Older fans to boo Rod?

Submitted by wildbackdunesman on
I have a coworker who is in his 50's who approached me today about coach Rodriguez. He wants Rod out ASAP. He believes wholeheartedly the Rosenberg article and really refused to listen to any of the critiques of the article. When I brought up the 'voluntary clause' when counting hours, he said no respectable coach would go above 20 hours - I told him I'd bet Bo did and the 2008 NCAA report where over 600 schools athletes were interviewed and the average week load was 44.8 hours for football players -- he refused to hear anything. The thing that got to me, is that he said that he and his friends that are older alumni are thinking about booing Rod Saturday. He seemed to indicate that it was a decent amount of people that he knew that were thinking of booing Rod all his age. The support for Rod seems much stronger with the younger generation. If you are going to the game and support Rod, please cheer him as loud as possible when he is announced to show that there is still strong support for the coach. Join in loudly if any pro-Rod chants starts.

Mr. McBlue and…

September 2nd, 2009 at 8:32 PM ^

I posted a counter to this type of behavior just a couple of days ago (surprisingly it was on page 14 of the mgoboard already, wow, activity sure has picked up!) http://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/rr-chant-game-weekend JMBLUE had the best idea and I would like to see if we can get the word out. A standing ovation for rich rod after his name is announced over the PA before the game followed by a "Rich Rod-riguez" chant afterwards... I think it is important to do this so old blue hairs like this num nuts don't "get the press" in the media the next day... BE LOUD!!!!! GO BLUE AND I WILL BE THERE WITH MY ALL IN TICKETS :-).

James Burrill Angell

September 3rd, 2009 at 3:11 PM ^

I don't think the booing will be limited to "Old Blue" (a reference often pitched around at the U for those over 65). Sadly all the negative attention is going to bring out his detractors. There will also be a bunch of people like us who cheer wildly for him. I suspect the latter group will drastically increase as we start to pull away from WMU and some of those plays that didn't quite work last year start to spring long gains. Let the fools boo, for their worst punishment will be to realize they are fools once the team shows what they've learned from the coach.


September 2nd, 2009 at 8:04 PM ^

True, the older fans tend to dislike change, but they don't see the necessity to adapt to modern offenses. Once we start winning, they'll shut up. 2009: How I Learned to Stop Whining and Embrace the Spread


September 2nd, 2009 at 8:06 PM ^

It would take all of my willpower not to punch that dumb motherfucker in the face if I were you. That kind of shit infuriates me to the point of temporarily losing my mind (ok, not really, but still). I will be standing, clapping, and cheering for Coach Rod when he is announced as head coach of Michigan on Saturday. For a prolonged period of time. And anyone around me who boos is going to get a "STFU" and a death stare.

I miss Spring Lake

September 2nd, 2009 at 10:50 PM ^

'Upbang' or 'posbang' (in contrast to 'negbang')? Either way, I want in. You're both getting one. You can say 'thank you' to the numerous bottles I've emptied so far tonight. ;] On that note, I just spent $50 on beer today for this weekend just for me (of course, I'm obviously getting started tomorrow with the official start of the season)!


September 2nd, 2009 at 8:46 PM ^

I'm 56, and anyone planning to boo any Michigan coach or player should either shut the fuck up or give up their tickets. Tell him that for me, OK? I know a guy who played on the O-Line for Bo in the '70s who is a big supporter of RR, and he says there are plenty of guys from his generation of alumni players, such as Rick Leach, who are also solidly behind RR. Leach has been on WTKA many, many times vocally supporting RR, as has former QB Michael Taylor. They know what being a real Michigan man is all about. Your co-worker doesn't know jack shit about it, and neither do his idiot friends. If they boo Rodriguez, they're also booing the players who've been busting their asses for the last 18 months since Carr retired. We'd all be much better off if they switch allegiances to Michigan State, since they're obviously all front-runners who panic and flee at the first signs of stress.


September 2nd, 2009 at 9:20 PM ^

He refused to hear anything to the point where he brought up the kids have to be suffering academically. I mentioned that the team has the highest GPA in recorded history. He paused looked shocked for a moment and then said that Rodriguez had to have been aiding them in cheating in classes to get that. Seriously...I want to go ape shit at this game.


September 2nd, 2009 at 11:09 PM ^

hasn't a clue about what he's talking. I would let him know kindly that if he is relying on Mr. Rosenburg's article that he hasn't thought through the issues at hand. That Mr. Rosenburg didn't want him to, and that he's acting exactly as Mr. Rosenburg hoped fans would. You might remind him then, that it is surprising he takes on faith alone and without any independent thought the ramblings of a young, inexperienced and unprofessional journalist at a newspaper which may be on its way out of business completely. You can follow up that question with whether his professors at the UM taught him to think about things he read, or just take them as the gospel truth because its black and white . . . you know it must be true because it's on TV. After he answers those questions, you might ask him if he thinks Bo would boo were he alive. If he's 56, he obviously keenly remembers the national championship season in '97 and probably had season tickets. Ask him if he thinks Lloyd will be booing. In my experience someone that age will also know exactly who Don Canham is, and have respect for him. Ask him if he thinks Don Canham would boo Rich. Lastly, this person most likely has followed Michigan Football for a long time. He surely listened to Bob Ufer for most every away game. Ask him if Bob Ufer would boo the coach for Michigan. You bet your cotton-pickin' maize and blue heart that none of these people would dream of booing Rich Rodriguez. When your leader is down you gather around him, raise him up, and help him meet the challenge. Then tell him that you're rising to the challenge and that you hope out of respect for the UM, that he does the same.


September 2nd, 2009 at 9:29 PM ^

I know I have seen it before in a couple articles regarding Bo's knowledge and thoughts of Rich Rodriguez, alas, however, I cannot find linkage. Would appreciate it if anyone has seen this on a reputable website previously. Bo LIKED Rich. Nehlen talked to Bo about Rich when they, Nehlen and Rich, were at WVU together The impression I remember from the blurb I read indicated that Bo liked Rich's fire and drive and thought he was a great coach. Also, you can remind these middle-aged real-life trolls that Nehlen coached for Bo and Rich played and coached for Nehlen. This would make Rich a branch of the Tree of Bo. Perhaps not as direct a branch as Les Miles would have been, but a branch regardless.


September 2nd, 2009 at 8:18 PM ^

I've had to listen to my father for the past year talk to extended length about how he didn't like Rich Rod. He still thinks he's gonna be fired after this season. There's no reasoning with him because he's not a serious sports fan anyways. It's always irritated me and almost embarrassed me because of how uninformed my father is when he talks about sports; but lest, I just try to find ways around it. As long as I know what's going on (and my friends on and off the internets know), I just don't watch or talk sports with him.

Enjoy Life

September 2nd, 2009 at 8:24 PM ^

I'm 62. There is no way I would BOO any coach at the beginning of the season. Especially an M coach. And really especially (yeah, I know that is not grammatically correct) RR. Drown out the MFer's with cheers. That is the only way. You have to add years to your life, you never have to get older.