Here's to you Rich Rodriguez

Submitted by Blueisgood on

Here's to you RR. You were never really given a chance the minute you step foot on campus. I have no idea if your going to be back next year, but I really do hope you are. Your record here isn't great, but you've worked hard along with your staff. The guys never seem to give up and I believe thats a trait of the coach.

Nobody ever mentions the off the field contributions to the community. I'm sure the Mealer family is very grateful for everything you have done, along with the other families you have visited at the hospital.

In my opinion this "process" should have been over before now. If you don't think its been on the mind of all the coaches and players, your nuts. Its been a distraction for sure. Just look at some of the comments in the press conference.

And for all who think that Jim Harbaugh is going to be the answer, I hope your right. If Harbaugh is brought in I see this being the same thing as 3 years ago. Starting all over again. It took Harbaugh 4 years to get where he's at. Who knows how many will transfer. DRob wouldn't comment on the situation. Now I'm not saying he'd leave, but I would think the odds of him going, would be higher then of him staying.

Either way, good season boys. Here's to a better 2011, hopefully with RR. If not goodluck to you RR, and goodluck to the next Michigan head coach. Your gonna need it.


January 2nd, 2011 at 1:29 AM ^

Didn't come off as a eulogy to me.  Said pretty much what I've been feeling all day.

It may just be the case that RR isn't meant to succeed at Michigan.  I hope that isn't true, that he stays, and we do well.

That being said, despite my fears for the future under someone else, I know I'll always be behind the team and whomever is the coach.


January 1st, 2011 at 9:49 PM ^

swirling and rich rods name now coming up at clemson. HMMM dabo could get the boot. i know one thing that is certain. if coach rod decided to leave before the decision is made I wouldnt be surprised. The treatment has been less than welcoming. and for those of us who support the team and the coach we could all agree. I want wants best for michigan, the players and coach rod. No matter what he is a michigan man, no matter what the brandon decision is.

SC Wolverine

January 1st, 2011 at 10:32 PM ^

I live near Clemson and they revere Rich Rod's memory as their best-ever OC.  They would welcome Rich with wild enthusiasm -- no "he's not a Clemson Man" issues here.  He would be a massive upgrade and do well for the Tigers.  


January 1st, 2011 at 9:40 PM ^

And it brings up a position that many here may be in: wanting to keep RR but believing in supporting whoever the coach is. 

I really want RR to stay, but the worst thing people can do, after applying the "24 hour rule" to venting, is fail to support the new coach.  I will be really pissed if a change does happen, and if it turns out that DB was lying to us the whole time, I will want him fired, but I won't whine about it after the first 24 hours or so, and I will support whoever the coach is. 

Just because a person didn't get his or her way doesn't mean he or she should piss, moan, whine, or not support whoever the coach is for next season.    This entire process has polarized a lot of the Michigan fanbase.  I hope that whatever DB's decision ends up being, the fanbase pulls together and supports whoever is the head football coach at the University of Michigan. 

Anything less would qualify as "Spartan-esque."


January 1st, 2011 at 9:43 PM ^

That's exactly where I'm at. I'd prefer that RR stay, with a complete overhaul on D obviously, but if someone else is brought in, so be it.

I am a supporter of the current coach at Michigan unless he's a criminal or something like that.


January 1st, 2011 at 9:46 PM ^

I'm with you.  I've been beaten into submission by this emotional season.  That said, I will be much more critical of the next coach if Rodriguez is fired after this season.  The next person had damn well better produce or I am personally going to run Brandon out of Ann Arbor.  No pressure, Mr. Brandon . . .


January 1st, 2011 at 10:06 PM ^

Slippery slope here. My biggest fear is becoming Notre Dame where coaches are consistently changed. For what it is worth, my biggest beef with hiring Harbaugh is that you are renting him. First 10 win season is the last stepping stone to the NFL. Then you are starting all over again.

Yes, we now know that Les is douche but you know he would have been the coach until he retired or was fired. I will not believe that Harbaugh retires from Michigan until I see it.

Fuzzy Dunlop

January 1st, 2011 at 10:23 PM ^

This is stupid.  He doesn't need a stepping stone to the NFL -- he can go to the NFL right now.  If he comes to Michigan, he is choosing Michigan OVER the NFL. 

Seriously, I've seen a number of people make this same argument, and it is so stupid it makes my head hurt.


January 1st, 2011 at 10:28 PM ^

Maybe, maybe not; but remember he is young enough to give us 10 great years and still be the hottest name on the market for the NFL if that floats his boat.   If he comes now it isn't because he had no other options. He comes because this would be his preferred option.  That means something. Perhaps it means that the pull of this job and what he can accomplish here is impossible to resist.

If he wins here, we all benefit. We shouldn't be scared of being an ass kicking team with a wanted coach. We should embrace it. People forget that Bo was rumored to be going other places many times in the early 80s. On a couple ocassions it was no sure thing he'd stay. His heart was ultimately with Michigan. Why would anyone think Jim's wouldn't be too?  This isn't the slums. It is one of the greatest jobs in all of sports. 

Plus he can establish a line of succession much like Bo did to Moeller and ultimately Lloyd Carr.  


January 1st, 2011 at 10:30 PM ^

Notre Dame has had five coaches in the past 10 seasons.  Michigan has had two coaches in the past 16 seasons (and four coaches in the past 40+ seasons).  The two aren't really comparable.  Just because a coach is (or will be) gone after three seasons doesn't make it a trend.

As for Harbaugh, what makes people think that he'd jump to the NFL after coming to Michigan?  If he wants to go to the NFL, he could probably do it now.  If he comes to Michigan, it will be because he wants to be there.  I see no reason why Harbaugh couldn't be the Michigan coach for an extended period of time.

The Barwis Effect

January 2nd, 2011 at 12:11 AM ^

If some of the people on MGoBlog were Alabama fans in 2007, they'd have been calling for four more years of Mike Shula and his 26-23 record -- after all, you can't fire and hire another coach and run the risk turning into Notre Dame.  Seven coaches in 12 years?  Nobody can survive that!

Well, we all know how that turned out.  Hire the right guy and it doesn't matter.  Just because ND sucks at hiring coaches doesn't mean that Michigan/Dave Brandon/everyone else does.

SC Wolverine

January 1st, 2011 at 10:36 PM ^

It only makes sense for Harbaugh to come here if it's his dream job.  He has a good offer for the NFL right now, and that's his goal there is no reason not to do it now.  He comes to UM if his dream is to carry on the legacy of Bo.  To me, that's pretty awesome.  But the man has to ask himself what he really wants.

My guess is that JH and DB know already.  If the answer is no, then we've got a week or so of sheer agony ahead of us, with the real prospect of disaster ahead.  That's why college football is so exciting.


January 2nd, 2011 at 1:26 AM ^

This is amusing. You seem to be advocating an infinite supply of patience for Rodriguez, yet little patience for the new coach. 

You're demanding that the next coach produce, while the coach you support has manifestly not produced. Given your focus on production, shouldn't you want to run Brandon out of town if he retains Rodriguez?


January 2nd, 2011 at 11:35 AM ^

RichRod has improved the team to the point that, based on talent level and past performance, we can expect at least 8-9 wins in each of the next two seasons.  If Harbaugh (or whoever the next coach is) can't match that, then RichRod should not be fired. 

This should not be an emotional decision.  You don't fire a coach to placate your fans and make them feel better about the three rebuilding seasons the program just went through.  What's past is past - it's a sunk cost.  The only thing that matters is what will make the team better in future, both short term and long term.

As far as I can tell, Michigan has NEVER fired a head coach.  Ever.  If Brandon drops the axe on a 7-6 coach with a young team that has shown improvement, expectations will be sky high.  And rightly so.  There is no need to go through another 2-3 rebuilding seasons.

Abe Froman

January 1st, 2011 at 11:49 PM ^

aside from the whole proRR/antiRR rhetoric, i think DB deserves to be considered using a different metric (as an AD versus that used for a HC).

if you (as i do) believe that RR has to have the chance to get his coaches and his guys in place, then i think the same can be said for DB.  RR is not his guy, and if he chooses his own coach, i would never think of calling for DB's resignation until his coach gets his assistants and his guys in place.

as for this "was he lying / how much did he know / you cant be serious DB you're waiting until when to evaluate the program" commentary, this is the type of thing we may need to wait on to get the whole story before passing judgement.  for example, my boss may have already decided to kill me on my performance eval despite the fact that my review date isnt for months.  im sure she will consider all the data at that time, and there's a possibility i may change her mind, but not likely.  she's not lying when she says she'll consider all the facts when the day arrives.

more and more im of the belief that RR is out and he and DB have already discussed the situation behind closed doors.  RR certainly has carried himself this way for quite some time.  the formal evaluation indeed shall take place at the end of the season, but im sure steps are being taken now to insure that whatever decision comes to pass in the formal review is a successful one. 


January 1st, 2011 at 9:42 PM ^

I sincerely doubt anyone on this board would argue that RR is a quality guy who sincerely cares about his players.  I think most of us would like to have him as a neighbor cause he seems like somebody who'd be a blast to have a beer with watching a game or while grilling up some steaks on a hot summer afternoon.

But as the head football coach for Michigan?  Sorry, after today I've offically left the ranch.


January 1st, 2011 at 9:43 PM ^

How did he not stand a chance here. Not to be a dick, but he ran off mallet because of his arrogance. Hopefully if harbaugh is the coach, he will use the talent that is already on the team rather than causing transfers. It's great what he did for the mealer family, but if we are talking about off the field, what about the violations. To me, that was the most embarrassing part of these past three years. I hope we never have that again.


January 1st, 2011 at 9:50 PM ^

Poor choice of words on my part. While he didn't run off mallett, he didn't do everything he could to keep him and was more focused on getting pryor. I hope if we have a new coach, that their first call would be to denard. You have to do everything you can to keep talent whether it fits your system or not.


January 1st, 2011 at 10:15 PM ^

"While he didn't run off mallett, he didn't do everything he could to keep him ..."

You're sure that he didn't run off Mallet, *and* you're sure that he didn't do everything he could to keep him.

How the @#$% do you know?  Were you in the office (under the desk, maybe) when they met?


January 1st, 2011 at 9:48 PM ^

Not to be a dick, but he ran off mallet because of his arrogance.

So maybe you're not a dick, but you're definitely dead wrong.

Furthermore, if you're going to write such a high and mighty post, you might want to at least spell Mallett correctly.


January 1st, 2011 at 9:46 PM ^

Is that now we have young talent. I don't think our turnaround will take nearly as long.
<br>RR might turn out to be our Ron Zook at UF. Brought in talent but couldn't win. And then the next coach is able to put it together within a couple years.


January 1st, 2011 at 9:47 PM ^

Richrod gets seven-figures on his way out the door. How many employees, having failed to succeed, and have been sanctioned by their professional association, get that? In the state of Michigan? Richrod should be grateful.