Official Brady Hoke Thank You Posbang

Submitted by Black Socks on

Regardless of what happens to Brady Hoke, it cannot be denied that he loves Michigan and gave 100%.  I speak for MGoBlog when I wish him the best of luck in the future, wherever he is.  Let's get some posbang mojo going here.

Thanks for your commitment to M coach Hoke.


December 2nd, 2014 at 1:18 AM ^

The NOLA experience was fantastic, no doubt. I had just graduated a couple years prior and it turned out to be a huge reunion with lots of friends down there. And just being able to see tons of familiar faces around Bourbon Street was, to me at least, pretty special. The atmosphere reminded me of senior year, at the point when everybody had stopped caring about school and would be out and around the bars 3-5 nights a week.

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December 2nd, 2014 at 10:26 AM ^

I absolutely give Hoke credit for his performances against OSU. All of his teams have played great against OSU and for the first time in my fandom (since 06), I felt like we were not just OSU's whipping boy but actually their peer even though they were still a step ahead of us.

However, OSU has beaten us 10 of the past 11 years. The only year we beat them was Fickell's only year at the helm in which OSU was 6-6. Fickell's situation is much different than MSU 2012


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:20 AM ^

After his first season, I thought he was the one we were looking for! But the last couple season have show that Mr. Hoke was not cut out to run a top football program. At least Brady was a good recruiter and there is more potential talent on the team now then when he arrived. The depth problems are not glaring as when he first came here. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors Mr. Hoke.


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:23 AM ^

I think we'll see his legacy as recruiting the talented players that will bring Michigan back under the next guy. Peppers, Drake Johnson, Mason Cole. He restocked the cupboard and Harbaugh will turn the cupboard into stars.


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:26 AM ^

I'm proud of coach Hoke, and all the effort he has put in to make this team the best he could! I hope he can find success somewhere. Actually I noticed somebody mention the d-line being his forte, I was thinking a while ago, and not that it matters now really but what if Hoke was demoted to D-line coach/lead recruiter? Could he redeem himself in the fans eyes with another 97 like d-line?


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:34 AM ^

Yeah, he seems like a nice guy who loves Michigan, but he's objectively bad at his job. Which is why he should be fired. And I don't get all these people who are blaming his assistants. They seem better at their job than he does at his. OK, I get we shouldn't dance on his grave, but we should still be glad that he is going to be gone. At least I hope so. Man, who with a brain can't see that he suuuuuuuuuuucks at his job?


December 2nd, 2014 at 8:52 AM ^

I'm not saying any of them are good. I'll help them all pack up. I'm saying I don't understand why some people seem to be blaming the assistants for Hoke's failures, just like I don't understand why some people blame the players for his failures. He is a bad head coach. From clock management to player development, his failures are his own. He objectively stinks at his job. People should just accept that. All these apologies for Hoke are what terrify me that he's going to be retained.


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:39 AM ^

either way a person's opinion doesn't matter. The fact is that Brady Hoke brought us our first BCS bowl win since 2003. He was a good man, but it hurts that he wasn't a better coach. I know that he bleeds Maize and Blue, but for now I wish he succeeds somewhere else. Things might've not worked here, but I will never throw hate towards a fellow wolverine.


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:47 AM ^

You don't have to like the guy. I don't know why you'd hate him personally anyways. He shouldn't have ever been offered by Brandon. Brandon made the massive mistake of getting us a guy in way over his head. Hoke busted his ass for Michigan.


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:59 AM ^

A friend and I were debating the whole Hoke thing, and he wanted to blame Hoke for everything thats happened. I made that same point, that he shouldn't have ever been offered the job. But since they did, and he took it, he has busted his ass to do everything for this team he could. Did he fall short, sure. But it's not his fault he was in over his head from the start. The administration really screwed the pooch on the Hoke hire.


December 2nd, 2014 at 12:59 AM ^

Under the Lights I, OSU '11, MSU '12, and fuck it, even OSU '13.

God I wish we could have that game back. But in spite of the loss I do think I'll always remember it as one of the greatest Michigan football games I've ever been to. We started the day with no hope at all, nothing. As we were tailgating beforehand, I yelled to my already drunk friend, "Where are we going after the game?" His response: "If we lose, Charley's, but IF WE WIN WE'LL BE BURNIN' THIS TOWN TO THE GROUND".

Then Gardner threw that first bubble screen that went for 80-whatever yards and the game was on... each time OSU scored I expected Michigan to call it quits and pack it in, but against all odds they responded, time after time, and I lost all control of myself as I embraced the possibility of the impossible...

On the final drive there were several times where it seemed all hope was lost, yet Gardner brought us all the way down the field for the final TD... and then... and then the entire world hinged on the edge of an Al Borges 2-pt conversion call. Seconds from sheer nirviana, we waited for the snap... Gardner dropped back, threw the ball... and then darkness. Nothing but darkness. It's cold. I am cold. We are all cold.

The town of Ann Arbor did not burn that night. Fire Hoke.


December 2nd, 2014 at 1:02 AM ^

He has done absolutely nothing to garner hate from people. I will root for him (like i do for RR as well) wherever he ends up. I wish him all the very best.


December 2nd, 2014 at 1:08 AM ^

tremendous ambassador for the program, and conducted himself the best way he knew how. You can point fingers at him for Gibbons, Clark, etc, but let's not forget that every coach has a few knuckleheads on the team that cause trouble.  Carr had Braylon, Grady (Kevin not Kelvin), Baraka, etc and RR had a bunch of guys that screwed up as well including Tate, Fitz, and guys who never qualified like Dorsey.

Ultimately though, Hoke really screwed up, like DB, on a few very major areas.  ShaneGate, his terrible vocabulary and general inept press conferences, the head-set ordeal, and the general regression of the team on a nearly game by game basis starting in 2012.  He is not a very good head football coach, but he is/was an excellent recruiter, and an honest and forthright man (for all we know), and more than anything, a victim of his own love for this university.  DB did him no favors by handing him the keys to the castle, when Hoke is more of a single-family suburban home kind of guy.

Best of luck, but your time here has been frustrating and generally miserable to endure as a fan of the program.  As for UM, this could very well be the critical point where Hackett either gets it right, and the next 50 years trend the way we all expect them to, or it's the point that history will define as the house that Brandon broke into, redecorated, and then burned to the ground for his own ego... just like Dominos.  I pray that 2015 is more like 1969....

Final Thought: Bigger miss on a hire... Hoke or Brandon?  Honestly, DB was less qualified to be an AD than Hoke was to be HC.  I truly believe that.