More likely to survive: Dantonio or Izzo?

Submitted by Human Torpedo on

For me, this is just a no-brainer. Izzo is only one who has built up enough equity with the university off the field (or court) via community and charity work to warrant a second guess on canning his ass. Dantonio appears even more tone-deaf and beligerant with how he's dealing with OTL report so one hint of evidence backing up the ESPN story could seal the deal for him

Ty Butterfield

January 28th, 2018 at 7:34 AM ^

Both of their enablers are gone but like many others I am skeptical that either one will actually lose their job. If nothing else it will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few months.


January 28th, 2018 at 7:44 AM ^

They are both gone.  There has been a lack of institutional control and a pattern of sexual misconduct in both the mens basketball program and the football program for more than a decade.  The fans wont like it, but the new AD would be a fool not to clean house


January 28th, 2018 at 7:44 AM ^

for either one of these slimeballs, both of who seem perfectly happy to sweep bad shit under the rug.  My sister teaches at MSU, and she says whole faculty wants the lying dirtbags gone, and a fresh slate with some new, ethical coaches.


January 28th, 2018 at 7:55 AM ^

They both should move on/be let go by new ad but for some crazy gut feeling reason they are both still there somehow after all of this. I would like to believe that the new ad has morals and a backbone too, but either way tuff times are ahead for both.


January 28th, 2018 at 8:21 AM ^

From a sports fans perspective they may seem untouchable, but from a university and liability perspective things may look very different. MSU’s administraton has a huge problem that isn’t going to go away until they clean house. Whether they directly or indirectly knew about this, they’re responsible and they know it. If they came out and took responsibility publicly things might be different, but they’re not. There are going to be huge lawsuits coming. Renewing of contracts and donor funds. If the perception is that the institution hasn’t changed, those are in jeopardy. No one is above the institution. The institution will be around for the next hundred years. It’s the job of the new AD and university president to repair the institutions credibility. Once the university president and AD start to resign, no one is safe. They’re both gone.


January 28th, 2018 at 8:19 AM ^

Whether Mick and Tom stay is dependent on who gets placed as President and AD.  If they (one, the other, or both) are already tenured professors at the school, nothing changes.  If they are new blood coming in to clean things up, they're gone.

I think they both stay through this, but 'retire' when things get quieter...  I'm more interested in who they find to fill the currently open spots.  I really believe the BoT will place a couple of slappies and hope for the best.


January 28th, 2018 at 8:28 AM ^

I would think that, for the moment, Michigan State is going to take this "wait and see" approach to everything coming out around football and basketball, and unfortunately like most institutions still seem to do, fire them when the evidence is either too damning to ignore or the optics of keeping them are so unbearably bad that they are asked to "resign". The current trajectory, however, makes me think that ultimately they don't get through this with their jobs, even if it takes some time for the university or the NCAA to get to that conclusion (it likely will). 

It seems like the key in all this, in the near term, is who becomes AD and what their solution to "changing the culture" might involve. Sweeping changes probably mean a quicker exit for both of them. Part of me thinks any changes will be gradual and stepwise with investigations though, which means you might see these coaches get another season in before things begin to happen. 

Another question I would have is this - how motivated is MSU to begin to move in that direction? Considering that you're dealing with the two coaches that far and away bring them the most donations and notoriery, probably not terribly, at least not at the moment. 


January 28th, 2018 at 8:30 AM ^

You guys are getting way ahead of yourselves with these definitive statements that both are gone. A new AD isn’t going to broom them out unless there is more than what is out there right now. And by that I mean concrete evidence that both deliberately and intentionally covered up sexual assaults. Until that comes out there’s not much of a story.


January 28th, 2018 at 11:17 AM ^

Maybe 10 years ago, it would take a coverup to force MSU to fire those two. What is true and well-known is that those two did not do enough to discourage the sexual abuse culture at MSU. ~Five years ago, Izzo survived Appling and Payne. Nowadays if you have a kid on your team that is accused of rape, the expectation is that they are cut from the team or suspended until the legal system sorts it out. Izzo and Dantonio don't do that. If you can help their teams, you play regardless of what you have done. Every time Dantonio talks about their high standards I think about LJ Scott and his 7 moving violations. Dantonio has no standards, he just knows as a coach he has to pretend to the media that he does. In Izzo's case, he said "in my mind" I still have a job. He is sounding just a little contrite. As in, someone else might disagree with him. If he was in full-on denial mode, he would not have made that distinction. Personally, I would fire Dantonio and encourage Izzo to retire before the NCAA tournament, because that is when the media attention is going to flare up again. I am interested to see what opposing fan bases do when MSU's basketball team goes on the road. Fans can be pretty brutal with their chants and signs. Izzo might decide, if he truly loves the University, not to put his team, his program and his university through that tidal wave of recrimination.

Mr Miggle

January 28th, 2018 at 4:15 PM ^

What did he get fired for? Less than what you're claiming is necessary to fire Izzo and Dantonio. He was flat out fired too. He offered to finissh out the season and retire.

The more bad publicity for a school, the less that's needed to fire coaches and anyone else involved in the scandal. The amount of bad press MSU is getting is second only to PSU and it's getting worse. Izzo and Dantonio are already implicated in more than enough to cost them their jobs. What's left is figuring out who's going to be in charge at MSU and how their removal is going to be done.It won't be firing via a letter like with Paterno.



January 28th, 2018 at 8:50 AM ^

I love the University of Michigan, but I’m not loving that our fans are currently obsessed with these two guys getting fired through all of this. It just makes it seem like we care most about the implications of MSU losing two of their most successful coaches in the two marquee sporting realms. Would we even be talking about this if it was their track and field coach? I don’t recall seeing many threads about what went on at Baylor. I get it’s not a school we associate with often so it doesn’t directly impact us. I don’t know, my friends. Michigan State or whoever can win all of the football games over us for the end of time and I’d much prefer to never have any of these allegations associated with my school. The Michigan Difference, amirite?


January 28th, 2018 at 9:05 AM ^

Its one thing to be regretful and sad for victims. Its another to turn a blind eye to lying facilitators because its a bad look from a Rival.

Get off your high horse. They did what they did and facilitated the culture of rape. Either one of them could have put their foot down but they didn’t. They are culpable and should feel some pain.

If it were corporate America you would be outraged. A Rivalry doesn’t cancel the need for justice and outrage.

And lets not forget how much these two guys hate our programs. How often they’ve run up the score, or committed personal fouls alacrity (head twisting, countless late hits). We all know these are dirty programs (MSU football more than basketball).

I hope they get fired and never work again. Im going to post about it If and text my Sparty fiends that they need to care about this. No one cared about the victims until there was public outcry.

If you dint like it don’t click on an MSU topic.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:57 AM ^

This. All this izzo/dantonio getting fired shit takes attentionaway from the real issue at hand. Oh and here's an idea: the fucking attorney general is investigating MSU. How bout we see what that shows and not rely on ESPN who we uniformly hate until they publish something bad about dantonio/izzo.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:58 AM ^

That will only care about the basketball and football implications of this and that is a sad indictment of our society. Some Michigan fans will take satisfaction in the downfall of these programs without any regard for the victims. And as we see in public forums there are some MSU fans who will defend their beloved coaches regardless of what may have happened, even if the worst scenario turns out true they will still keep them elevated to deities as PedoSt fans did JoPa. That being said, these are 2 huge national stories happening concurrently and we are affected. This is our community, our state, MSU is a public institution. You may not have any ties directly but everyone has family, friends and colleagues who bleed green and white. This may end up bigger than Baylor for the fact that we know MSU gymnastics, basketball & football are involved and as the investigation turns up stones others within MSU athletics may be too. But OTL implied that the authorities surrounding MSU were not doing as they are charged to do. This is a serious systemic breakdown which is a big enough story in itself. The other significant aspect is going to be the economic impact of countless lawsuits against one of the largest academic institutions in America. We are treading into unprecedented waters. The litigation could draw out for years. To sum up, it is a huge and unfortunate series of events. Often the mass media is late to the game as they were in the Nasser story. For many reasons that i wont rehash. We were inundated by Weinstein and numerous Hollywood sex assault stories for more than the usual media news cycle. And for those paying attention there were many stories over a period of months on Baylor. Those stories pale in comparison to what has happened in EL. To make an analogy, often when an earthquake happens the story is biggest within the state that it happens. The further away or more borders crossed the less of a story it is. We just had 2 8.0magnitude earthquakes happen in our back yard.

Arb lover

January 28th, 2018 at 11:58 AM ^

If you think the narrative on this board is that people are simply trying to get Dantonio and Izzon out, first of all this is proably the only thread you've clicked on all month, since we've been talking about all the issues pretty steadily, and nobody even started this conversation until evidence came out that these two coaches were acting improperly. 

Secondly, nobody here (scroll up or down) is saying that they should be fired regardless of what an investigation finds. People are only speculating what will end up happening, not wishing them gone. Get off your high horse and put your reading glasses on.


January 28th, 2018 at 1:59 PM ^

Seriously, I have issues.

Look, I grew up a spartan fan. My mom and Dad are alumni. The issue at hand is the school’s handling off ALL sexual harassment and assault, but so much of the our focus seems to be on Dantonio and Izzo. Because their jobs matter to our fans. I personally care a lot more about this shit ever happening again. If we are going to be “leaders and the best” then we are going to help our friends and colleagues fix this mess. If that’s me being on a high horse, I’ll ride that stallion into the sunset every day if my life.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:50 AM ^

I dunno about that. Briles couldn't even get a job as a CFL assistant without an uproar.

They are both in their 60s as Dantonio is only a year younger than Izzo. Neither is young enough to go through the requisite cooling off period and lower level job success necessary to get another high level job.

Decent chance they could get NFL/NBA assistant jobs but given their age, past career success, and lifetime earnings that probably doesn't have much appeal. 


January 28th, 2018 at 8:59 AM ^

I thought Dantonio should have been gone last year. MSU won't do anything on their own. It will depend on how much info gets to the public and how aggressive reporters and investigators want to go after MSU. I think there is enough for both to be let go but they may be able to ride it out if the coverage let's up.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:00 AM ^

I honestly do not care if both stay on or are relieved of their duties. The more important aspect of the story, is that policies and attitudes are changed around campus when someone comes forward with a sexual assault allegation. Leave it out of the athletic department and hand it over to the police. Let the professionals handle it and decide wether to bring charges or not.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:15 AM ^

At this stage of their lives neither will want to keep answering questions about the cover ups, the investigations are going to drag on and I’m guessing Izzo and Dantonio are going to get pressure like Hollis did from family to resign. Izzo will finish the season and Dantonio will not make it to fall.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:16 AM ^

fall on their sword now, do what is best for the university and leave as heroes with their legacies in tact. Wait and get pushed out later when everyone is getting tired so all the constant crap dragging on, and they will lose most of their shine.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:22 AM ^

...that either of them squashed or circumvented a report or investigation, then I would think they would be gone. Rick Pitino is more successful than both of them, and he’s gone, despite his national cachet (which Izzo has and Dantonio does not). Ultimately, we are talking about sports, and everyone is replaceable. If they had a hand in any of the malfeasance, keeping them would be way more of a shitstorm than canning them.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:39 AM ^

If the numbers are accurate, Dantonio has demonstrated a greater lack of institutional control. So, he is on thinnest ice. Izzo will be fine. There doesn’t appear to be as much in his program. He looks bad for the Walton stupidity but the idea of an assistant coach versus a player is what makes minimized his accountability. He is an ass and should go but his clout will protect him.


January 28th, 2018 at 9:57 AM ^

The difference is in Izzo’s cases charges were at least brought forward in the Travis Walton case, and he still let him stick around and coach. Also in the Payne/Appling Case, Adrien admits of wrong doing going on. Yet, Izzo never disciplined them either! Dantonio for the most part can say that most of these were allegations and when charges were brought in the cases last summer he let the students go.


January 28th, 2018 at 11:35 AM ^

Dantoni’s undoing. He had ample evidence (2 HS incidents against females) before he signed Robertson. Then the guy raped a MSU student. He recruited the guy and inserted a known “predator” on campus - which resulted in a rape. Blackwell surely has knowledge of reporting issues - I doubt the AG or others will ignore him since he is gone.


January 28th, 2018 at 10:00 AM ^

I don't know if I would say Izzo is fine. Even if you think his accountability for this scandal won't get him fired (not sure I agree but that's been discussed in depth elsewhere), he is about to have a gigantic comprehensive high profile investigation into the program. An investigation backed by law enforcement/subpoena powers. While Izzo isn't particularly dirty by most accounts, the nature of college basketball recruiting puts him on very shaky ground. 


January 28th, 2018 at 9:49 AM ^

I hope both guys don’t get fired unless new evidence directly puts them into the whole mess at MSU. I want to continue to kick their ass in basketball and desperately want to in football. It wouldn’t be the same beating Michigan state without them coaching, especially if they where forced out


January 28th, 2018 at 9:56 AM ^

Media momentum is in full swing ... they want more bodies.  They were in charge and let all these incidents slide?


January 28th, 2018 at 10:04 AM ^

Definitely Izzo. With all of the players D’Antoni lost the last few years from arrests and suspensions there was already an aura of dysfunction around the team. Sadly, the success Izzo has had in his tenure will help his case. I hope they both go because when scandals like this happen the whole thing should be blown up.