
August 8th, 2017 at 12:31 AM ^

Too much maize for my taste. Bring back the blue pants and then maybe we have something. I certainly appreciate the level of detail in this guy's mockup -- a lot of work went into this.

Quick blue pants version:

This seems to have a bit more balance.

As a bonus (not worthy of its own thread), here's a design of the real uniforms I did earlier today:



August 8th, 2017 at 9:59 PM ^

The inverse of fucking awesome is awsome fucking, at which, I'm an expert.

Sue me, but I like them with either the blue or the maize pants, just not everyday.  These are superior to every alternate we have had previously and likely better than we will actually ever see on the field after them.

UM Fan from Sydney

August 8th, 2017 at 2:32 PM ^

What is with the blue pants fascination? They look stupid. Michigan's home uniform is the most beautiful in sports. Why would they not want to wear that at home or in bowl games when given the option to?


August 8th, 2017 at 1:22 AM ^

But I dig these. Looks kinda gimmicky like WVU but hey, maybe it's me wanting to see something never seen before. I liked the '14 UTL uniforms against Penn State, maybe they should bring that one back with the Jordan Brand on 'em.


August 8th, 2017 at 2:01 AM ^

not a fan, but these are the best maize mockups I've seen. what is the back of the jersey though? blue with 3 verical maize stripes?


August 8th, 2017 at 5:48 AM ^

that this would be bad.  do you think the union army was looking at confederate mock-ups of a 'new' union army uniforms and saying, 'gee general grant, those are kind of dope.  maybe we should try them'?  

its bad, all bad, all the time, everywhere and in every place in the universe. after its killed with fire it should be banished to the 666th plane of hell.  


Everyone Murders

August 8th, 2017 at 7:51 AM ^

Somewhere not far north of Chattanooga, Spring of 1864:

Gen. Grant:  Cump, take a look at these uniforms that Joey Johnston came up with over the winter on Lookout Mtn.

Gen. Sherman:  U.S., I'm not sure about these.  I mean, there's an undeniable dash-fire about them that I find hard to disregard.

Gen. Grant:  I know what you mean, Cump.  I'd hate for us to use the fact that they were designed by the belligerants become a fimble-famble for not liking the uniforms themselves.

Gen. Sherman:  Indeed, sir.  I believe that the large contrasting concentric circles on the chest and back of the jackets really ties the design together well.

Gen. Grant:  As do the orange caps, suh.  Quite distinctive, in fact.


August 8th, 2017 at 5:56 AM ^

Just a quick note to say that this is the worst idea you've ever had. This re-design is not only repulsive, but completely unnecessary. It's as pointless as putting sunglasses on the Mona Lisa.

You've completely failed to understand a fundamental concept: Just because you "can" do something does not mean that you "should." When you find perfection, you don't try to "put your own mark on it." You leave it alone.

The money that was wasted on your art school lessons should have been given to someone worthy - say, a chimp who holds the paint brush in his feet.

You are an abject failure and should feel bad. And when you are forced to live in a cardboard box in the alley, remember to wear your heavy sweater.

When she's not crying in shame, your mother sends her love.

Love, Dad


August 8th, 2017 at 5:59 AM ^

My immediate reaction was that this looked like a super-hero costume; which means that recruits will probably LOVE it.

I actually think incorporating the wings into the jersey is an interesting idea.


August 8th, 2017 at 6:06 AM ^

But I don't think we'll have a uniform we like using mostly maize. Some may but most will dislike them because it looks too much like Cal/WVU to be cool or unique. It happens to be my opinion. Yet, I'm also a firm believer that we should add a third color for a alternate uniform (and only an alternate uniform). The same way OSU has declared black to be a thing, the way MSU had declared both different shades of green and gold, we should throw something else in there for a uniform or two. The first throught is "we did, it's white". I wouldn't count that. I'd add black or silver or to a uniform. Replace the blue with a true black or replace the maize with a silver color for one uniform. The black and maize could look mean if done correctly and silver tends to make both colors "pop" when next to a dark blue. It's a far-out idea but I really think we stick too much to tradition sometimes. Nobody complains about the OSU black unis so why not us if they can just toss a new color in there?


August 8th, 2017 at 9:52 AM ^

I thought the alternative interpretation of colors was a gift idea when I first read it, but the more I thought about it, the more I liked it (over maize jerseys at least). Getting a blue so dark that it is essentially BLACK, then reimagine maize as reflective silver with maybe MAYBE a hint of metallic yellow in there or even straight chrome. That's bad ass.


August 8th, 2017 at 7:44 AM ^

Better than the bumblebee jerseys or the ones from the bowl game where you couldn't read the numbers I probably wouldn't go on a shooting rampage if we wore them ONCE as an alt I do prefer the one from further down the page with blue pants Honestly, I'll bet the players/recruits would dig em All that said, the only alt I really want to see as opposed to just tolerating is still blue pants on the road. Nothing fancy, no silly extra piping or stripes, just blue pants with a white jersey now and then.

Walter Rupp

August 8th, 2017 at 8:35 AM ^

almost as bad as the pink uniforms Ohio St wore for the game in one of Tressel's last year's, or the Tonka toy helmets/stripes they wore last year against us. We're Michigan, we're better than this.

The Barwis Effect

August 8th, 2017 at 9:07 AM ^

I'd have to know what the back looks like before I gave a final assessment. Do the stripes continue down the back?

One of the better looking mock ups I've seen though.

As someone else said, may look better with blue pants -- more closely resembling what the hockey team looks like.