October 28th, 2014 at 11:47 PM ^

For all I know Brandon is the type of guy who would pull over and help me change a tire if he saw my car by the side of the road, but dang is he bad at being a decent person whenever he feel slighted.


October 28th, 2014 at 11:48 PM ^

The part about the award is classic.  I bet that he really thinks he is doing a great job and nobody understands him.  In his mind he is the victim.  Sad for him and us.

Perkis-Size Me

October 28th, 2014 at 11:50 PM ^

This guy just needs to leave and never come back. I know he wants Michigan to succeed, but like Hoke, his presence to this university has become toxic. Every week, 1 of those 2 manage to bumble their way through some other PR fiasco.

I know its got to be extremely tough for Schlissel to make a change like this, especially less than one year into the job, but this comes with the territory. In this situation, not acting and making changes has potentially long-term, disastrous effects on where this program could be heading.

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Bando Calrissian

October 29th, 2014 at 12:57 AM ^

I got an email from my dad tonight, a total Michigan lifer, an alum, proud MMB alum... Talking about how he was strongly considering sitting out Alumni Band this year because he was so angry about what's happening with the Athletic Department these days.

When you've lost someone who has spent literally two thirds of his life supporting this Athletic Department, a season ticket holder in three sports, who has given easily six figures over the years to support Michigan... And this clown has the audacity to say he discredits this shit because it's from a blog...

What's sacred at Michigan? Has Dave Brandon completely lost his freaking mind? 

What did you learn from Bo? Really. What did you learn, Dave?


October 29th, 2014 at 12:00 AM ^

Brandon only hired Hoke because, after how he treated RR, no real coaches would work with him. This means we're totally fucked if he isn't gone first.

rob f

October 29th, 2014 at 12:05 AM ^

is nothing other than classic Dave Brandon, nothing other than what I've come to expect from such a narcissist.  I honestly think that, in his eyes, he's always right and everything bad is  everyone elses fault.  Everything.


October 29th, 2014 at 12:26 AM ^

Well you see this reading thing is difficult for me so what I do is, I pay my secretary six figures so she can read it for me. I don't have the intellect to read and comprehend what is written on here, nor does Brady. This is why I wear sunglasses all time so I give the illusion I am reading but I cannot. We don't need to have fans who can read, Dave


October 29th, 2014 at 12:07 AM ^

In early December 2010, I voiced my concerns to Dave Brandon about the rumor that UM might be considering hiring Hoke (as opposed to the two prevalent options being discussed at that point publicly -- keep RR for another year or bring in Harbaugh).  Part of his response:

"I have no idea where this nonsense comes from…but please don’t spend valuable time believing any of it!  It just causes you worry and aggravation!!"

Perhaps nonsense is one of his favorite deflecting words that he uses to describe something that is actually true.


Mpfnfu Ford

October 29th, 2014 at 12:18 AM ^

Those cats who thought this story wouldn't get any traction lookin' pretty silly right now. Dan Wolken, the lead college football writer for USA Today, is over on Twitter openly mocking Dave Brandon. ESPN's Big 10 blogger is reporting damning stuff from internal Michigan people. 

Nobody at Michigan is even going on the record to defend him at this point. Fitting considering the way he made RichRod twist in the wind for all those months before finally firing him so late the guy had to wait a year for another job. Brandon's getting the same treatment. 


October 29th, 2014 at 12:38 AM ^

I agree.  IIRC some people wanted him fired after the Ohio State game so the coaching search could begin.  I (admittedly an RR supporter) felt like RR could probably hang on for one more year.  But the bowl game happened, players quit on the coach and it was over before Josh Groban opened his mouth.

Mpfnfu Ford

October 29th, 2014 at 12:39 AM ^

Not the point. The way the firing was done was f'd up. He dragged the process out while the poor guy had to wake up every day hearing new speculation about his firing for months. And then was finally fired at a point where he had no chance of getting a new job for the next season. RichRod should have been fired no later than the Ohio State game. Keeping him around when his fate was sealed was just done to make it seem like Brandon was being fairer and letting him "earn" a 4th year that the whole world knew he wouldn't get.

Basically, the problem was not that they fired him, it's how Brandon did it: with no class. And so it is IMMENSELY satisfying to see him twist in the wind in the same way, wondering when he's gonna get the hammer dropped on him as the entire department deserts him and he's left all alone to defend himself as the wolves get closer and closer. 


October 29th, 2014 at 3:23 AM ^

Have you noticed that when he talks about the vision or accomplishments of the athletic department, he says "I" and "me", but when he talks about its failures, he says "we" and "us"?


October 29th, 2014 at 12:37 AM ^

Here is the problem I see with his quote- When he's on record as saying there are issues with communication and engagement between the AD and the fans, blogs are precisely the types of mediums he should be polling for public opinion and to mend fences.

I don't believe for a minute that MGoBlog posters represent the common Michigan fan.  I think there is plenty of hivemind here and also some rather extreme views.  However, there is a large number of readership here, and a large number of passionate, educated, informed fans here.   The perfect sounding board for the AD to listen about the problems they can fix -- If they WANTED to listen.

I can tell you from my job, we read forums and blogs.  We have very detailed, deep analytics that scour the internet and we gather feedback based precisely on the types of things posted here.  If this was a blog ranting about bad experiences for my company it would show up on my desk tomorrow morning and I guaran-fucking-tee we would have a small emergency team working on it based on the scope/size of the recent UofM ineptitude.  Oh, and I'm in a very large, complex corporation and my budget is about on par with what Dave Brandon manages, so if he reads this he can skip the snide comments.

Thankfully my company recognizes the importance of social media as a sounding board for customer dissatisfaction.  Our AD is either too dumb to accept this, or too full of themselves to care.

The FannMan

October 29th, 2014 at 12:41 AM ^

Many of us thought that Brandon's handling of the Shane Morris incident was as bad as PR can get. He has proven all of us wrong.

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.


October 29th, 2014 at 2:04 AM ^

No, what's incredible is that we have an AD that wasted money taunting MIchigan State with a f'ing SKYWRITER.  It's like he thinks he's Ferris Bueller, when in reality, instead of being a cool rebellious teenager, he's actually a complete douchebag old man who never grew up.