
October 29th, 2014 at 2:31 AM ^

Instead of "I don't read blogs" he should have said "I try to avoid learning what the people I serve and try to sell things to are thinking".

That comment would be very similar in meaning and it would have perhaps shed light on the pure stupidity/willful ignorance portion of his decision making process.

He's a garbage human being. Not because of sports and football, but because of his track record in dealing with other human beings.

When you're such an awful person you have to put policies in place to illegally destroy email responses to people who give you money and are FANS OF YOUR JOB, you are beyond help and reason.


October 29th, 2014 at 2:49 AM ^

Why can't he say one of two things: 1) those emails are not real and we're working on demonstrating that, or 2) I made a mistake in communicating with some of our fans. It's inexcusable and I will never do it again.

Instead we have the "I'm aware, but not fully aware". I know exactly what you're talking about because I'm not surprised by the question but I don't read blogs.

What a clown. Just get this over with. I seriously hope this permanently taints his political ambitions.


October 29th, 2014 at 6:41 AM ^

"I'm here to get an award tonight, so I appreciate you showing up, but that's not why I'm here," added Brandon, who alongside a handful of staff members represented the U-M athletic department as recipients of an award recognizing the department for its key roles in tourism and its impact on Ann Arbor's economy.

Oh, I love it. Looked at another way, he's there to represent the University and its interests but yet not at the same time. Sort of a Schrodinger's AD scenario. Definitely someone who would have been pointed out on Monty Python's "Spot The Loony" sketch. 


October 29th, 2014 at 6:47 AM ^

How in the hell did this big bitch play for Bo? I can't believe this much narcissism developed later in life. He must've thought Bo said THE DAVE! THE DAVE! THE DAVE!


October 29th, 2014 at 6:53 AM ^

If ever a picture captured the essence of a man that was it. How he gets through a single day without being punched in the face is a mystery to me.


October 29th, 2014 at 6:59 AM ^

"I don't read blogs so I think it's nonsense"


I only read my own dumbass blog and am oblivious to the media world around me..


Wow this guy is a bigger dumbass than I thought..  Wasn't he suppose to be a marketing and PR genius?

Red is Blue

October 29th, 2014 at 7:07 AM ^

We all blamed ND for backing out of the rivalry. Maybe they just didn't want to deal with DB. Probably won't happen but If so, ND could really rub DBs nose in it if they schedule a couple of games with M with the new AD.


October 29th, 2014 at 7:47 AM ^

knows EXACTLY what's on this blog. He reads it, and lies in saying he doesn't. The screws are getting tighter and he's running out of excuses and he knows it. His ouster can't happen soon enough for me. 


October 29th, 2014 at 7:53 AM ^

Part of me thinks "well, what did you expect DB to say?" I mean, he's an enormous douche, but in this case it was provoked to the point where it doesn't really surprise. I mean, him saying he doesn't read blogs is an obvious lie in an attempt to diminish the news source.

But the other part still can't help but be surprised that each and every time he opens his mouth, it makes things worse. Seriously all he had to say was "I'm here for an awards banquet, and will not comment on any other matters at this point." He's obviously pissed about the MGoBlog thing, but it also seems like there's not much he can do about it other than belittle the blog itself.


October 29th, 2014 at 8:31 AM ^

Well, Brandon is Right About One Thing
Reading blogs is not worthwhile for him. Why read the venom? The hate? He got a few seconds of credit for reducing student ticket prices and the blog moved on to spew hatred. This blog has lost its ability to offer constructive criticism. But, it is entertaining.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


October 29th, 2014 at 9:35 AM ^

It's because one small concession, likely forced by the President, does not make up for the ruined trust between him and the fanbase/students/etc.

I feel like I keep going back to this point, but it's the trust that he broke and cannot be fixed, no matter how many concessions he makes. He could offer me lifetime season tickets, and I would still think him being fired is best for the University.


October 29th, 2014 at 10:17 AM ^

Your only posts lately have been about how Brandon has been treated poorly and how we should shower him with praise over the one thing he did that can be considered good. ( lowering ticket prices after making a massive hike and only coming to this price point after others did the research for him). You've also Ben trying to make his detractors less credible.


October 29th, 2014 at 10:34 AM ^

Hail, Thanks for your comment
I think all AD's do things that irritate parts of the fan base and don't have an expectation that a new person will make everyone happy. So, I am not in favor of a multi-million dollar buy out just to change a generic administrator. I am a donor and a 1973 graduate(retired from very large corporation) and really don't want donation money wasted. I think Brandon will be motivated to get the right coach the second time around. But, I am in the minority and that does not bother me as much as rumors being portrayed as fact. Still waiting on Brian to provide proof of his accusation that Brandon tried to get medical staff to change their position on Shane Morris situation.

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


October 29th, 2014 at 10:55 AM ^

It will be a long wait. Sticking on that point after all of the other criteria sounds petty on your count. Especially if Brian already stated that it was conjecture. I can see it as a plausible explanation. The explanation and timing that came from the AD is not satisfactory either. Mo understand the buyout issue, however, I am hoping that he either steps down to not be the first to be fired or negotiate a lower buyout. I am also an alum and have seen enough in the business world to justify buying him out. I have had to deal with plenty of suppliers that were not up to snuff and had people make decisions to stay with them because of the cost to move to another supplier, only to end up spending more and still having to move to a different supplier because a decision wasn't made sooner. Brandon is hurting the bottom line with donors refusing to support his AD, and many fans possibly becoming no shows. If the buyout is the only reason you think he should stay, I suggest you find a new argument to root for.


October 29th, 2014 at 12:39 PM ^

 Still waiting on Brian to provide proof of his accusation that Brandon tried to get medical staff to change their position on Shane Morris situation.
Brian didn't accuse him of trying to influence the medical staff. He merely said he was trying to determine if he had, through the FOIA. Nothing wrong with that. 

Monocle Smile

October 29th, 2014 at 10:46 AM ^

I'm perfectly willing to hear other opinions.

I'm also perfectly willing to identify stupid ones. Consideration and acceptance are two very different things, and and old fuck like you should know that better than most.

Oddly, your posts are written in pretty much the same tone as Brandon's emails. Protip: doing a bit while also being serious doesn't really work.

Bando Calrissian

October 29th, 2014 at 8:32 AM ^

This morning in "how the other half lives," there's a cool thread over at the RCMB (I know, I know) where a guy shares his email exchange with Mark Hollis.


Backstory is his buddy is refusing to go to the MSU-Wisconsin game in Madison with him, but the buddy agrees to go if Hollis responds to an email and tells him to go. Hollis responds, tells them to find him in Madison and he'll buy them a brat. Gives them information on where to find him, too. While they don't end up meeting up, the guy sends Hollis a thank-you email and Hollis responds offering them four tickets for a basketball game in his suite at Breslin.

That's how you handle things. Instead, we have an AD telling people to stop drinking and go to bed, or making fun of their wives' football knowledge.

I give up. Hollis for AD.


October 29th, 2014 at 12:33 PM ^

I know he tweeted at Trey Burke and while not exactly appropriate it was hardly malicious. From what I remember it involved Burke follwoing his heart on going to the NBA or not which at least to me, isnt' that big of deal. I really can't think of any other examples where he has been out of line. 

In a "cool story bro" segment, I met Hollis at the football game last year and he was very nice. He stopped by the tailgate I was at on Shaw and asked "who let this guy in?" with a laugh when saw me in my Michigan windbreaker. We had a brief but good talk and he showed nothing but respect for Michigan. He also gave me his business card and askde me to email him after the game if I had any concerns or comments. I didn't email him but I still thought that was cool he opened that door to not just a visiting fan but a Michigan fan. Hell would freeze over before Dave Brandon did that.

Clarence Beeks

October 29th, 2014 at 8:42 AM ^

Brandon is so typical of the old guard that disregards (or doesn't understand) the paradigm shift we've seen with respect to reporting (eg "bloggers are just unemployed guys typing from their parents basement".) He thought this would blow over because he was confident that the "traditional" media wouldn't run with it. Ironically, it will be the type of source that he doesn't read (ie blogs) that will ultimately contribute most significantly to his demise as AD.


October 29th, 2014 at 10:09 AM ^

on a blog I'd have to find out which one, and how credible they are. There are a metric shit-ton "social justice warriors" with blogs who are not above fabrication or hyperbole for the sake of their cause. And some sports blogs I can see running with a fantastic story without fact checking because it illicits homerism or contempt.

That being said you cannot merely dismiss something just because it originated on a blog especially one as reputable as MGoBlog, and especially since Brian and Ace really did their homework.

MoJo Rising

October 29th, 2014 at 8:58 AM ^

He'll have all the time in the world to catch up on the blogs he missed out on. And after he reads MGOBLOG, he'll realize that had he been reading this, he probably wouldn't have gotten fired in the first place.


October 29th, 2014 at 9:29 AM ^

No Dave, the question is not whether you read blogs or not.  The question is did you send nasty emails to Michigan supporters, then illegally delete those emails, and then obfuscate the truth about it as is your normal mode of operation?

Steve in PA

October 29th, 2014 at 9:50 AM ^

The rumor was that a large reason the series was not renewed is because of personality issues between the ADs. At the time I didn't put much stock into it but after the confirmation of Brandon's dickishness I wonder if it will be renewed when he's gone.

My ND friends were also saddened to see it end and were quite surprised to see OSU fill the B10 void left by Michigan.  In hindsight it does all seem to fit together.


October 29th, 2014 at 9:56 AM ^

If that man is Dave Brandon who's busy responding to email messages and reporters' questions (and maybe searching for a new brain, a new heart and some new courage.)

Just click your heels together and think to yourself, There's no place like The Big House! There's no place like The Big House!  There's no place like The Big House!