Jumpman Football uniforms (PHOTO)

Submitted by Wolverine Devotee on

I woke up to a nice surprise this morning. Someone tweeted this and it was brought to my attention.



@mgoblog @michiganinsider @umichWD @SamWebb77 pic.twitter.com/NzWfGbhPVn

— Justin E Harkelroad (@jharkelroad1) July 29, 2016


The font we're using is NBA Bulls. The first change to the font in almost 50 years. The classic #2 worn by Woodson is gone.


July 29th, 2016 at 11:48 AM ^

that I couldn'rt care less about.  As long as they are maize and blue unis and are pretty much traditional, who cares?


The only thing that bugs me are the non-traditional things (bumblebee stripes etc.) but even then, just win the game.  It's not like i no longer know which team Michigan is because of the uniforms.  Of course, I prefer the 1990s traditional unis but whatevs.


If M was guaranteed a National Title but we had to wear the bumblebee unis every game, then bring on the bumblebee unis.


July 29th, 2016 at 12:13 PM ^

These have been up in the locker room for some time now for recruits. They were expected to get released in photos and what-not. These are not the uni's treat will be unveiled on 8/2. They will be similar, but different.

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July 29th, 2016 at 12:18 PM ^

I still don't understand what a dude with a basketball in his hand has to do with football, but meh.... I'm an old fogey now, so it probably doesn't matter.


July 29th, 2016 at 12:35 PM ^

The dude with the basketball in his hands is the most popular brand of athletic shoes/cleats (football/baseball cleats).

The brand with the dude with the basketball in his hands is beloved by athletes all over, and helps with recruiting , as a number of recruits have mentioned how cool it is UM is with Jumpman.

The dude with the basketball in his hands logo is a brand logo.

I agree it is weird at first but you have to think of it as an athletic company logo, not a "basketball clothing line."

Bando Calrissian

July 29th, 2016 at 1:27 PM ^

I really don't think the Jumpman is as groundbreakingly important as people like you think it is. The fact that about 99% of the people looking at this stuff are wondering why Jordan is dunking on a football uniform, with about 1% of the people yelling "crootin'!", seems to verify that it could be the swoosh and Harbaugh would still be able to recruit at precisely the same level.


July 29th, 2016 at 6:40 PM ^

Call me an old fashioned sports fashion conservative, But the only thing the Jumpman should be on is a pair of Jordan sneakers. I don't have a problem with the dude with a basketball in his hand. The Jumpman logo just looks out of place on a football uniform.

Like I said though. I'm old, and I'm allowed to get cranky about inconsequential things. I'm sure I'll get over it once the season starts.


July 29th, 2016 at 12:30 PM ^

I've just worked out my waffling opinion on the white vs maize away pants. I want BOTH.

Wear maize most of the time, but wear the all-whites when playing at the likes of Iowa, Minnesota and maybe Maryland.

Baugh So Har

July 29th, 2016 at 12:43 PM ^

Quick search through the post, why isn't anyone talking about the placement of the shoulder numbers? That's the biggest change. They're on top of the pads now, rather than at the sides. I actually like this for the Aways with the striped sleeves, but they should move them back down to where they were for the Homes.

Bando Calrissian

July 29th, 2016 at 1:29 PM ^

It's difficult to make that happen considering the fact that the shoulder has virtually disappeared on the modern football uniform. Without pads, the average jersey looks almost exactly like a cutoff tee. You're pretty much forced to put the number on the top of the shoulder nowadays.

Blue Balls Afire

July 29th, 2016 at 1:20 PM ^

I like them a lot.  I kinda wish the away white pants didn't have the stripes down the sides.  Having mostly all white unis, and only the helmet being maize and blue, would make the best helmet ever stand out even more, and the overall look of the team would be badass.  Just my $0.02.


July 29th, 2016 at 2:25 PM ^

Swoosh. Get rid of the jumpman.

I love addidas compared to these.

I have NEVER really cared about what Michigan wore on the field. It was Michigan FERGODSAKES. I look at this and all I can think of is that we are the Michigan Bulls from Chicago.  Next year, swoosh everything.

dipshit moron

July 29th, 2016 at 3:19 PM ^

i would be all for three different road jerseys, but with historical connections. one from the 70s which we have now. one from the 80s that harbaugh wore. and one from the 90s that woodson wore.

  instead of reinventing yourselves you mantain tradition and history. plus maize or white pants could be worn with any of the jerseys. you would never need another away jersey.


July 30th, 2016 at 4:45 AM ^

For those wondering if the leaked Michigan jumpman uniform is the real deal I suspect (as some have asserted) that they were early concept designs and not the final version. My theory is based on the fact that the uniforms shown in that photo are based off the Nike Mach Speed template, which does not represent Nike's latest uniform innovation. That title goes to the Vapor Untouchable Performance System, Which is coming to the NFL this season and was worn by Oregon during last bowl season. Check out the link for more details. http://news.nike.com/news/nike-vapor-untouchable-performance-system It seems more likely to me that Nike/Jordan brand would want to put Michigan in its newest and most innovative uniform system. Differences are subtle but they are there if you pay attention. For example, the neck collar area looks the same with the two horizontal dashes but missing is the mesh piping down the middle of the chest. Also, as an aside, the placement of the Jumpman logo (another hot topic on this board) is actually situated at the same level as the swoosh is on any Nike school team out there. It looks like it sits low but in reality they do it so that it sits below the shoulder pad line and is clearly visible for TV.


August 3rd, 2016 at 9:52 AM ^

In interviews on Detnews.com it states that Michael Jordon told JH that we will be the first and only Jordon brand football team.  If that's true that we will always be the only one, that is pretty awesome and great for recruiting!