CC - Jay Gruden - ESPN 96.1

Submitted by brewandbluesaturdays on

Listening to Sean Beligian on ESPN 96.1 and he is talking to Jeff Risden about the lions game. At the end of the conversation Risden stated the Michigan search party heas reached out to Jay Gruden and Gruden expressed some interest in the position. I personally buy this 0/10 as a possibility. But take it FWIW. Maybe Cowherd's super secret name?

Edit 1: - If you didn't know - Beligian is the ESPN station's local guy here on the west side of the state in Michigan. Covers mostly greater Grand Rapids area. 


December 8th, 2014 at 3:26 PM ^

This is another of those moments where you realize people in the NFL believe any moron with NFL experience can win in college easily.  Which is why Dave Wannstadt is ending his like tenth season at Pitt instead of being on TV.


December 8th, 2014 at 3:41 PM ^

Beligian has appeared on this board before, and I honestly have no memory what it was for.  I just remember that the consensus concluded that he is indeed a moron.


December 8th, 2014 at 3:52 PM ^

This has nothing to do with the coaching search. This is conjecture by people who have no idea or any facts and then blown out of proportion by people on this board. The coaching search is actually probably the best we've ever had because we know absolutely nothing which is how it's supposed to work if you want any chance of getting a guy currently under contract.

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December 8th, 2014 at 3:51 PM ^

Now, a guy who hasn't coached in a decade and hasn't coached at the college level since the beginning of his career is being served up as an outreach candidate and is considering it.

Put this in the cowherd column of total bullshit. Hey, but it generates phone calls and clicks, everything that ESPN likes.


December 8th, 2014 at 3:57 PM ^

I never know what all that # out of # fakes business means in the recruiting profiles, but Jay Gruden is all kinds of bad.  And I assume the more fakes the worst.  DC is a dumpster fire.  I can't believe there's someone out there I would want less than Schiano.  


December 8th, 2014 at 4:00 PM ^

know why some days his show randomly ends at 5:42? it doesn't seem to be for the sake of the top of the hour programming, because they often fill the remaining 18 minutes with the top of the 3 pm hour. anyhow as a Michigan fan and sports fan in general, afternoon drive is terrible. I usually flip to AM 670 and listen revel in the Jay Cutler flamewars.