Stephen Y

March 2nd, 2018 at 11:04 AM ^

If it's any consolation (it's not), but news is reporting that this was indeed a domestic violence situation, so the public isn't at risk. I can never understand how the human mind can justify taking someone else's life. Disgusting.

Perkis-Size Me

March 2nd, 2018 at 11:30 AM ^

Well we've got to commend the Parkland students for at least trying to do something about it. People are slowly starting to realize that posting "thoughts and prayers" on their Facebook page won't do shit to help anyone. 

If we want something to change, call our Congress reps. If they're not willing to listen, then vote them out of office.

In reply to by ijohnb

snarling wolverine

March 2nd, 2018 at 12:26 PM ^

Yeah.  When businesses start changing on a societal issue, that's a sign that attitudes on the ground are changing.  

We are most likely advancing toward a legal compromise on this issue.


Perkis-Size Me

March 2nd, 2018 at 12:44 PM ^

Count me among them. 

My wife and I own a gun, and I've never thought there's been anything wrong with owning a handgun or single shot rifle as long as you are a responsible owner, safely lock them away when you're not using them, and respect the fact that when they're in your hand, they are deadly weapons. There is such a thing as responsible gun ownership. 

But by the same token, I've never understood the resistance to stronger background checks. The NRA and many of our "friends" in Washington insist that we shouldn't punish responsible gun owners. Okay fine. If you're a responsible, upstanding member of society, you shouldn't have a problem passing an enhanced background check anyway. I don't understand the need for owning assault rifles either. Even if you claim self-defense, unless you plan on a whole army invading your house, I don't think you need an assault rifle to protect your family. 

To those who say that guns are too integrated into society and we can't do anything about it...well...even if that's true, enhanced background checks are better than doing nothing. 

In reply to by ijohnb


March 2nd, 2018 at 11:36 AM ^

The distinction, to me at least, is randomness. A "school shooter" in the traditional sense targets anyone who happens to be in a particular place at a particular time. Whereas in a case of a shooting that just so happens to have occurred at a school, a specific person is the target. While the deaths of those killed are no less tragic - the incidents are (or should be) less terrifying for the public at large because the victims were not subject to "wrong place, wrong time" randomness. A shitty situation either way, of course.

Pepto Bismol

March 2nd, 2018 at 12:59 PM ^

These are just regular dead people, not school dead people. False alarm. 


(Edit: This has become my favorite post ever. I don't even know what it means. I was mocking the post I replied to because I didn't understand the difference. Somehow, a sarcastic, gibberish post I made with no intent or logic behind it has become a lightning rod for downvotes. If this were Twitter, I'd pin this fucker.)

In reply to by Pepto Bismol


March 2nd, 2018 at 1:17 PM ^

Re: Your edit - I did further explain what I see as the difference in other replies in this comment chain, if you're interested.

I took your off-hand sarcastic comment for what it was and wasn't bothered by it any. There's certainly no reason for you to be downvoted for it.


March 2nd, 2018 at 12:11 PM ^

There absolutely is a difference between some sick piece of crap saying "I'm going to shoot the 4 kids who were mean to me, and then go classroom to classroom and shoot 30 more because fuck them too" and a different kind of sick piece of crap saying "I'm going to shoot my parents when they show up to my dorm to pick me up for spring break." They're not even close to being on the same level.


March 2nd, 2018 at 11:42 AM ^

When is "shooting shit with whatever gun I want is fun!" no longer going to be a valid reason to prevent reasonable governmental regulation of firearms? 


March 2nd, 2018 at 12:02 PM ^

Guns have been around for hundreds of years. These things started happening more often when they start to getting 24 hour media attention. The more attention you give these people the more ideas they come up with.

By the way, heroin and cocaine are illegal in this country as well. That’s easy to get. And I by the way, when you take guns away from the good guys do you really think the bad guys won’t still get them? That’ll make it a lot easier for criminals to Rob unarmed people as often as they want.


March 2nd, 2018 at 12:37 PM ^

Not sure heroine and cocaine are relevant to this conversation.

Thanks for raising “the good guys need guns” argument. Never heard that one before. Look at data on how guns in homes are used and you’ll see a small percentage is good guys shooting bad guys. Most are used for homicides, suicides, and other accidents.


March 2nd, 2018 at 12:06 PM ^

100% correct. This will not end death and murder. It will just make it less efficient. The day a guy with a kitchen knife kills 25 high schoolers in 10 minutes, then maybe I'll change my mind... 

Pepto Bismol

March 2nd, 2018 at 12:27 PM ^

A kitchen knife has a purpose that has nothing to do with murder. Pro-gun citizens often like to bring up auto deaths and ask why we don't ban cars, and that's because a car has a primary purpose that has nothing to do with murder.

A gun has one primary purpose, to injure/kill/destroy living beings. Without guns, we lose nothing as humans other than a convenient ability to kill quickly and from a distance. That feels like something we could live without, but what do I know?

Pepto Bismol

March 2nd, 2018 at 12:44 PM ^

One, I'm only disagreeing that I'd want to ban knives after an attack. Knives are necessary to cut meat, open boxes, slice material, etc. We as humans need a tool to do that. Without a knife, you're taking 4 hours to open your Amazon shipment with a wooden spoon. We need knives.  That's all.

Two, I didn't say the primary purpose of guns is to kill "random innocent people". I said the purpose is to kill living things - people, animals, etc. That is what they are created and designed to do. If you disagree with that, I'd be curious to hear what you think the purpose of a gun is. 




March 2nd, 2018 at 12:38 PM ^

And without alcohol we lose nothing as humans other than the convenient ability to get drunk. 10,000 people die in alcohol related road accidents every year. That feels like something we could live without. Would I be arguing in good faith if I asked someone why they love alcohol more than they love their children? That's no different from the argument anti-gun people make. I agree with you about the arguments pro-gun folks make about cars and knives FWIW. They're terrible points.

Pepto Bismol

March 2nd, 2018 at 12:53 PM ^

Yeah.  If drunk people were walking into schools and murdering people with bottles of schnapps, I'd be fully on board. It's not a necessity. 

Compare DUI laws now to those 10-20 years ago.  We as a society have made a concerted effort to curtail and hopefully eliminate drunk driving deaths by introducing stricter regulations and punishments.  We've made an effort because everybody agrees drunk driving is bad.  So yeah, you'd be arguing in good faith and that's what we've been doing.

For some reason, we can't come to an agreement that shooting people is bad enough to warrant action.  


Jed Eckert

March 2nd, 2018 at 5:34 PM ^

okay i get your point - but not sure its the right comparison.  DUI laws are for after the law is broken.  Do we need to make it a more severe penalty for murder?



Pepto Bismol

March 2nd, 2018 at 7:25 PM ^

Not everything is going to be a straight apples to apples because there is no equivalent to American gun violence. I'm most in favor of starting by treating guns like cars. Get a license to own, renew it periodically, test your aptitude, register your gun and pay to insure your liability for using it. Start there.