The Story 2021: As You Can See, I Can't Pay You Comment Count

Brian August 30th, 2021 at 11:18 AM

Previously: The Story 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008.

Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl, Broken Social Scene


Hey. This is about us. It's not about anything else, even Michigan football. If you care that this post is here on this date, I'm talking to you. Here is what I am saying: I can't do it. I can do some of it. Just not all of it, anymore.


Here's a thing that happened. I went to see a movie.

The Michigan Theater has been scrapping for things to show in the (sort-of) aftermath of COVID; one of the things they struck on was a series of Studio Ghibli films. If you're vaguely familiar, you're probably familiar with My Neighbor Totoro, a movie in which a couple of young girls run across a series of increasingly large and sleepy rabbit spirits. There's also a catbus?


If you are more than vaguely familiar you probably know all about Studio Ghibli and would like to disclaim to me at length about it; let's take a raincheck.

Anyway, My Neighbor Totoro is sweetness and light. When the Michigan fanbase collectively beat Spencer Hall into getting a Michigan themed tattoo he went with a block-M emblazoned Totoro, because spirit animal recognize spirit animal. It is a movie where a young girl gets lost and a young girl gets found. If you had to summarize this movie in one word it would be "sproing!"

[after THE JUMP: the other movie]

There is another Studio Ghibli movie. It is called Grave of the Fireflies, and the first line in it is "September 21st, 1945. That was the night I died." This is the one I went to see.


The first scene of this movie is a teenage boy dying of starvation in a subway, surrounded by the similarly doomed and the indifferent. One of the indifferent is a janitor cleaning up this charnel house; he takes a rusted tin that used to contain candies and flings it out of the station, where it lands, expels some ash and bone, and settles.


The rest of this movie is getting to the ash and bone in the tin. The two main characters are war orphans in 1945 Japan, a teenage boy and a four-year-old girl. It is the most brutally sad thing I have ever seen. It is not a movie where a young girl gets found. It immediately went on the Requiem For A Dream list of movies that I'm glad I saw and will never see again. The kind of thing where you need to remember to breathe frequently.

Here's a thing Wikipedia told me:

The initial Japanese theatrical release was accompanied by Hayao Miyazaki's light-hearted My Neighbor Totoro as a double feature.

My response to reading this was to literally say "what the fuck" out loud and then tell several people this fact whether they had seen the movie or not. The mind reels. And then—because it is diseased by various flavors of online and sports—starts making analogies. One of these you have probably already deduced because you've seen the meme, the accurate meme.

Yes, that. Michigan is that double bill, with Grave in the fall and Totoro in the winter. But also my marriage, which went the other way until January when it started wildly oscillating between the two.


The other thing that happened is that CM Punk showed up in Chicago. Now, my re-engagement with the professional wrestling only happened after I watched Wrestlemania with Spencer in 2013, because I was in Atlanta for the Final Four and Wrestlemania is the thing that also happens that weekend. Punk did not register at the time—honestly the thing I remember most is Fandango's absurd entrance—and he left WWE shortly thereafter. I gradually absorbed some of the Punk legend over the next several years, but didn't actually feel anything about him until my timeline blew up a week ago when he returned to AEW after a seven-year absence from pro wrestling. (Oblig.)

I was intrigued enough to look up what he actually said after the entrance that showed up 23 times and I watched ~18 times. I had already made the decision. But by God, this is only the eleventh time I've wept at a pro wrassling promo:

I'd already made the decision, and felt like I was letting a lot of people down. And that is perfect, because I do understand. But I do not apologize. I already wrote a column about how my initiatives to be a different person—starting with walk more, drink less—had been obliterated by the ever-hungry maw that was football season. And she begged me. She said I should stop and try to do something else because now that we had a kid, and then kids, that the maw could no longer be sated while keeping everyone sane. I tried to feed the maw. Feeding the maw was all I knew.

Which is not to say that doing that didn't have its rewards. I have had a job that is rewarding even when the football has gone poorly. I have met many lawyers whose wives have jokingly said "you're ruining our marriage." I don't mean that in a sarcastic or even arch way. You write things and then people come up to you and don't quite understand why you're kind of a big deal. I—we—have carved out a place where we can write things and get paid reasonably and I can pay other people reasonably. This feels prosaic until the media world implodes around you, and then it feels magical.

This job is good and fulfilling and also it ate me alive. I remember looking at my phone during the night game against Notre Dame, the Denard After Dentist game, and feeling black and infinitely exposed, and that was in the presence of Denard Robinson. That was also ten years ago. Seven years after I started this thing. One entire cicada brood cycle. One win over Ohio State.

I've been grinding it out for a while. I know what's happened to me over that time. I've read the comments about my mental state, and largely agreed with them. I called a good friend a month ago and he told me that last year he was reading the blog and thought that I should take this year off. And that was before a months-long crisis in my marriage that recently ended with the two of us separating. I don't really want to put this out in public but in my hubris I've put my wife in columns over and over and over again so omission would eventually be confession. Better to just rip the band-aid off.

This broke me. So I have been gone. It was my great good fortune to be in a position where I could withdraw from my job and try to figure some things out when I really needed to, and I did that. This is in a tradition of early aughts blog people who turned it in to a job. Spencer Hall got drunk on buffalo. Brian Phillips wandered over to Area 51. If you are a vaguely literary sports-adjacent aughts blog guy who made it a job the white guy vision quest is a cliché.

But I didn't figure anything out. I'm here now, because the season starts when the season starts. I'm not much better. I have reached no conclusions. I have not found an accommodation within myself. I am the proverbial camel except instead of straw I got hit by an anvil.


The practical upshots of this are:

  • For the first time since 2007 there is not a ~50k word season preview.
  • I'm resigning from UFR duties. Seth, who's been doing a near-equivalent for FFFF for years, is ready to step in there. Alex is doing FFFF.
  • I'll continue to write game columns and do the podcasts and have a regular presence on the site.
  • Basketball and hockey coverage should be largely unaffected since my workload in those parts of the year is reasonable.


Seventeen years is enough. For me, anyway. I have no choice but to pick up the bricks laying on the ground all around me and stack them until there's a building. It's not going to have the same shape. We'll see what it looks like.


UofM Die Hard …

August 31st, 2021 at 12:14 AM ^

Life man. Sorry for all that you’ve been going through. Wish you and yours the best. 

Like many on here has said, I’m lucky to have this outlet that you’ve created. Thank you. 



August 31st, 2021 at 12:16 AM ^

You have been the CEO of mgoblog for 17 years. CEO’s do not have to do all the grunt work. A few articles a weak will be fine. Hope your personal life improves. May be if Harbaugh can right the M ship and we can defeat OSU and win some conference championships, the mood of all Michigan fans will improve.


August 31st, 2021 at 1:38 AM ^

When I was struggling with a job that I had grown to dread but felt I couldn't quit because of expectations both real and imagined, I saw a therapist who quoted Dirty Harry at me: "Man's got to know his limitations."

It resonated. I quit the next day and have yet to regret it. Good luck, Brian. I hope you find the tradeoffs you need to make to be happy and healthy. 


August 31st, 2021 at 2:52 AM ^

Reading through these comments is inspirational on so many levels. You’ve built a community of great Michigan fans and more importantly, good people, Brian.  We love you and wish you health and happiness. 

Blue Ballin'

August 31st, 2021 at 3:03 AM ^


I became a daily reader of the blog about twelve years ago when, by sheer luck, I happened to click on a link. That day, I read two or three pieces written by you. I was hooked. It's become the first and last thing I check every day, for most of those years, no matter where I am.

Your writing is amazing and you make it seem effortless, but it isn't effortless. It can be difficult at times. Very difficult. And deadlines, even the self-imposed kind, are a constant weight. I was always amazed that you were able to pump out the volume of quality writing you have on the blog over the years. That dedication has a price and you've paid it.

As so many have said, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Go easy on yourself and do the work you need to do. 

Above all, thank you for all the enjoyment you've given me with Mgoblog and your writing gift. Looking forward to more, however much it may be.    


August 31st, 2021 at 4:10 AM ^

It's better to take a step back and fix yourself than to continue the status quo, especially since the status quo was already affected.  You can't write well if your heart isn't in it and, for me, I've seen it in your writing for awhile now.  So, take the time, fix yourself and I hope, at some point, we see the old Brian.


August 31st, 2021 at 6:41 AM ^

Hang in there. Do what you have to. 

And appreciate all that you have been given and all those that have come into your life. You'll get through and things will be better.

Elno Lewis

August 31st, 2021 at 6:52 AM ^

Brian, run don't walk back to your wife and kids and do whatever it takes to reunite your family.  Admit you were a fool for letting a stupid football blog come between you and your wife and kids.  Sell the blog, find another job or something.

You fathered children--it AIN'T about YOU any more!  Man the fuck up.


Hey, nobody is perfect and we all make terrible mistakes and decisions.  You are only a loser if you don't properly rectify the situation.  Stand tall and start taking long steps in the right direction.  I promise you will be a better man for it.




August 31st, 2021 at 9:24 AM ^

I’ve been lurking on here since the post-Lloyd Carr coaching search, and finally opened an account nearly 5 years ago - this is my first post…

As someone who has struggled with mental illness for the last 25 years, I just wanted to say thank you Brian and hang in there. It will get better and exercise helps - I too am trying to walk more and drink less. Legal pot has certainly helped on multiple fronts!

Go Blue!


August 31st, 2021 at 10:10 AM ^

Whatever that new building looks like for you, we are and will be grateful, Brian, for all that you’ve contributed here. That said you owe us nothing and even if you walked away entirely tomorrow, despite what might get hurled at you from a worthless few Twitter eggs, the many would bless you on your journey and be grateful for the time we had in your digital presence.

No sport, or team, or job, or fan base, or sponsor, or employee is worth sacrificing your mental health, personal life, family life and anything else you deem that truly matters. I hope you are able to find whatever you need to and can trust that wherever you end up in the process will be worth it.

We are all very lucky to have had you as our emotional spirit animal in our fandom, but you need not bear that responsibility. Lay it down however you need to. Wish you all the best, and hope you’ll find that life, like football, can never be truly made sense of, and that it may be most enjoyable when you don’t try to make sense of it anymore. 


August 31st, 2021 at 10:25 AM ^

Broken hearts never really completely heal.  They bear scars that become a part of who we are and who we choose to be.

MGoBlog has been a warm blanket for many.  Thank you!

God bless amigo. 


August 31st, 2021 at 10:25 AM ^


I am sorry to hear that it took things going poorly in your life to get you to realize you need to make some changes.  Your personal health and well being is the most important thing.  I am glad that you are focusing on that.  I really hope that you can get to a place where you are happy with you.  

For a person I have only met once and spoken to for just a few minutes, I feel like you have had a pretty positive impact on my life.  I have learned a lot from your writing and analysis (both of football and many other things that have been mentioned that I may not have had any exposure to otherwise).  You have an amazing writing style that you don't find very often in the sports world.  This site is probably the first place I saw true intelligent breakdowns of sports that educated me on what I was seeing.  So I would thank to thank you for that.  For all the negativity that the internet can bring, this site is still a place I come to throughout the day and usually leave better for it (especially the great front page content). 



the Glove

August 31st, 2021 at 10:27 AM ^

I truly hope you find the solid ground of happiness that you can stand upon. I thank you for sharing your story with us for the last 13 plus years. If the burden ever becomes more than you can possibly carry it will be understood, and know that there are people that truly care about you even if they were just some random person that you stopped to take a picture with. 


August 31st, 2021 at 10:31 AM ^

You're an excellent writer and you've provided all of us with lots to think about--not just about sports.

Selfishly, I hope you recover your zest for this.

Humanly, whatever happens, I'm grateful and hope you thrive.

Go Blue.


August 31st, 2021 at 10:41 AM ^

Brian, you have a lot of people pulling for you. You are loved and you are talented. I would suggest you reach out to those in the MgoBlog community for help navigating your way to a much better place, and also seek some counseling as you move forward.

It is not easy picking up the pieces on your own. I for one can attest that drugs and overuse of alcohol can lead to very poor life decisions and constant misery. My path to redemption was found at a non-denominational church. I pray that you will be able to find your way through this difficult time in your life, and rise above it all.


August 31st, 2021 at 11:12 AM ^

I just wanted to say I enjoy your work very much and I'm glad you're staying on in some capacity.  Hopefully stepping back will allow some peace in your life.


August 31st, 2021 at 12:14 PM ^

I've been through some of what you're going through.  I've had my marriage fall apart and had to rebuild my life.  But I've never had the thing that I created from nothing, the thing that I was basically better at than anybody, become the thing that wrecked everything else that mattered to me.  I can't imagine what that's like.

So I'll just join the chorus in saying thank you, Brian, and I wish you well in putting things back together in a way that will work.


August 31st, 2021 at 5:12 PM ^

Good luck, Brian. I have spent a lot of time on and received a lot of joy from this thing you created here, and I am appreciative. How cool that it'll live on without needing every drop of sweat you have to give.

I truly hope you can fix things up with your wife. I'm 4 years divorced and while I get it, I wish I could have fixed things up earlier and been able to stay together with my now ex. 

Anyway, good luck.

Blue Durham

August 31st, 2021 at 9:32 PM ^

Thanks for all of the heart-felt posts and insights into the university, the town, the athletic department, and college athletics.  Many were the most compelling I've read on the subject.


SD Larry

August 31st, 2021 at 10:23 PM ^

Very sorry for your pain Brian.  Wish you the best on your journey.  You are obviously a bright man with capacity and awareness to figure things out.  God speed and best wishes.

Benoit Balls

September 1st, 2021 at 3:15 PM ^

Thanks for the insight and the laughs. I wasn't here for the UFRs as much as I was here for your writing. You have an amazing talent and that talent, maybe possibly not even centered around football, might help you find the best path forward for you and your family.

Whatever it is, I'm rooting for you.  Best of luck


Benoit Balls

September 1st, 2021 at 3:15 PM ^

Thanks for the insight and the laughs. I wasn't here for the UFRs as much as I was here for your writing. You have an amazing talent and that talent, maybe possibly not even centered around football, might help you find the best path forward for you and your family.

Whatever it is, I'm rooting for you.  Best of luck



September 2nd, 2021 at 9:58 AM ^

I haven't read through the entire list of comments to see if this has already been posted, but it seems appropriate:

Thanks for everything, Brian. I hope in all of this you find the peace and wellness you are seeking and that the BPONE is reserved specifically for Michigan football only.


September 3rd, 2021 at 10:51 AM ^

Sorry to hear this Brian. I also regret being hard on you in the past. Life can really suck. Just remember it can be amazing as well. Hang in there, things do turnaround. In spite of my criticism of you, this blog has the best analysis of Michigan sports bar none. And it’s not even close. I know that’s not a salve to what your going through, but I want you to know any criticism of this blog in the past is based on the high bar your amazing work set. 

Thank you for all you do. Get some much needed rest. And remember things do turn around. 

Hairbaugh Maximus

September 3rd, 2021 at 2:21 PM ^

I have always enjoyed the M Go Blog site. Its wide following is a tribute to your imagination, organizing ability, writing talent and enthusiasm. Glad you are taking time for your self. May ‘The Force’ be with you always.


November 29th, 2021 at 5:26 PM ^

Brian -

I'm a regular reader of this blog - most often during football season.  It's my go-to for a source of truth on Michigan football - and it's a great source of info, perspective, and you know - sometimes -  a few laughs.  As sit here on the Monday after "The Best Day Michigan Fans Have Had In Literally Years" I'm embarrassed to admit I'm just finding this post now, even though I'd seen references, etc. 

I'm happy you're doing the work to find something in the "pile of bricks" around you.  Have been though some of that myself....the work is hard, but worth it.  I know you'll eventually come out the other end of this process in a better place. 

I hope you know that the work you've done here is appreciated by so many of us.  Thank you for giving what you can, and for being a good steward to those who can help you by continuing to create content here.  Keep up the good fight, and keep up the good work here. 

We'll do our part as fans - we're the ones holding folding chairs in the air, cheering you on from the sidelines. 

Cheers.  Peace.