Nike "Jumpman" Uniforms

Submitted by Dawkins on

Since Michigan is now officially the 5th Jordan "Jumpman" school joining UNC, Georgetown, Cal and Marquette, I decided to scour the internet to see what those teams' Jumpan uniforms look like. Here are some examples from recent years...









July 20th, 2015 at 10:52 AM ^

I feel like if the Jumpman logo was replaced by the Adidas logo we would all be screaming foul. 

I don't care either way as far as the brand, I am happy overall with the Nike deal.  I liked the Indiana jerseys for the tournament this year.  They turned down the template used by most Adidas school and had a simple, classic look. 

Moonlight Graham

July 20th, 2015 at 10:53 AM ^

a pretty good preview of what UM's will look like. Hopefully they'll find ways to make ours unique and not too Cal-like while keeping that same clean look. 

I've never really liked inlcuding the university crest as a watermark on the back. I think Duke was the first one to do it, and their logo/crest includes their distinctive Duke Chapel which worked ok. The rest after that were just copycat after that and all look the same. Not a fan of the camo either. 

The block M could work if they used the current version, it seems like it's beefier than those shown in the images above. Think of hte magnificent M on the back of the Michigan Stadium scoreboards — that would look great, with the right number font below. 


July 20th, 2015 at 10:53 AM ^

I feel like if the Jumpman logo was replaced by the Adidas logo we would all be screaming foul. 

I don't care either way as far as the brand, I am happy overall with the Nike deal.  I liked the Indiana jerseys for the tournament this year.  They turned down the template used by most Adidas school and had a simple, classic look. 


July 20th, 2015 at 10:59 AM ^

Muscle shirts with giant sweat stains on the back?  Terrible.

Hopefully, as part of our deal, we maintain veto power over all uniform choices.  Despite all the clamoring for Nike, their uniforms can be as ugly as any other.  I'm glad the kids are happy and the world loves Nike, but the only thing that matters are far as uniforms on the field is a veto power.  We shouldn't be forced to wear third-world garbage regardless of brand.


July 20th, 2015 at 12:15 PM ^

I work at an elementary school. While Nike shoes are by far the most popular name brand shoe, kids wear under armor clothes at about a 3 to 1 ratio to the other brands. Some of the football players will come to school during football season wearing the base layer as their shirt, or with a super hero logo. It is becoming more and more popular every year.


July 20th, 2015 at 2:22 PM ^

Cool. By the time those kids reach college, our Nike contract will have expired. The relative appeal of the two brands to recruits at that time will get factored into Michigan's decision to either renew with Nike or switch to UA. In 2015 though, Nike is still the alpha dog. 


July 20th, 2015 at 11:31 AM ^

One aspect about these, specifically shown for the Marquette uniforms, is that players will get PE (player edition's) of retro Jordan's as seen above with the Marquette 4s. For basketball players (most of whom are sneakerheads) those PEs can be a big deal. Not necessarily an "OMG they get PEs I'm going there" sort of thing, but they have huge value in recruiting for basketball players. Just an FYI as I don't believe there are too many sneakerheads on the board and it has it's own culture specifically within the basketball world, the actual benefit of being a Jordan school shouldn't be underestimated.


July 20th, 2015 at 11:36 AM ^

This is pretty much the most lateral move possible. I'm expecting to be entirely underwhelmed by any changes that are made while the masses go bonkers because it's Nike.


July 20th, 2015 at 11:42 AM ^

I tend to like clean/simple/classic looks the best, but... I understand apparel companies are trying to sell more than one jersey to every buyer and therefore need variety.

That said, I have a significant aversion to the "dot array" & "camo" embellishments we have seen recently, mostly because I can clearly see them on broadcasts or when I attend games.

So if Nike can use "watermark" designs to create "fresh/hip/cool/teentastic" looks to hang on the retail rack but are not noticeable on broadcast - Knock yourself out!


July 20th, 2015 at 11:49 AM ^

anything that serves as a pattern is nice and subtle. usually don't like the T-shirt jersey designs either, but these stand out as premium over most jersey designs out there for college ball.


July 20th, 2015 at 11:51 AM ^

Personally I would love for Jordan to make the MBB/WBB similar to the current North Carolina uniforms --> with a Block M emblem on the collar, along with a Throwback Wolverine Logo design on the back -->


July 20th, 2015 at 12:01 PM ^

The background design of the dark gray Georgetown and the sponging effect of that blue Marquette would not go over well with the uniformz crowd.

With this limited sample size it has a 60% win rate which far exceeds Adidas 59%. 

I do assume these don't tear away ala Adidas?


July 21st, 2015 at 8:22 AM ^

Fuck you dickhead. MJ is the best of all time, you are just a loser old ass motherfucker who lacks origionality. I hope someone posts as many pictures of your daughter on here as you post of other women. Creepy ass old dudes, the worst. And no one gives a fuck about your stupid mlive articles either. Fuck off dickwad!

Sent from MGoBlog HD for iPhone & iPad


July 20th, 2015 at 2:47 PM ^

Oregon's deal with Nike allows Nike to pretty much do with Oregon's unis what they please, including this:

I don't think it specifically includes or excludes Jumpan. Nike can pretty much do what it wants. If I can use a Robocop analogy, Nike is basically OCP, and Oregon is Alex Murphy. 

By contrast, Michigan's deal specifically states that the hoops program will be provided Jumpman brand stuff INSTEAD OF Nike brand stuff:

I know that image is a little small, so I'll type out what it says: "NIKE shall outfit the men's and women's basketball programs with Jordan (instead of NIKE) Brand footwear and apparel for the entire Term. At UofM's request, NIKE shall supply other Covered Teams with Jordan Brand footwear and apparel to the extent NIKE does so at other NIKE-sponsored universities."




July 20th, 2015 at 12:18 PM ^

The interesting thing with the uniforms is how they are all different. Adidas had the same uniform design and then changed the colors for each school, while Nike uses a unique design per school.

That alone is a huge plus.


July 20th, 2015 at 12:46 PM ^

jumpman photo was caught when Jordan jumped vertically for a photoshoot while training for the Olympics prior to his first Bulls season. Jordan's 'Wings' has become "Jumpman," an iconic image of Jordan that, as a sillouette, keeps his legacy but is universal in its message.


July 20th, 2015 at 12:47 PM ^

I know everyone doesn't understand it, but for everyone else who is in the know,including recruits, this is big time. It's why you leave the money on the table and go with the best. And to the people that don't understand now, you will later on.


July 20th, 2015 at 12:58 PM ^

The basketball team did much better under Adidas than Nike.  That's just a fact.  The football team had no problem recruiting under Adidas.  We got the #2 recruit and a top 5 class one year.  I don't think the last 7 seasons would have been much different under Nike. 

Emmitt Smith's…

July 20th, 2015 at 6:10 PM ^

I don't believe this is true.

The current success of Jordan Brand is based on the continued strong sales of Jordan retro models. Signature models for Jordan's current athletes -- CP3, Melo -- don't perform nearly as well as Nike's LBJs/KDs/Kobes. Kids drive this market, and none of JB's lineup, or even recent MJ signature models, have caught on with kids for street wear.

To the point, and I expect that other Nike schools have contract agreements similar to Michigan's non-hoops arrangement (as presented in the contract above) -- athletes at Nike schools have access to Jordan Brand apparel and footwear, but not vice versa. So, you can play at Duke and Nike will get you Jordan Vs, but you can't play at UNC and get the LeBrons.

Now, if you can tell recruits that part of the deal requires Mike to stop by a couple times each season to run scrimmages with them, I think you're on to something. Until then, I don't see Jordan Brand having greater appeal than the Swoosh.