
September 2nd, 2020 at 1:18 PM ^

That's true and he can never undo that mistake, but...

While he was with the Redskins ('Washington Football Team' now, but they may have picked a new name and I missed it, The Fighting Snyders or something) whenever somebody interviewed him he came across as a genuinely nice guy.  He sounded humble and was always polite.  


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:49 PM ^

I'm as Maize n Blue as they come but what exactly are we vilifying Cousins for here?  He said:

1.  I'm not a believer in masks but I will wear one out of respect for others.  And

2.  If I get Corona virus, I'll ride it out.  And if I don't and I die, I'm good with that.


We may not agree with his position on masks (and I don't) but it doesn't matter.  He is setting a good example by wearing one anyways.  And while people can be more cavalier about dying until actually coming face to face with it, Cousins has a strong faith and his comment is consistent with that faith.   

Let's move on.


September 2nd, 2020 at 4:47 PM ^

So he's wearing a mask even though he believes it won't make much of a difference. And you're vilifying him because? You're fascist and all people have to believe the same as you and they deserve...? Cancelled, death/death threats, to have his house burnt down, to have his family threatened? I mean what the punishment for not thinking the same way you do?

I could ask a whole lot of questions, but your tirade (short as it is) against someone who says he's wearing a mask doesn't make you look like you're really morally superior here. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 3:07 PM ^

1. I think Cousins is being a responsible civic-minded person in wearing a mask even though he doesn't believe in them.

2. "I'm gonna let nature do its course."

Letting "nature do its course" would mean he refuses all medical treatment if he gets sick. If he accepts any treatment, that is explicitly NOT letting "nature do its course"—medicine is inherently interventionist in the "natural" order of things.


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:15 PM ^

He said he wears a mask out respect for others.

Cousins continued to say that for him, wearing a mask "is really about being respectful to other people.

"It really has nothing do with my own personal thoughts," he said.

But please, don't let me interrupt your circle jerk.


September 2nd, 2020 at 1:32 PM ^

I appreciate that he said he's doing it out of respect for others. But......I don't want medical advice or opinions from someone who didn't go to medical school. H's free to think whatever he wants, but he's not qualified to present an uneducated opinion that can influence others. I don't get why up until now we as a society have respected and embraced the medical profession, but now suddenly a large amount of people don't anymore. Or they're selective about what they believe. Without doctors, and the science that backs them up, you and I might not be here. No vaccines. No cancer treatments. No heart or diabetes medications. No antibiotics. No masks in surgical suites. the list goes on and on. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:16 PM ^

His medical opinion is inferred -- "I don't need to wear a mask because I don't think the virus is that serious and I don't think it will affect me. I therefore don't take it seriously." I don't for one minute believe he doesn't care whether he lives or dies. And for the record, I think he's been one of the smarter players to come out of Michigan State. I don't think he's a moron at all. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:39 PM ^

So you are reading a medical opinion into his comments, and therefore on the standard you are imposing you dislike the opinion?

He never said he was offering a medical opinion.  The guy has a right to his own opinion about how he lives life ... the interviewer asked, and he answered.


September 2nd, 2020 at 7:24 PM ^

That's what inferring means. He doesn't have to say it literally. We can infer from his comments that he doesn't think Covid is a serious problem. It's a layman's opinion about a medical condition. He's entitled to have his opinions. I prefer facts from medical professionals. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 8:14 PM ^

I understand what inferring means.  The point is YOU chose to infer it.  Your decision to make that choice was in no way instigated by what he said or how he said it.  It's as if you're implicitly reading intent on his part (with no basis for it in what he actually said).

He never said anything remotely approaching the idea that you or anyone else should consider his opinion important in your life.  He certainly didn't position himself as having an opinion that should be considered in competition for said mindshare with medical professionals.


September 2nd, 2020 at 8:47 PM ^

His opinion isn't important in my life. I don't get my medical information from athletes. But a lot of other people listen to prominent athletes and public figures who have no medical training, and take their cues from them. His words telegraph that he doesn't think Covid is serious. To say, "I don't really worry if I get it. If I do, I'll just ride it out," sends a message that he doesn't think it's that serious. If we were talking about ebola, my guess is he'd be saying something different. You may not think Covid is serious -- many on this board agree with that sentiment. My opinion differs based on what doctors say. I'm not going to change your mind and you're not going to change mine. I'm not trying to be a dick about it. 

M-B Devil Dog

September 3rd, 2020 at 9:11 AM ^

"Your opinion differs based on what doctors say"...interesting point as there are a ton of doctors who don't believe the masks work and also that it's not nearly as bad as has been told to us sooooo you ONLY agree with "certain" doctors. You are implying that all doctors agree with one another. Your argument or point falls apart when you imply ALL science agrees with your stance. In NO WAY did he give a medical opinion nor did he say people should listen to him. He was asked a question and answered it plain and simple. You seem to leave out the point that even though he doesn't think COVID is as big a deal as you do he still CHOOSES to wear a mask out of respect for others. So if an athlete said "this shit is serious wear a mask" you would applaud them for agreeing with your stance which in and of itself is appreciating or accepting of an athletes or public figures opinion.  Your argument or point is solely based on "if you don't agree with me, then you are anti- whatever". It isn't that simple and it isn't what was inferred by him. 


September 3rd, 2020 at 12:55 PM ^

His medical opinion is conveyed by his attitude towards how he sees Covid, and then how he talks about it to the media. If I say I'm not getting a flu shot because I don't believe they work or I'll just ride it out, that's me, expressing a medical opinion. I'm not a popular athlete so I probably won't influence anyone outside my family with those words. But if I was, say, a prominent athlete or political figure and I said those words, many would parrot them. "She doesn't believe in it, so neither do I." It happens all the time, and it's happening right now, with our president, who doesn't wear a mask. You may agree with him, but his opinions are just that: opinions. They are not facts. They are not based in science. 

Perkis-Size Me

September 2nd, 2020 at 1:53 PM ^

Edit: Argh, sorry for double post. 

"I don't get why up until now we as a society have respected and embraced the medical profession, but now suddenly a large amount of people don't anymore." 

You've got leadership in place that has routinely rejected scientific findings in a variety of areas (at least scientific findings that don't align with their political goals), and that leadership has routinely showed a penchant for always needing to be the smartest person in the room, whether they are qualified to speak on that particular subject or not. 

That has given the people who would reject the advice of medical professionals an avenue to be far more vocal about their beliefs. Because they've got leadership that aligns with them, so they are more ready to speak up and stand out because they feel supported at the highest level. 

That.....and America has fostered a culture of extreme individualism ever since its inception. That is a good thing in many ways, but in this situation it can be a detriment, because we've got a lot of selfish assholes who don't really care about what happens to the person next to them, as long as that thing doesn't happen to them or someone they care about. 

Perkis-Size Me

September 2nd, 2020 at 1:53 PM ^

"I don't get why up until now we as a society have respected and embraced the medical profession, but now suddenly a large amount of people don't anymore." 

You've got leadership in place that has routinely rejected scientific findings in a variety of areas (at least scientific findings that don't align with their political goals), and that leadership has routinely showed a penchant for always needing to be the smartest person in the room, whether they are qualified to speak on that particular subject or not. 

That has given the people who would reject the advice of medical professionals an avenue to be far more vocal about their beliefs. Because they've got leadership that aligns with them, so they are more ready to speak up and stand out because they feel supported at the highest level. 

That.....and America has fostered a culture of extreme individualism ever since its inception. That is a good thing in many ways, but in this situation it can be a detriment, because we've got a lot of selfish assholes who don't really care about what happens to the person next to them, as long as that thing doesn't happen to them or someone they care about. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:26 PM ^

It's called skepticism and its vitally important to society. Science is not facts and it isnt the truth. It's a way of verifying a falsifiable statement through repeatable trials. People who are old enough to remember when the AMA recommended low fat diets only to watch the obesity epidemic expode across the country in the last few decades are wise to question the authority of others. It does not take intelligence to become a medical professional. They are capable of being wrong. Not one is denying the importance of science. But we will always question it. It would be unscientific not to


September 2nd, 2020 at 2:45 PM ^

No. They. Have. Not. 

Stop being dishonest, and intentionally obtuse. 

Yeah, the word "may" has a lot to do with what type of mask you're wearing (or not, in your case). Gaiters, and cheap single layer cloth masks don't do much to protect anyone. Surgical masks reduce airborne droplets by about 80%. N95 masks are about 100% at reducing airborne droplets, and at least 95% effective for the wearer. These are hard, established facts that have not changed at any point. But you'll come back with the same bullshit next time, I'm sure. 

And just to be thorough, as to your first "points"; you, and everyone alive today knows full well that in the beginning they downplayed the need for masks because there simply were not enough in circulation, and health care workers needed them most. You know this, yet you persist with your lying bullshit. Fauci never "changed his mind" in any way. He was clear from the jump, and is consistent with that today. He acknowledged that they work, but that we should reserve them for health care use. 

And I'm sure the fact that the White House has been pressuring the CDC to back off their guidance lately has nothing to do with anything. 

You people are absolutely insufferable. There is no truth anymore, so good job guys. Russia has won. 


September 2nd, 2020 at 4:56 PM ^

There are a ton of differing opinions on masks from the medical field.  This is from the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.  https://aapsonline.org/mask-facts/

It's fairly lengthy but this is from the article:

Filter efficiency was measured across a wide range of small particle sizes (0.02 to 1 µm) at 33 and 99 L/min.

  • N95 respirators had efficiencies greater than 95% (as expected).
  • T-shirts had 10% efficiency,
  • Scarves 10% to 20%,
  • Cloth masks 10% to 30%,
  • Sweatshirts 20% to 40%, and
  • Towels 40%.
  • All of the cloth masks and materials had near zero efficiency at 0.3 µm, a particle size that easily penetrates into the lungs.
  • Another study evaluated 44 masks, respirators, and other materials with similar methods and small aerosols (0.08 and 0.22 µm).
    • N95 FFR filter efficiency was greater than 95%.
    • Medical masks – 55% efficiency
    • General masks – 38% and
    • Handkerchiefs – 2% (one layer) to 13% (four layers) efficiency.
  • Conclusion: Wearing masks will not reduce SARS-CoV-2.
    • N95 masks protect health care workers, but are not recommended for source control transmission.
    • Surgical masks are better than cloth but not very efficient at preventing emissions from infected patients.
    • Cloth masks will be ineffective at preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, whether worn as source control or as personal protective equipment (PPE).

If we remove all of the heated arguments and look at what people in the US are actually doing along with the 'science', I think the following is pretty clear.

N95's are pretty much the only effective masks but almost no one wears them and even if they do, they would need to be properly fitted with no facial hair to get the 95% effectiveness.  They also should only be worn once.

What we mostly wear are a combination of the rest which really provide zero protection against aerosols.  Depending on the mask, they will provide some protection against coughs or sneezing / larger droplets which is why docs and nurses wear medical masks in the hospital setting when working with patients.  They do not stop aerosols, only N95's have a chance at that.

If the government really thought masks provided protection, I feel like they would have put regulations around the types of masks that had to be worn.  They have basically said cover your nose and mouth when you sneeze or cough with the current mask mandates.

Is it better than nothing, yes.  Does it prevent you from getting covid thru aerosols, no.  Does it provide some protection against larger sneeze and cough droplets, depends on if it is a medical mask or a handkerchief, depends on how it is worn, and it depends on how many times it has been worn.


September 2nd, 2020 at 5:17 PM ^

ah yes, the AAPS. 

the group who also promote anti-vaxx views, HIV/AIDS denialism, denial of man made climate change and argues for a link between abortions and breast cancer.



also, you've been a member for about two hours before posting this as your first post? lol


September 2nd, 2020 at 5:26 PM ^

Fair point.  I do not know much about the AAPS.  On the other hand, the effectiveness of masks that are not N95's is pretty conclusive that they are not able to stop aerosols but do provide some protection against larger droplets from coughing.  

I guess what I was trying to show, along with some stats, is that we are not even wearing masks for the most part.  We wear fashion statements, hankies, homemade cloth masks, or re-wear medical masks several times to wear their effectiveness is gone.  



September 2nd, 2020 at 5:42 PM ^

Nope.  I am suggesting that they provide some protection against coughing and sneezing but very little to no protection against aerosols.  If I am in a room with someone else for a long period of time, these masks really are not much different than no mask at all when talking about normal breathing.

I am all for wearing them to provide some protection but I am also aware of what that protection looks like.