Alex Boone Says Harbaugh Pushed 49ers Too Hard

Submitted by Kaminski16 on

I totally understand why Jim wanted to come back to the college game now.



April 20th, 2015 at 10:37 AM ^

I wouldn't be surprised if he is tired of all the positive attention Harbaugh has gotten for his rival and thinks he is "helping" his alma mater with this statement.  Either way, the great thing about college is that intense coaches only have kids for four or five years.  By the time a player starts to "tune out" the coach, he is a senior who is being counted on for leadership, which changes the game.

I hope both of Boone's teams underachieve this year.

Harlans Haze

April 20th, 2015 at 1:31 PM ^

that one out for himself. I can just imagine the avalanche of phone calls from buckey nation after he initially came out in support of Harbabugh. I wouldn't be surprised if the head nut himself weighed in on the issue and told Boone to change his tune. Let's get a subpoena to check his cell phone records.

Maize and Blue…

April 20th, 2015 at 8:49 PM ^

That it's all about negative recruiting.

They can no longer tell recruits that we do not develop players, so they have to come up with a new narrative, and that is the point of this article, but rather than sounding legit, Boone comes off as a whiny-ass crybaby that can't take hard work, or being pushed to his limits, and instead, indicts his alma mater as a place that skates by on cheating, overwhelming talent, and doing as little as possible to get by.


April 20th, 2015 at 10:38 AM ^

the article mentions that Harbaugh was doing things like prohibiting listening to music or playing cards on plane rides, and in-general trying to treat grown men/veterans like they were still in college.


April 20th, 2015 at 2:50 PM ^

I should have given a source. It is an older article that was referenced somewhere else. This is the original source: Niners veterans still grumbling about Jim Harbaugh

"Some of the complaints include the fact that he kind of treats them like children. In fact, on planes, I'm told, they're not allowed to play music, they're not allowed to play cards. Small things, but these are the things that really can rankle players, even though the veterans do get to sit in first class."



The Mad Hatter

April 20th, 2015 at 2:51 PM ^

I would have to admit that would bother the hell out of me as a grown man.  Hopefully JH realizes that his personality is better suited for the college game.  He can coach here for the next 20+ years and never wear out his welcome.  As long as he wins, that is.

Evil Empire

April 20th, 2015 at 8:55 AM ^

that Boren had 1% body fat.  That would be three pounds of fat, apparently all of which hung in full view, under his chin.

We can argue about the missteps of the Rodriguez era forever (and doubtless we will) but I think we can agree that Justin Boren acted like a tool. 

I believe that after Boren set fire to the bridge on the way out of town, he said he didn't want to speak publicly about it anymore, but that more details would come out later.  He's got plenty of time on his hands to write a book now.  I think snowplowing season is done in Columbus.

Evil Empire

April 20th, 2015 at 12:26 PM ^

There's a Big House over yonder That's where my daddy played There's a Big House over yonder, baby That's where my daddy played Well, I ain't been home to see my daddy, in one or two snowy weekends. 'Bout time I see him, Wait a minute something's wrong here The key won't unlock the Nautilus machine. Wait a minute something's wrong baby, Lord, have mercy, this key won't unlock the Nautilus, something's goin' on here. I have a bad bad feeling Andy Moeller don't coach here no more.


April 20th, 2015 at 7:47 AM ^

Boone thought that SF was "over the mountain" and that it was time to stop' and "let go."

Must have driven Harbaugh crazy to have his players settle for so little.  But, in a sense, boone is right. There's nowhere to aspire to go when you get to the NFL.  You've made it to the top of your personal mountain, you are making the bucks, and you can chill if that's all you were interested in.

Luckily for him, Harbs is in a very different situation now.  And, as the article notes, college graduation turnover will ensure that he always has some hungry players.


April 20th, 2015 at 7:54 AM ^

"‘This guy might be clinically insane. He’s crazy.’" Personally I think the guy is just trying to downplay Harbaugh's capabilities because he's afraid (read: knows) he will turn Michigan into a powerhouse program.

Evil Empire

April 20th, 2015 at 9:07 AM ^

And so would Boone.  Some quotes from an October 2012 article about Boone, then in his fourth season with the 49ers:

Alex' mother, Amy Boone:
"That's always the coachign he's responded well to.  Somebody who's in your face and really brutal.  For whatever reason, he loved that."

49ers coach Jim Harbaugh:
"To his credit, he's taken his opportunity, his talent, his work ethic, and also a great attitude.  And I think that's a great lesson for all the young players, individual players, that working hard, doing it with a great attitude, a team attitude, you figure it out.  You get it.  And he's a wonderful example of that."


CRISPed in the DIAG

April 20th, 2015 at 11:01 AM ^

Boom.  Errrryone gets along when they're winning. Coaches become father figures.  Teamates share awesome chemistry and become a bunch of guys who just love playing the game.  This has been one of my least favorite tropes in too many years of following sports.


April 20th, 2015 at 7:55 AM ^

Definitely geared to people moving through the organization not staying for a long time which should make him a great college coach.


April 20th, 2015 at 8:12 AM ^

Yes.  The way he recruits, he will have a lot of guys that will only stay three years, some only two.  

I have no doubt that his craziness can get old, but by the time it does in college, you are out of there.  It helps that college has a "temporary" mentality to it.  You know it's only for a few years.

Who among us did not have classes, roomates, long walks in the cold to get where you needed to, whatever, where you thought, "This sucks, I would not put up with this for a long time, but it's only temporary so I'll suck it up because it's getting me where I ultimately want to go?"

That's the nature of college.