OT: Game of Thrones S7 E4- The Spoils of War

Submitted by Eastside Maize on
The first 3 episodes were great and I know that will continue. Hackers you can keep your damn leaked episodes, I shall wait until 9! Dany, be a dragon. WE DO NOT SOW

UM Fan from Sydney

August 7th, 2017 at 8:27 AM ^

Fuck that. I was literally shaking during that battle, especially when Bronn was shooting the arrows at Drogon. I was legitimately nervous about the possible death of a digital image of a dragon on my television LOL. I know at least one of them will be killed and when that time comes, it will suck, but I am so on the side of Daenerys and Jon. I love Jamie and Bronn, but cannot stand Cersei. I hope she gets tortured to death, but that likely won't happen. She will definitely die, but not the way I want.


August 7th, 2017 at 12:18 PM ^

I don't like the way Dany has been acting this season. She has turned from a breaker of chains and someone who earned her peoples trust and faith in her, into a tyrannt invader. Bend the Knee. My daddy was king. BEND THE KNEE. Maybe her problem is there is no one to save in Westoros? 

She showed up too early I think. Let the North get attacked from the White Walkers. Then save the day, earn some goodwill with the locals. Take Kings Landing. 

I'm still team Dany/Jon becuase Cercei is the worst and the Night King doesn't get enough screentime and has no character arch/motivation it seems. But most Westoros people probably aren't effected by who sits on the Iron Throne. Their life was shoveling shit 10 years ago, 5 years ago, now, and 15 years from now. I just want some stability so I don't accidently get drafted into a war. And now this blonde chick whose dad used to be freaking nuts shows up, brings dragons back to Westoros for the first time in 150 years. Like I'm pissed off at that person. She is Hitler to me, the Shit Shoveler. 

And honestly Jon should have died in the battle of the bastards. Under the weight of the piles of dead men who he led into a battle he shouldn't have. Ever since he died originally his character has sucked so much. 


August 7th, 2017 at 4:22 PM ^

prefer Cersei, who killed the former king (along with several of his Hands), blew up the Sept of Baelor with a ton if her potential (if former) allies, and who is clearly ruthless and disliked enough to almost gaurantee war for a long time.

At least Dany with those dragons has a better chance of keeping peace while the shit shoveler goes about shoveling shit.  As mad as the Mad King was, the Targaryeans at least ruled over a kingdon that was for more peaceful for hundreds of years than it has become under Lannister influence. 


August 8th, 2017 at 9:05 AM ^

Again, a farmer in the Reach, or some dude in the the Riverlands isn't effected by the change in leadership. My lifetime has seen changes from Republican to Democrat and back and fourth twice more. We've had a lying adulterer, a lying WMD planting war starter, and a celebrity all hold the position as "Most Powerful Man in the World" and as a middle class white male it's hard to say the president has ever changed my life meaningfully. The common Westoros man probably never even knows the Hand's name. They never visited the Sept of Baelor. She is ruthless and it hasn't even touched their life.

A dragon, even under the instruction of Dany, is still wild. Whats stopping it from flying over head and eating my sheep, or my daughter. That is a constant threat. An impending war is much worse in the mind than a war that already passed, or a change in leadership that didn't cost lives outside of those involved in the political squable and a few innocent bystanders. 

The people of Kings Landing may hate Cercei. Everyone else is like, whatever man. Can't we just prepare for this winter in peace. Aw shit now some foreign invaders showed up.


August 6th, 2017 at 10:01 PM ^

That was one of the best battle scenes in screen history

Battle of Stirling in Braveheart was awesome, DDay invasion in Saving Private Ryan, Battle of Brecourt Manor in Band of Brothers...other suggestions? 

But that one I just watched was right up there.


August 7th, 2017 at 1:27 AM ^

They did Helm's Deep so well that I actually got so engrossed in it that I forgot the charge of the Rohirrim was coming.   So well done that it made my eyes well up.  Maybe that sounds silly for a fantasy movie about elves and orcs, but I read those books when I was about 13 years old and I just couldn't believe how well they had captured it all. 

Perkis-Size Me

August 6th, 2017 at 10:22 PM ^

I said it gets an honorable mention. It is at least a step or two below LOTR, but it's still worth mentioning. I'm also personally biased. I watched ID nonstop growing up. I know the entire script verbatim. The new one is awful, but that last scene of the original is one of my favorite action scenes of any movie. Visually nowhere near as good as LOTR, but still a powerful scene.

uncle leo

August 6th, 2017 at 10:25 PM ^

I understand movies are all subjective and we intrepret things different, but the raw quality between that final scene and other great war movies and something like tonight on GoT is so far apart. 

If you really watch it today, it's just a bunch of ships flying around shooting at each other. You honestly can't differentiate it from really any other generic sci-fi movie that does something similar. The ONLY reason it has some staying power is because of the way it ended. 


Perkis-Size Me

August 7th, 2017 at 10:12 AM ^

Agree to disagree. I'm admittedly biased, but it's one of my favorites. 

There are better on-screen battles to be certain (LOTR and last night are far and away better and more visually stunning), but my personal opinion is that ID deserves and honorable mention. 

It's like LOTR and GoT are first-team all conference, and ID is honorable-mention all conference. 


August 7th, 2017 at 1:22 AM ^

Don't tell me it wasn't incredibly satisfying to finally watch those dragons lay some waste to Westeros.  And it was plenty suspenseful once Bronn manned the giant crossbow thingy.

Really well done for a 15 min scene.  Nowhere near Helms Deep or some of the other more lengthy screen battles that were more than just scenes.  Those were epics.

UM Fan from Sydney

August 7th, 2017 at 8:33 AM ^

How in the hell was that boring? We FINALLY got to see what these dragons can really do. Yeah, they have showcased their fire before, but not like this. It was beyond satisfying. Daenerys finally gets a pretty decent sized victory, too. She, Drogon, and the Dothraki literally destroyed that armada or whatever it was and it was a long time coming. When I heard the Dothraki force coming and finally seeing it in the distance, it was awesome. Then when Jamie gets everyone in line, hears and sees Drogon, that is when he about shit his pants. It was incredible and goose bump material.


August 7th, 2017 at 10:08 AM ^

The HBO series "The Pacific" had some pretty intense battle scenes, specifically the Battle of the Tenaru on Guadalcanal, and the fighting in the hills on Okinawa.

And speaking of Okinawa, the battle scenes in "Hacksaw Ridge" were pretty tough as well.


August 6th, 2017 at 10:20 PM ^

Burning the food that she said she needed seems like a bonehead move.

The bit where the dragon burns a hole right through the shield wall for the Dothraki was !00% awesomeness, though.  I imagine it was dangerous as fuck to film, though.

I had a hard time thinking Bronn was an expert on the ballista, though.  I guess that first shot wasn't too hard, but there's no way an amateur could have calculate the windage, ballistics, et al for that final shot.  Also no way he could single-handedly rewind it like that, but given that he's shooting at dragons, I won't object too much to him rewinding it so easily.

UM Fan from Sydney

August 7th, 2017 at 8:39 AM ^

I thought the same thing. I knew she brought at least Drogon with her, so when Jamie got everyone in line, I was thinking, "Oh, Daenerys will appreciate that." But, of course, as you mentioned, that would have cut an awesome fifteen minute battle scene into about a three-minute roasting of that army.

UM Fan from Sydney

August 7th, 2017 at 8:38 AM ^

Mate, it's fiction. Don't over analyze. Just enjoy the masterpiece that is Game of Thrones. I don't see how people can enjoy fiction when they sit their picking it apart and saying some things are not possible. It's a show with three fire sptting dragons, after all.


August 7th, 2017 at 4:46 PM ^

In that scene, Drogon himself is the ultimate high horse. And yes, we do suspend logic in these matters, especially lately. Is this an artifact of the incredibly entertaining, but far too condensed, limitation of having to wrap up this story in 13 episodes (seasons 7 and 8)? I keep wanting to call out, "hey, if you're going to have these fire-breathing rapid-transit air-strike forces just flying around randomly all the time, why not take them out for a fly every night in search of Euron?" Then I wonder what happens if the White Walkers get ahold of Drogon? Instant flying ice-cube dispenser?


August 7th, 2017 at 11:43 AM ^

The show has made Bronn into way more than he is in Martin's writing because they (and all the fans) really like the actor playing him.  He's an interesting character in the book, but he has been elevated in the show beyond what the story originally portrayed him to be.  IMO of course.  


August 7th, 2017 at 11:59 AM ^

there was no Bronn-Jaime mission to Dorne.  I don't recall Bronn being Jaime's right hand man in the Riverlands (but could be wrong). Other than being Tyrion's champion at the Eyrie and helping him get back to King's Landing, I don't recall him doing much.

Definitely some adaptation based on popular feedback from those early seasons and the actor just being awesome.