So much for no flyover vs. Eastern

Submitted by Frank Drebin on
Has anyone heard any information regarding the plane that flew directly over the north scoreboard during the 4th qtr today? I thought that the airspace around Michigan Stadium was restricted during games. Everyone in our section watched as the plane took a left turn towards the stadium at no more than 5000 ft. The snipers on the southwest roof also seemed to be alarmed by the incident. Did they mention this on tv, radio or in the press box?


September 17th, 2011 at 6:53 PM ^ say the least.

We shouldn't have to worry about our safety while at a game. It was painfully obvious that there weren't any fighter jets enforcing the no-fly zone today, ergo the stadium was not safe.


September 17th, 2011 at 6:54 PM ^

There are fighter jets patrolling every major stadium/game in America, for every sport? (Instead of fighting in wars and stuff). Methinks you had a false sense of security.


September 17th, 2011 at 8:12 PM ^

I don't mean "fighter jets" should be "patrolling every major stadium/game in America, for every sport" at all. As a fan in Michigan Stadium (and not another venue), just let me bask in my ignorance for a few hours. I don't want to worry things like this.

Michigan Stadium holds a ton of people in a small area. Places like Ford Field don't hold nearly as many people as Michigan Stadium does, and don't need the same level of security.

If Homeland Security is going to go all-out with snipers, then why isn't the no-fly zone being enforced? We're talking about a couple jets (from Selfridge AFB) being on alert only for 7 Saturdays per year. When someone already tried to sneak guns into the stadium, deciding to have an enforced no-fly zone around Michigan Stadium on gamedays doesn't seem to be rocket science.


September 18th, 2011 at 12:57 PM ^

First off, do we even know that the snipers have rifles? There's a decent chance it's just guys with binoculars who would direct police. Except in extreme situations, there's no way you'd want anyone, even a good guy, opening fire into a crowded stadium with lots of wind and people moving about.

I would guess that the no-fly zone is more to protect Michigan Stadium from accidents than from terrorist planes. Several planes going over the stadium every week is just asking for an issue like at the recent air race.

Even if it's with terrorism in mind, I'm also not sure what fighters would do; it's not like there's a large amount of restricted airspace--by the time you've violated the no-fly zone, you're basically over the stadium, and shooting you down doesn't do anyone much good.

Also, although 110,000 people together could be tempting for a terrorist, an open bowl is not an ideal place to attack from the air, particularly with half of it below ground level. If it's a plane to deliver chemical or biological weapons, there's an individual at the stadium whose job it is to identify and handle those attacks, and the university and the state are well-prepared for that possibility.


September 17th, 2011 at 6:14 PM ^

I understand the bomb squad and all but has a sniper ever been used at a football game anywhere (other than the movie Black Sunday)?

I also didnt see the plane although I left after the fg as my 11 year old was pretty bored. 

True Blue Grit

September 17th, 2011 at 6:21 PM ^

that big plane banking right toward the stadium at low altitude had me creeped out.  I don't have any idea why a plane like that was flying so low over Ann Arbor.  Where the heck did it come from?  I started to feel better as it gained altitude.  But, I agree that someone is in deep doo-doo over this one. 


September 17th, 2011 at 6:27 PM ^

Alarming seems the best way to describe it. It squared up and flew right over the stadium. I am in the south endzone so I saw it way out. I kept an eye on the nose....


September 17th, 2011 at 6:56 PM ^

But could never see what they were reacting to.
<br>Couldn't have been worse than the plane the circled to close to Spartans Stadium when we played them up there. In 2001.


September 17th, 2011 at 7:14 PM ^

I never saw it, but now that I read this thread, I now understand how it looked like the "clouds" moved extremely quick over the stadium! That is crazy!! I am glad nothing happened!


September 17th, 2011 at 7:59 PM ^

And I encourage anyone who was there to email the athletic department and demand that they get an explanation of what was going on.   A week after the anniversary of 9/11 and I look up and see a twin engine airliner flying RIGHT OVER THE G-DD-MN STADIUM,  WTF.

Inexcusable IMO.   Maybe I'm overreacting but  I looked north during a pause in the game and saw it coming.  I couldn't believe it was flying so low and headed right over the stadium.  I froze for a moment and was starting to wonder if I'd have to tell people to GTFO  the stadium.

It couldn't have been higher than 5k ft over the stadium.



September 17th, 2011 at 8:13 PM ^

Just sent one.  I couldn't believe it when I saw it.   They really need to take a long hard look at the no-fly zone regulations.  I really hope that the athletic department comes out with some kind of statement, explaining what happened.  I hope I never see anything like that again in my life; anywhere.


September 17th, 2011 at 7:57 PM ^

stated that the plane was forced to circle from metro and wasn't below the restricted air space limit......  I call B.S.!.....  I believe the fact they were maybe circling, but damn that looked pretty low!  Some hot shot pilot probably thought it'd be cool to give his passengers a sweet view....  and those of us that were there, a bit of a scare!


September 17th, 2011 at 8:05 PM ^

Didn't look like it was circling at all.   I saw it coming, flew in a straight line right over the stadium and turned only AFTER it flew over the stadium.

And if the restricted flight area is that small,  they need to rethink the restricted flight area.



September 17th, 2011 at 8:30 PM ^

He was most likely being vectored by ATC and was just doing as he was told. Im glad you don't fly airplanes you'd scare me. This is Clemson as the TFR in effect opening week this year. As ATC cleared me through it. EDIT: notice the airport at the top of the picture. Which btw how awesome is it to have your campus right on a lake.... 



September 17th, 2011 at 8:41 PM ^

no thats in a PA-34. We were about 1800 AGL there not much higher. ATC held us at that ALT. I have no idea why. As im sure you know thats a waste of time. I mean ND stadium the ILS takes you right over it I have flown over that too on game days. While its going on.


September 17th, 2011 at 8:51 PM ^

I was giving duel in a PA-34. (guy is working on his CMEL)  I do like a 172. They are built to last and are great airplanes. I prefer that to anything as far as training in a single.Even over Diamonds, Cirrus or Piper although I do love the new Bananza's and Baron's. I've got plunty of cool pics over stadiums. I am going to upload them now. 


September 17th, 2011 at 8:54 PM ^

rational.  It is based on fear and that is ok.  No one in the stadium was ever in danger.  A plane at 30000 feet could develop a mechanical failure just as easy as one at 3000 feet.  The result would be the same.  Although the odds are well beyond 6 sigma.

I would be more nervous about all those little 20# propane tanks right next to the stadium or a gasoline tanker on Main St before I would ever consider an airplane under complete control of a well-trained pilot and under ATC control.

Two Hearted Ale

September 18th, 2011 at 7:54 AM ^

I have never met a pilot who was willing to risk his certificates and career to give passengers a better view. Believe it or not, we don't take into consideration how someone on the ground feels before making decisions. We can't say for certain but it appears the pilots were exactly where they were supposed to be.


September 17th, 2011 at 8:16 PM ^

dude you guys are overreacting a lot.... That TFR is tiny and if ATC wants they can clear you right through it. You know how many times ive had to do this.... Clemson is a perfect example there runway shoots out right over their field.