Optimism Attache

December 1st, 2022 at 1:00 PM ^

You don’t decide what a state violation of constitutional rights is. The Supreme Court does that. And you can bet that with all the gun lovers in this country and the recent major shift in the composition of the Court that if a state had a law on the books that wasn’t constitutional it would have already been challenged and appealed up to the SC. 

Optimism Attache

December 1st, 2022 at 3:09 PM ^

Those lawsuits would have been there yesterday if they had legs. You have to understand how passionate some people are about guns. They put unlimited effort and resources into their activism if they detect any potential threat. The fact this hasn’t been addressed by the SC yet means potential litigants know whatever contorted 2A argument they want to make simply wouldn’t work.  Now, switch out a couple more justices and we could see about it. 


December 1st, 2022 at 1:14 PM ^

Careful - you can be concealed carry licensed in your home state in which you also have constitutional carry rights --- and then cross a state line that grants zero recognition to your carry license. Suddenly, you've got a large legal problem.

Why bother to get the CC license in a constitutional carry state? For recognition of carry reciprocity in certain other states.

It's a *very* tangled web of statutes to navigate.


December 1st, 2022 at 11:29 AM ^

For clarity, this includes anywhere in your proximity not on your land or at your work. 

Relevant law Mich. Comp. Laws Serv. §§ 750.227(2):

A person shall not carry a pistol concealed on or about his or her person, or, whether concealed or otherwise, in a vehicle operated or occupied by the person, except in his or her dwelling house, place of business, or on other land possessed by the person, without a license to carry the pistol as provided by law and if licensed, shall not carry the pistol in a place or manner inconsistent with any restrictions upon such license.

We're in a place where we have no idea if this is another, more serious incident and this is what stuck to have a charge, or if Mazi got caught Driving While Black and he had a gun in his car somewhere.

If it's the former, I'm upset this is the first we are hearing from it. We should have expectations for our program north of Michigan State.

If it's the latter, I don't give a damn and I hope we hear accordingly from Harbaugh in short order.  I think it's fine to not have this be a midseason distraction in that case.


December 1st, 2022 at 12:01 PM ^

My old boss got pulled over for Driving While Black in the Nashville area.  We had 3 cars and were heading out to the airport after an important sales meeting. Might have been 20 yards between each car and he was driving the last car - in a suit and a tie.  No one was speeding.  No ticket or citation was issued.  Pulled over "just because".


December 1st, 2022 at 1:58 PM ^

I'm not saying DWB doesn't exist but my senior year when I moved back home on account of costs and I'd come back from A2 at midnight, Pinckney's finest pulled me over on D-19 or M-36 every single fucking time.

IMHO what gets lost in the whole BLM/defund the police debate is nobody ever talks about how shit cops are allowed to keep their jobs in the first place.

If Derek Chauvin was ever held accountable for his track record, George Floyd is still alive today.  


December 1st, 2022 at 12:02 PM ^

Yeah its the law, but speaking as a CPL holder, if I'm Harbaugh I don't really give a shit as long as he didnt use it to threaten anyone or hurt someone.  Its his second amendment right, and if he was carrying it openly it wouldnt have mattered.  No matter what happens here legally, he should not face any kind of punishment from the team.  


December 1st, 2022 at 10:50 AM ^

Regardless of how this turns out there is little doubt that MSU fans will be telling their grandchildren that they remember exactly where they were when they heard about it. 


December 1st, 2022 at 10:58 AM ^

I refuse to go to RCMB and check, but I would bet you $1000 that someone over there has already suggested that Mazi's troubles are directly linked to (and mitigate) the tunnel incident. Something like, "Crump must have heard about Mazi's troubles before the tunnel incident, and was using his helmet as a weapon in self-defense because he believed he would have to confront a gun-wielding Wolverine..." 


December 1st, 2022 at 11:04 AM ^

Don't.  Please, just, don't.

Don't go to RCMB.  Don't fucking mention RCMB.  We know what they are.  We know what they're going to say.  It really grinds my gears that I'm here at MGoBlog and someone has to keep bringing fucking RCMB into the discussion.  If I wanted to read poison, I'd go there myself.  This is the Internet; we don't need any goddamn help if we really want to know what RCMB is saying.


December 1st, 2022 at 11:13 AM ^

I view the type of Sparty fans on that site like I view a child who mis-behaves in order to get attention. If you're giving the negative behavior attention, you're reinforcing the negative behavior and should expect it to continue. You don't give it attention, don't emotionally react, while focusing on giving praise and attention to wanted positive behaviors instead. Giving those types of Sparties any kind of attention or reaction for their insane takes is the last thing UM fans (and all sane people) should be doing as it only fuels and validates them to continue their childish behaviors.

Gustavo Fring

December 1st, 2022 at 11:53 AM ^

Honestly MSU fans on Twitter aren't much better.  Being an Online Fan, I have to remind myself I've met plenty of intelligent MSU fans in real life (many of whom I consider friends) and some of the people on Twitter are fine to talk to.  

But the amount of people for whom this is a Super Bowl is stunning.  How brain damaged do you have to be to understand this is not the same thing as jumping a defenseless player with 10 dudes outside of the field of play?  They tried to equate Dickinson's elbow (which should have been a foul on him) with the tunnel jumping.  How do you not get that that's not the same thing as beating someone with a helmet?

Honestly, I wasn't celebrating MSU players getting charged, but the idea that they are only being tried for letter-of-the-law assault because of The Blue Wall is insane.  It sounds like some QAnon shit.  If anything, the calls from so many MSU fans that "they're young men who made a mistake, give them a break" is asking for special treatment because they're football players, because if you or I beat someone with a helmet or jumped someone we'd go to jail.  

Let's see what comes of the Mazi situation.  Not making an announcement after it happened is weird, as is the fact that the charges coincidentally came after the OSU game (though my rebuttal would be that it's not like Michigan doesn't have important games left to play).  It's not the same thing as 10 of your guys jumping a defenseless player off the field and one using a helmet to beat him in the head.  


December 1st, 2022 at 11:18 AM ^

MSU fans after tunnel assault: "We don't know all the details, the video is unclear, and Michigan players were SKIPPING into the tunnel. This would've never happened if there was more security!"

MSU after victimless crime with few details and charges were just filed yesterday: "This is a Blue Wall cover up and Harbaugh should be fired! This is a culture issue with Michigan!"


December 1st, 2022 at 11:01 AM ^

unless you have a concealed carry license it is, which is silly because it's really easy to get one.

it's a 4 hour class and like 40 min on a range proving you can hit an 8x12 inch target from like 8 steps away (at least that's all it was back when i got mine well over a decade ago).

ohio is constitutional carry so ... yea. just slap the old mark 19 in your back pocket and good to go!