to get grilled about Walton's living arrangement with him going forward.

Dantonio clearly has a massive culture and image problem to deal with and I'm fairly confident that more damning evidence will come out on the football team. And this narrative from spartys that Dantonio was so upright because he booted four assaulters last year is nonsense. Those guys were only booted from the team because of the Nassar ugliness and ESPN snooping around campus. Unlike Izzo, Dantonio has the sad luxury of not having to go in front of the media 2-3 times a week until the end of March.


January 30th, 2018 at 10:16 AM ^

I dont think jail time is in the cards for either.

Izzo looks far more contrite. It looks like his past mistakes are really eating him up inside and Im willing to give him the benefit that it is due to the victims plight as least as much as it is his legacy going Whooosh. It looks like that guilt, together with the pressure of the very pointed questions he has no answer for, may force him out before the administration does.

Dantonio will be defiant to the end.


January 30th, 2018 at 11:00 AM ^

There is literally nothing new in the ESPN piece, nothing. and there so far have been zero new facts presented at all. Every thing we know today we knew 2 years ago. What's changed? Nassar? This has zero to do with that. Where do the facts show Dantonio hindered any investigation anywhere? Or covered anything up? That is what Baylor and PSU did. And that would deserve his immediate firing. But all the facts say right now is that Dantonio was too lenient, if you don't count the fact that he dismissed four guys last year immediately.


January 30th, 2018 at 11:45 AM ^

I wouldn't say there is zero to do with Nassar.  It seems apparent that there has been a pattern of underreporting (or non-reporting) of sexual assault committed by people associated with the MSU athletic department.  The inaction on Nassar starts to make more sense when we see this broader pattern. 



Mr Miggle

January 30th, 2018 at 1:58 PM ^

often does change things. People that knew about one or two incidents aren't going to feel the same way when they learn there were many more.  Having ESPN do it means they are reaching a far wider audience. That puts more pressure on MSU. I disagree on whether there was anything new in ESPN's reporting. There were certainly things in there that I was unaware of and I haven't seen any contemporary references to them. 

The absolute bare minimum takeaway from the story is that Dantonio was too lenient. Another very likely one is that MSU's athletic department, was breaking rules for how sexual assault complaints are handled and that Dantonio played a role in that. The way he and they handled the case last year was 180 degrees different than the past. It was done completely by the book. Clearly that happened because of the Nassar case, not because there was any change in the relevant laws or rules.


January 30th, 2018 at 8:20 AM ^

It seems to me that Izzo has zero percent chance of being the coach next year based on the OLT report and lack of title 9 reporting. I think Dantonio still has a chance to survive as we know he lied and has a bad culture but don't quite have the clear law breaking on his part.

BTB grad

January 30th, 2018 at 8:30 AM ^

I love JUB but have to disagree

Comparing numbers isn't necessarily fair when you have 85 scholarships and 100+ players on a football roster vs. 13 scholarships and 15 players on a basketball roster.

I think the details in Izzo's situation are pretty clear and I find it difficult to say his situation is "worse" than Dantonio. This isn't like a game of golf where the higher tally means one situation is worse than the other. Both of their situations are pretty fucking bad.

Izzo's situation is going to draw more press. He's a much bigger name. That's just how it works.

Blue Durham

January 30th, 2018 at 10:30 AM ^

The football team had 16 (reported) cases for a roughly 100 player roster, or a "rate" (obviously this does not count the number of years and players coming or going) of 16%. Izzo had 4 (reported) player instances for a 15 player roster, or a "rate" > 25%. So the argument can easily be made that Izzo's performance is worse than Dantonio's. But both are and have been really bad in controlling and dealing with this.

yossarians tree

January 30th, 2018 at 1:35 PM ^

You can parse "rates" of assault, etc. and believe me the MSU football and basketball fans are bending over to do so, but to concede that these things were going on in what is now understood as a sick institutional culture casts the football/basketball programs in a whole new light. Where they were able to get away with these cover ups in the pre-Nassar world, they will not be able to post-Nasser. It ALL looks a whole lot different suddenly, and the relentlessness of these investigations going forward for the next several months I believe will have them both wilting under the heat. There are bound to be sanctions on the entire athletics program, and recruiting will absolutely be impacted until there is a clean slate.


January 30th, 2018 at 2:05 PM ^

so the "accusation rate" per player is actually worse for the basketball team over the last ten years.

Izzo only has, what, 13-14 players on the team at any given time? That's 1/6 of the guys on the football team, yet we know Appling, Payne and two others were involved, plus Walton.

I think they're both sitting in bad spots, but it looks like they're going to fight to the bitter end (and their fans are going to defend them the whole way).

The case will break if the Michigan AG gets someone or multiple people within the AD who had knowledge of cases being handled internally that involved Dantonio or Izzo making statements to that effect.  If the AD employees insist the coaches weren't involved and had no knowledge of internally handled cases (because they wouldn't have been dumb enough to document their involvement), then it's possible they get through this.  The investigation will have to uncover more people that corroborate Allswede's claims of complaints being handled internally.


January 30th, 2018 at 2:11 PM ^

there have been a lot of rules recently enacted about reporting requirements in the last ten years including title IX.  I think that's the timeframe you work with here.

Izzo and lots of programs probably handled all kinds of stuff on the hush hush in the 90s and 00s.

You evaluate how they're doing under current rules, in a current environment.  Plus, you could argue that if Izzo was clean until 2010 (which again, no f-ing way), and then had a spate of incidents, isn't that even worse as evidence that his prior lax discipline is starting to be taken advantage of?).

Red is Blue

January 30th, 2018 at 8:31 AM ^

Doesn't the "containment" have to be normalized for the number of people involved with a particular program?  Lots more football players than basketball players, so lots more chances for incidents relating to the football team.  "Contained" ought to relate to appropriate actions being taken in response, not the number of incidents. 


January 30th, 2018 at 8:38 AM ^

I wonder if he means that those instances happened in 2010/11. It wasn't handled properly, but it also doesn't appear to happen regularly under Izzo's watch. Maybe Izzo protected those players but he learned from it to be proactive instead of reactive.

Dantonio on the other hand has had reoccuring issues for 10 years now. And his handling of those instances has enabled the acts to continue. 


January 30th, 2018 at 8:31 AM ^

Izzo's situation certainly seems more spinnable, even though so far he doesnt' seem to understand that he has serious questions to answer.  (Payne and Appling were never charged, maybe he asked Walton to live with him because he knew he was troubled, etc.)

The part that stuns me is that nobody is picking up the Auston Robertson thread and running with it.  Dantonio welcomed him to the team even though he couldn't sign an LOI because he was sitting in jail for something that was at least sex assault-adjacent.  Now he's accused of rape.  Dantonio has no ground to stand on for creating a safe culture on campus. 


January 30th, 2018 at 8:39 AM ^

There is a cultural problem in that paper today. Code for "lack of instituonal control". In this nuclear environment, don't see how any "names" at MSU survive. New facts, articles, broadcasts are now a daily feed for the piranhas.

You Only Live Thrice

January 30th, 2018 at 8:50 AM ^

Piranha mentality is exactly right.  I have to keep reminding myself actual human beings were hurt because of lack of institutional control from MSU leadership.  It is a reminder to me as a company leader to remain vigilant in creating a safe positive culture for my team.  I can't shake this knot in my stomach every time I think about just how many people knew about this unsafe culture and did nothing about it.


January 30th, 2018 at 8:46 AM ^

Austin Robertson is, essentially, a high school student that nobody ever heard of.  Nobody is reporting on him because he never made it to a single game before he was booted - nobody knows who he is.  Well, nobody but UM crootniks that have followed this more closely than 99.999% of the American public.

If the AG's special investigator actually does a half-decent job (doubtful, given all the MSU connections between him and Schuette), then the world will know his name.

I have my doubts about the AG/MSP investigation, though.  Too many close MSU ties to both Schuette and Forsynth to be credible.


January 30th, 2018 at 10:23 AM ^

Schuette is gearing up for a gubernatorial run. In light of that, there is absolutely no way he perpetuates the MSU culture and pattern of covering up sexual assault by playing the game you are suggesting. It not even in the realm of possibility.

yossarians tree

January 30th, 2018 at 1:42 PM ^

State Journal reporting the special prosecutor has a close friend and political benefactor that is a big MSU booster (Secchia). Also Schuette had Dantonio write the foreword for his book. I don't like it. Of course the politicians are saying it will all be on the up and up, but these days I'm finding that most politicians aren't even bothering to speak from both sides of their mouths--they've proven that they can just outright lie straight at the public and get away with it.


January 30th, 2018 at 9:36 AM ^

ESPN likely opened the latest salvo with BB because it’s in season. Izzo has to answer at pressers and every MSU game includes the topic. Secondarily, I suspect ESPN has a smoking gun on the Walton case that includes a lack of a Title IX and other Dept of Ed reporting. Just a hunch given Hollis’ sudden exit on Friday and the ESPN questions after MD, The FB topic will resurface in the near future. I am not sure when Robertson will be tried, but that will be a shitstorm for MSU with his priors openly discussed as a strike against Mark. The trio trial will also put MSU in the crosshairs, although Mark’s culpability will hinge on his oversight of an employee (Blackwell) and any delay in reporting.


January 30th, 2018 at 8:45 AM ^

is that at least we already knew something about the two cases involving basketball players and they went through the process no matter how tinted the process was. The football program seems shovelled all allegations under the rug, aka Baylor.


January 30th, 2018 at 8:52 AM ^

The Appling/Payne situation was WIDELY reported on the board here at the time. So If that many rival fans knew about it, how many people within MSU’s administration knew? Remember his was also the time MSU started pushing Payne’s close relationship with Lacey Holsworth and her family. There was a lot of speculation that the good feels story was to potentially discourage reporting about allegations against Payne if they did indeed surface.


January 30th, 2018 at 8:58 AM ^

I don’t mean to keep playing the role of contrarian, but I’m slightly bothered by the constant statements around here of “zero percent chance” Dantonio or Izzo survive this. There is definitely greater than zero percent chance. Seems like the only place I am hearing they are going to be gone is on this blog. They might both be in trouble, they might both be fine. They both will be under a microscope but I don’t see anything yet that certainly signals their demise. Downvote away, but let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves before all the info comes out.


January 30th, 2018 at 9:06 AM ^

I get your point, but lets look at it...  The media will never say they should be gone - maybe in an editorial at a much later date, when more 'facts' come to light.  The media has reported all of this, and helped to sweep it under the rug, but it's so early in the process that no 'journalist' is going to call out the nuclear option right now.

And what fanbases have paid much attention to MSU going's-on aside from MSU and UM?  The MSU fanbase is obviously tilted, right?  This here blog is as obsessed about all things MSU/OSU as it is about UM.  We want to know what's going on with them as a barometer of how we're doing against them.  We pay attention because it means more to us than it does to the Illinois fanbase (no reason to use Ill, but no reason not to, either).

There are only two groups in the world that care enough to follow MSU sports closely enough to already know a lot of these details - MSU and UM.

This is why we believe they're already gone - we know more about it than any other fanbase out there...


January 30th, 2018 at 9:17 AM ^

Right. But with all that being said, what are the “smoking guns” out there for each of them that cause us to believe there’s “zero chance” they can survive? For Izzo the big story appears to be Walton, but we don’t know for sure if Izzo covered anything up do we? For Dantonio we have a report that 16 players have been accused of sexual assault or violence against women in 11 years. We haven’t had that many, but we’ve had some, and I’m sure other programs have had more. There was the story about Dantonio “punishing” a player by having him tell his mother what he did. Has that been proven? Maybe I haven’t followed close enough but I just haven’t seen anything yet that leads me to believe their jobs are beyond saving. Fill me in if I’ve missed something.


January 30th, 2018 at 10:31 AM ^

And Dantonio has had two separate group brawl situations with multiple football members. I’m guessing the Glenn Winston situation will be looked at again a lot closer. That hockey player got brain damage from Winston and he started the first game after he was released from prison. I don’t think the excuse that Winston was suspended the entire offseason (because he was in jail) so that is punishment enough is going to fly now that the athletic department has a microscope on it. Sexual assault isn’t the only thing ESPN was accusing them of. The overall culture at MSU is being brought into these allegations and general thuggery from the football team will get a much closer look


January 30th, 2018 at 10:49 AM ^

absolutely needs to be brought into this as well, when the investigation eventually turns to Dantonio. God bless Brandon Graham for laying a little justice on that guy. Posting from a phone or I would embed the video of that hit. That was spectacular.


January 30th, 2018 at 12:10 PM ^

DIng, Ding, Ding!!!  We have a winner.  The core issue here is MSU creating an environment ripe for bad behavior.  The Payne/Appling case is a perfect example.  ZERO punishment?  Other players on the hoops and football teams heard about what happened, as did the women of MSU.  What sort of message does ZERO punishment send to other players??  What message does it send to young women as it relates to the type of support they can expect to find should they be assaulted?

I will take a shot at answering:  It sends a message to the players that they can behave poorly with no repurcussions.  Not good.  It also sends a message to potential victims that they are swimming at their own risk, knowing full well there are sharks in the water.


January 30th, 2018 at 9:50 AM ^

I agree with your general sentiment. And every program has issues, for sure, but I do think MSU has been pretty loose with disciplinary issues for a while.

I recognize that UM has had similar issues in the past, but not as many as far as I recall. And I've also been pleased with how Harbaugh has handled those. Hoke on the other hand, definitely not, and UM/Hoke deserves criticism for that.


But I also think searching for "proof" is likely going to be elusive. Sexual assault cases are often very difficult to proove, especially from a legal perspective. This is a point that a lot of MSU fans are hanging their hat on right now and misses the point entirely.


There is a pretty strong witness in Allswede since she was involved in the process as a whole. What would likely tip the scales is some of the claimants (victims/survivors) coming forward.


January 30th, 2018 at 12:15 PM ^

MSU fans are idiots, so I’m not worried about what they are hanging their hats on. They think the legal process is all that matters, unless it’s Gibbons or Perry, then it doesn’t matter what was found, they are guilty and UM fans thusly can’t criticize Izzo or Dantonio. MSU fans’ true colors are showing and it isn’t pretty.


January 30th, 2018 at 9:17 AM ^

I'm not calling for their heads because if what has been reported is true, just firing Izzo and Dantonio is not enough. MSU and the Athletic Department there has proved over and over again to be completely in control of the institution while purposely skirting and/or breaking the law and protecting sexual abusers above all. Michigan State Athletics has no place in the B1G, it has no place in the NCAA. Anything shy of that is an afront to the countless victims. If the whole athletic department is kept around, keeping around Izzo/Dantonio isn't that far of a stretch either. 


January 30th, 2018 at 9:29 AM ^

My first reaction was that they were gone, but both seem to be relatively defiant, Dantonio in particular (which I find odd, given it's a horribly kept secret of all the character issues).


I have heard it in another spot or two, but I'm also not convinced that both of them go. There's certainly a possibility it happens, but I don't think it's a foregone conclusion at this point in time. There's a ton of smoke, and a small fire. But there hasn't been much indication that MSU is not going to fight that fire for their two "legendary coaches."


January 30th, 2018 at 9:54 AM ^

I don't think they are gone. Maybe mildly reprimanded. MSU will fight tooth and nail for these guys. And mark my words, unless the investigation turns up something catastrophic they'll play the 'wait it out' game. If Mark delivers a B1G title two years from now, you will never hear about this again. 

I don't think it's right. I don't think it's okay. But I think that they will evade. I'm not sure that the guy set up by the AD is unbiased. And unless someone outside (like Federally, given the NCAA connection) gets involved, I think theyw ill play the waiting game, drawing this out till people stop noticing due to fatigue. Then they will end up with an apology and call it good. Spartan's will. 

All this makes me really sad.