Csont'e York Video Released, Very Bad Comment Count


Police have released a video of the Csont'e York incident, and it is bad:

That is a straight-up sucker punch that broke a guy's jaw in three places. I don't see how he doesn't get dismissed for that. That is some Glenn Winston stuff right there, except it's on tape so there is no debate about whether this was a scuffle or not.

York's version:

“A group of dudes walked by and bumped me,” he told police. “He was (so) close to me that he elbowed me as he walked by.”

During the altercation, York said one of the men “walked up on” his teammate,, according to the report.

“He pressed up on him face to face exchanging words for no reason,” York told police. “I got (nervous) and scared about the situation so I hit the guy. I punched him.”

FWIW, York thought they were hockey players, thus the source of that rumor. There's nothing indicating either guy is.



August 12th, 2014 at 3:05 PM ^

That is just unexceptable and dirty.  Sucker punch a dude not paying attention to you, then run away.  What the fuck.   Even if the guy was up in his friend's face.  I suppose it doesn't hurt to let the legal system play out, but that looks like a dismissal straight up to me regardless of the punishment handed down.  I hope York learns from this and makes better choices in the future.


August 12th, 2014 at 3:38 PM ^

Even worse you can see him flinch trying to sucker punch the guy, but the guy looks his way and he stops. Then when the guy looks away again he sucker punches him. Far worse then getting a lucky punch in at the beggining of a fight, He only wanted to get a sucker punch in.

On top of it they let the one guy through and block the way for the victim.

He needs to be dismissed.


August 12th, 2014 at 3:06 PM ^

Generally I'm not a fan of the concept of "making an example out of someone" to help ensure others learn a lesson and are motivated to avoid a similar fate, but this is about as clear cut as a disciplinary situation gets. Hard to imagine anyone watching that video could think anything other than "wow, that was way out of line." 


August 12th, 2014 at 3:14 PM ^

Yeah, totally agree. I just meant that if there was no video or perhaps there was some pushing in the video it might not be automatically worthy of instant dismissal, whereas this is very clear evidence that I think (like pretty much all of us on here) eliminates the right to have any option other than dismissal on the table. 

San Diego Mick

August 12th, 2014 at 3:42 PM ^

York saying he felt threatened when the guy he SUCKER punched was not in his face and had his hands in his pockets, pretty stupid to have your hands in your pockets if you plan on throwing punches.

Punk ass move by York and he doesn't deserve the right to be on the team, he will probably have to transfer to a MAC level school to persue his dream of playing football, just dumb.


August 12th, 2014 at 3:44 PM ^

Jones might get a suspension as well, but as far as I know, he wasn't charged with anything and the video doesn't show him doing anything violent like York. He should be suspended after investigation if warranted, not before (as you seem to be suggesting).


August 13th, 2014 at 10:42 AM ^

The football team isn't the legal system. He has a presumption of innocence in the legal system, even if he gets charged as an accomplice (as he should be, based on the video, IMO). But on the football team I see absolutely no problem with suspending any player anywhere near a fight involving other players, especially when, as I think happened here, a player is involved in setting someone up to be assaulted by a teammate.


August 12th, 2014 at 3:09 PM ^

One moment of abject stupidity and the arc of his entire life is changed. No excuse at all for what he did and he has to be gone immediately from the program as well as face the legal music, but I can't help but think of all the hard work he put in over years and years to get to the point where he's a Michigan football player on scholarship to a great university...then poof, it's all wasted.

Prince Lover

August 12th, 2014 at 3:20 PM ^

The university can pull his scholarship but let him still be a student who pays for his education? Not saying I feel sorry for him, but it does remind me of Saban's quote about a player never has accomplished much of anything after he's kicked off a team. Or is the likely scenario to be he transfers to a smaller school?


August 13th, 2014 at 9:17 AM ^

are part of the problem. I'd bet for every York, there are hundreds of kids who are a step slower, or not quite as strong, but would love to play football and be on scholarship at Michigan, or a JUCO or some other D1 school or try it in FCS or DII school. And those kids have never even thought about sucker punching a guy.

Why should this guy get a second chance? Because he is athletically gifted?

In my view the consequence of doing something like this should be no more football or scholarships. Those rewards should go to someone who deserves them. He should no have to make his own way in life. Otherwise what he has just learned is if he does something like this, there will always be a JUCO and then hopefully get picked up by some other D1 school or try it in FCS or DII.

Yes - there are solid reasons to hold up positive examples for what can happen if you do the right thing, and negative examples for what can happen if you do the wrong thing.


August 12th, 2014 at 10:20 PM ^

One moment of abject stupidity and the arc of the victim's life is changed. I can't help but think of all the hard work he put in over years and years to get to the point where he's a Michigan student at a great university..... then poof, a bunch of internet commenters cry over the loss of a thug from the football team.


August 12th, 2014 at 3:11 PM ^

He's getting booted and he's likely in trouble with the law.

Not a lot to parse here; victim wasn't even looking at him when he got clocked. Short of the victim flashing a weapon at Jones to trigger York's reaction, that was just incredible behavior from York. Perhaps the victim called York's toughness out; York sure as shit didn't seem tough in his response.

SF Wolverine

August 12th, 2014 at 3:12 PM ^

dismissal from team.  this kid's far, far bigger problem is going to be criminal.  Not sure exactly how his lawyer explains why this doesn't deserve some jail time.

turd ferguson

August 12th, 2014 at 3:15 PM ^

Bye, Csont'e.  Hopefully you have it together enough to make something positive of this.

I'm usually pretty forgiving with college kids making mistakes.  That changes when its willful, serious violence directed at another human being.  York shouldn't wear a Michigan uniform again almost regardless of what preceded that.


August 12th, 2014 at 4:34 PM ^

I've made stupid mistakes, really stupid mistakes and "holy crap I can't believe any sane human would do such a thing" mistakes.  I'm in my 30s now and still not entirely cured.  But there's a difference between stupidity and malice, the main one being that the former generally doesn't manifest in the form of sucker punches to the face.

Barring some extreme circumstances like this guy tortured Csont'e's dog to death or something, this wasn't a dumb kid doing a dumb thing.  This was an attack.  Not that you don't still hope Csont'e can change for the better, but there have to be consequences.  You don't chalk up this sort of thing to "youthful indiscretions".


August 12th, 2014 at 3:14 PM ^

guys were confronted as they walked up. It definitely looks like there had to be prior history betweent them. York was not bumped regardless.

I say this as an aside because there is no excuse for the sucker punch.


August 12th, 2014 at 3:28 PM ^

They've dealt with it through camp. I think they punt on the decision until after camp to make it look like throwing him off the team is the result of their process instead of a reaction to mounting public pressure based on the video.

Everyone Murders

August 12th, 2014 at 3:33 PM ^

I didn't think of Glenn Winston when I saw this, although it's not a bad analogy.  This is more Jayru Campbell territory, what with the video, lack of anything close to sufficient provocation, and all.

Sorry to see him make this mistake, but I don't want to see him in maize and blue again.  I hope he learns from this, and turns things around (somewhere else).


August 12th, 2014 at 3:18 PM ^

He's lucky he didnt kill the guy.  The dude he punched had his hands in his freaking pockets which meant he had no way to break his fall.   And he loaded up on the punch too - that was hard to watch.

He needs to be gone now.  That's unexcusable.