Friday evening drinking thread

Submitted by sadeto on
Nice evening here in NYC. On the patio with a beautiful woman and a Dales Pale Ale, grilling chicken marinated in Korean hot bean sauce. What ales you?


June 20th, 2015 at 11:01 AM ^

The first is usually used with the Korean BBQ when you grill the beef short ribs (kalbi) at your table - you get a leafy piece of green lettuce, put a piece of the beef hot off the grill on it, and add a dollop of the bean paste. Then you stuff it in your face. The second hot sauce is for almost anything you want to make hot. The most common is in bibimbop, which is a mixture of rice and beef and various vegetables. The gochuchang is the spicy binder to the whole mixture. You can also dip almost any food you like in there for an enormous spicy kick.


June 19th, 2015 at 9:05 PM ^

Bout to go out to eat, but upon return I shall be drinking Mission Brewery Hard Root Beer.  Great taste, 7.5%, and cant even taste the booze.


June 19th, 2015 at 9:17 PM ^

My kids are at my in-laws, my wife is working until late, so it is just me, the cats, a case of  Guinness and the Tigers game. The Guinness has come in handy so far. For dinner, not feeling like cooking just for myself, I also went to get a Reuben sub from Nemo's, which my fellow downriver and western Wayne county dwellers should know well. 


June 19th, 2015 at 9:24 PM ^

On the deck, followed by a St Supery Sauvignon Blanc. Goes well with the sockeye I ran through the smoker last weekend.


June 19th, 2015 at 9:25 PM ^

barn chores done. off the tractor.  spectacular weather up here today.  you all have a wonderful weekend.


June 19th, 2015 at 9:31 PM ^

I'm writing an article on health care policy with a professor here in NYC who sometimes has trouble hearing me, and when it gets frustrating he says "spent too much time on a tractor growing up". Wear your ear plugs, quiver.


June 19th, 2015 at 10:35 PM ^

but thank you for your cautionary comment.  this tractor is only 10 years old so it's fairly new technology.   when i borrow the neighbors monster rig, it's inside a cab so not too worried about it.  220 hp, 8 WD.  used it to pull the 12-bottom plow for corn planting last month.  it makes things go very fast.