Blue Me

July 10th, 2020 at 4:39 PM ^

They are plenty smart -- a UM and a Cornell grad.

They're probably about your age and neither of them would ever get caught spending their afternoons here making specious, tinfoil hat arguments like you.

Their mother is Japanese and from a prefecture that is 20% larger than Wayne County with 1.9M, vs. 1.7M, residents. However, it is 75% is uninhabitable due to the mountainous topography -- it is much more densely populated than Wayne County.

Japan, as you might know, is awfully close to China.

They masked-up, took social distancing seriously, and have a great contact tracing program in place and have only had 20 CV cases and no deaths.

I'll cop to being an ass (you deserve it, though) when you face up to the fact that you and yours are idiots. My wife is trapped in Japan and can't spend the summer here due to Covidiots like you who have made this country a leper colony. So, yeah, I take it personally.

It concerns me that you have any input whatsoever into educating children.


yossarians tree

July 10th, 2020 at 1:37 PM ^

The school district I pay taxes to is widely considered to be the best public school system in the state. I have friends who have kids in those schools and they said that the online learning program that started in March and continued until June was a complete mess that ultimately most kids, parents, and even their teachers just completely gave up on. If a kid is getting credits toward graduation without actually learning much, he or she is going to pay for that down the road when the subject matter gets harder.

Hanlon's Razor

July 10th, 2020 at 1:44 PM ^

School districts were given very little notice to create and modify curriculum and teaching methodology to suit online learning. It was unavoidably going to be sub par under the circumstances. I can't speak for other districts, but ours is now much better prepared to provide academic rigor and support accountability should we have to return to online learning. 

Hanlon's Razor

July 10th, 2020 at 2:00 PM ^

A few things.

Teachers for the most part are very eager to get back to work safely. The community will play a huge role in whether or not this can be done.

Teachers have been working their asses off to adapt to online learning throughout the Summer. My fiance spends time daily working on online  resources in the event we have to return to virtual learning. 

What does teachers having to adapt to the pandemic have to do with your job? I'm sorry you lost your job, but I promise you my colleagues and I had nothing to do with it. 

Teachers are frequently scapegoated for society's woes and it gets incredibly tiresome. 

jace owen

July 10th, 2020 at 2:09 PM ^

Even if schools open, a great number of parents will keep their students home. 

With the science on masks seemingly changing it gives a person pause as to what to do. 

Are we not concerned in the autonomous power our Governor seems to be taking?

I cannot imagine Elementary school children handling and safely wearing masks all day; even if they are only wearing them in the hallways etc. I have taught that grade level and realize the impossibilities of that directive. Most adults do not wear or handle them properly.


July 10th, 2020 at 2:08 PM ^

During normal times? Of course not.

But during a pandemic, odds are that the person who passed from "just a fever" probably had covid as well. 

It's clear that you don't really care about the lives being lost due to covid. Assuming by default that there is some conspiracy shows how your brain has lost the plot. Keeping yelling at the clouds, old man. 


July 10th, 2020 at 12:09 PM ^

You do realize that Gov Greg Abbott in Texas just ordered the same thing, right? He also threatened a new shutdown in the state. Here's the story in the Dallas Morning News. This isn't about politics or "personal choice." It's about a disease that is killing people and is spreading faster than can be contained because people think their "personal freedom" is being compromised. Neither could be further from the truth.

Perkis-Size Me

July 10th, 2020 at 12:19 PM ^

Good god.....get over yourself and stop being so effing dramatic. This is an international health crisis and the worst one in a century. In case you hadn't noticed, people are wearing masks all over the world to try combating this. Being asked to wear a mask is not a strictly American request. We just seem to be one of the few countries that are kicking and screaming over it because of some perceived bullshit excuse of personal freedoms being trampled on. Like somehow this is akin to the Intolerable Acts prior to the Revolutionary War. 

Try thinking about the collective good. Just once. Sometimes its not all about you and your rights


July 10th, 2020 at 11:23 AM ^

actually, i will make one comment.  let's see if we can have a covid thread that doesn't reduce itself to name-calling, swearing, condescension and political posturing.  


July 10th, 2020 at 11:46 AM ^

The silver lining to all this is that, in future OSU game threads, we will have gained a Zenlike perspective of what really matters in life and those game threads as well as the attendant snowflake threads will be models of decorum and civilized even-tempered dialogue, even if we got clonked by 48 points.



Bo Harbaugh

July 10th, 2020 at 11:47 AM ^

xtra - you're generally the grown-up in the room, it's greatly appreciated.  Many of us, myself very much included, can't keep our political commentary from pouring out.

That said, what are your thoughts on such a mask law? 

If it indeed brings cases down in Michigan, and helps your boys get back to school and athletics, is it worth it?  Or is it too much government intervention in our daily choices?

Also, regarding your sons, if there is football and they are required to wear face coverings on the field, will you be concerned about exhaustion, heat-stroke etc?  Would you ask that the team increase substitutions on rotations during practices and games?

I'm very much a pro-masker just because I see how it has worked in other countries and really want to have some semblance of a normal life this fall, winter, spring - before the vaccine comes out.


July 10th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^

coming to this now and seeing your post got neg'd.  i can only imagine its because you said something nice.

i'll pass on most of the questions merely because my answers would be at least somewhat nuanced and i don't want to bore anyone to death writing an mgobook on the topics mentioned, despite the relevant questions that they bring up.

in most scenarios i'm a coach for my sons so i'd get to make the calls on substitutions.  i'll say this much:  the below 25, even below 35 demographic doesn't need this and for the high school kids it seems totally unnecessary.   and i'll add, how the heck can i run my jury trials if the witnesses have to wear masks?  how are my juries going to be able to determine the credibility of a witness whose face is covered?  included in those cases is a homicide trial.  guessing the judges will blow it off. 

Go Blue in MN

July 10th, 2020 at 1:20 PM ^

Fair point.  We don't have a mask requirement (yet) here in MN, but the MN Supreme Court recently issued an order requiring it in common areas of courthouses, while leaving it up to judges to run their courtrooms.

I am generally pro-mask, but the thought of athletes engaged in vigorous exercise like football wearing masks . . . . well, let's just say I'll defer to the medical professionals, but it seems to invite additional risks.     

Shop Smart Sho…

July 10th, 2020 at 1:29 PM ^

"i'll say this much:  the below 25, even below 35 demographic doesn't need this and for the high school kids it seems totally unnecessary"


Could you remind us all where you did your medical training? And was your speciality in virology or epidemiology? Just so hard to keep track with your extensive background.

Shop Smart Sho…

July 10th, 2020 at 2:41 PM ^

So, just to be clear, you have no advanced training in medicine or a related field of study? 

Is it just in this area you feel as though your opinion Carrie's equal weight to that of trained professionals, or are there other areas where you feel your instinct is more valuable than a decade of intensive training and study?

Shop Smart Sho…

July 10th, 2020 at 3:35 PM ^

Maybe don't point out typos when you keep fucking up basics like capitalization? But thanks for pointing out the auto correct mistake, I'll make sure to watch for that in the future.

With that out of the way, any chance you'll give us that list of professions where you feel your opinion should hold equal or greater weight than years of study?


July 10th, 2020 at 1:29 PM ^

That's an interesting point, but probably not the one you were trying to make.  In fact, studies have shown that people are not nearly as good at determining the veracity of a statement from facial expression as they think that they are.  People who are relying on someone's face to take cues about their honesty are quite likely to be wrong.

So, at first glance, it would seem to be an improvement.  The problem is, studies have shown that that tends to get replaced with tribalism -- someone who doesn't "look like me," wearing a mask, looks less trustworthy.  So, the practical effect might be to replace the ability of a skilled liar to manipulate a trial with racism, which doesn't seem like much of an improvement.


July 10th, 2020 at 1:38 PM ^

facial expressions are only one part of it.  body language, what's going on in the court room, tension, audiences, lots of things.  i have tried hundreds of cases. a jury has an amazing ability to see and judge credibility. it's not perfect, but it is usually pretty spot on. 


July 10th, 2020 at 2:18 PM ^

I mean, I'm just not sure that the statistics back that up.  Perhaps you're underrating your own oratorial skill, or the strength of your forensics (where applicable) :)