Matt Millens M…

December 17th, 2014 at 10:03 AM ^

If you had a gun to your nuts, would you rather have me and my sweet mustache, Matt Millen or David Brandon run your team. It's an impossible choice I know. The suckatude is off the charts.

Lucky Socks

December 17th, 2014 at 10:09 AM ^

I know Hunter, and he's a good dude. I don't agree with many of his recent comments and he might not feel the pulse of the fan base...but like Hoke, this is a good guy who just lost his job. Let's accept the decision for what it is (decent news from a fan perspective) but also recognize that it's a guy with small children who are going to move for the second time in like 5 years. No need to put a middle finger in the man's face if you see him in public.

Just my two cents. The internet mentality is getting out of hand. Good luck and best wishes, Hunter.


December 17th, 2014 at 10:33 AM ^

from a humane perspective, you are spot on.  I also think there are a lot of victims of the fact that our football team simply isn't winning.  However I worked in advertising/marketing/PR (at a very high level) and the gravest mistake you can make is to lose touch with the customer (or never understand their culture to begin with) and cause them public embarassment.  That is the opposite of (good) public relations.  Harsh consequences and public reactions to failure (including immediate termination)  are what marketing guys sign up for when get paid a quarter of a million dollars a year and more, as Mr. Lochman was, to improve the image of the University. If you are rebukinng our fan base for using one of Mr. Lochman's own mediums, social media, to criticize him, then you are way off base.   But yeah, it really sucks for him and his family that he failed and got fired form his job at U of M.  I think we all wish he and Dave Brandon and Brady Hoke had done a better job.     

steve sharik

December 17th, 2014 at 10:17 AM ^

...but he had to know Hackett's beliefs and values, and if Hunter was truly concerned about providing for his family during the holidays, or just simply wanted to avoid getting a pink slip in his stocking, he should've known better than to make statements to the press like his most recent ones.


December 17th, 2014 at 10:17 AM ^

I have a conspiracy theory here that may not be so crazy:

Is it possible that Lochman was fired because he was a source of some of the leaks of information to the media?  Remember that around 36 hours ago, it was leaked that there was an 8 year / $49 million offer to Harbaugh?  That's prety specific information.  Then there was the whole thing about a source being revealed at 9:00 a.m. yesterday by Jeff Ross that never materialized.  Well, Jeff Ross was pretty much the first one to break that Lochman was out.

Perhaps Lochman was the source of some of the more detailed leaks and Hackett fired his ass for it?  Yes, I know the Denard comment was pretty recent, but it really isn't the "Michigan way" (whatever the hell that means) to fire someone right before Christmas.



December 17th, 2014 at 10:29 AM ^

You're overstating the specifics of that 'offer'. Webb heard from one source that Hackett and donors were able to gather 49 mill as compensation. Webb heard from another completely different source earlier that Harbaugh would be looking for an 8 year deal if he came to college. So Sam just used some logic and put those together, but it never came from one place.

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December 17th, 2014 at 10:36 AM ^

I wondered that as well when the football SID was let go a few weeks ago.

About a week ago, I re-read the section of Three and Out having to do with the December 2007 coaching search.  I might even create a post about it, but it appears in hindsight that there were 3 major problems with the process in 2007:  (1) a lack of urgency at the beginning, followed quickly by unnecessary panic; (2) a "too many cooks" situation, with 3 different people speaking with candidates on behalf of the University and not keeping each other in the loop; (3) essentially instantaneous leaks to the media whenever anything happened, scaring away at least one viable candidate.

Hackett has clearly taken to heart the lessons learned from 2007, and I think has addressed (1) and (2), so there is no reason to think he isn't clamping down on leaks as well.  One even wonders if he is employing the old trick of saying different things to different people to track down the leaks.

Perkis-Size Me

December 17th, 2014 at 10:25 AM ^

Glad to see Hackett bring down the hammer. After Lochmann's comments about the "fleeting" relationships players have with the school, it's no wonder he's out. I'd like Lochmann to tell that to Denard, Howard, Woodson, and all the other greats that have come through here.

Go back to the Knicks. They probably need you more than we do.

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December 17th, 2014 at 10:26 AM ^

for the three of you defending Hunter lochmann, he is the one that moved hockey and then football to general admission, he is the one that oversold student basketball tickets, he is the one responsible for the coke debacle, the noodle, chobani, etc. He has made numerous terrible decisions, and kept his job thru all of this until Dave Brandon finally "resigned". Glad to see Hackett actually holds people accountable. I don't believe the resigned story either.


December 17th, 2014 at 10:33 AM ^

It's possible that DB was the author of those ideas. But either way, I think he was the wrong fit for Michigan, and frankly, it puzzled me why DB believed that a marketing guy was even remotely necessary at Michigan. 


December 17th, 2014 at 10:33 AM ^

Twitter is filled with people (including Six Zero) saying Lochmann was a good guy and will be missed. He might very well be a good guy, but his plan was wrong for Michigan.  His sentiment regarding Denard is exactly what is wrong with our marketing department.

Denard is a nice guy, too.  Our "fleeting relationship" will live a long time in Michigan lore.  Lochmann will forever be tied to the AD who turned the football program into a happy meal.


December 17th, 2014 at 10:36 AM ^

Yeah, I don't understand why people can't seperate those sometimes (on both sides of the arguement).  I've never met Lochmann, but he very well could be a very great person.  But I didn't like his work, and I don't think it fit in with Michigan.  He can still be a great dude, and you can wish him well in the future, while still being thankful he is no longer working here.

Blue Noise

December 17th, 2014 at 10:47 AM ^

Serious question: are we even going to replace him? We never even had a "CMO" until Brandon hired this guy, right?
I see no reason we should not just eliminate the position altogether.


December 17th, 2014 at 10:52 AM ^

these are the types that need removed. No jinx so I'll just say that the job POTUM & New AD have done so far is to my liking. So far.....(next up is building a platform to bring back real grass, allowing pony kegs to not be seen by security, mallows, free student tix based on a sane structure & Nike or ultra generic 80's brand making can't miss based-ass jerseys)