META: How many times per day do you visit the site?

Submitted by DISCUSS Man on

I'd say about 10 times for me on the actual computer. A lot of it coming at work going incognito on chrome.



February 19th, 2015 at 11:29 PM ^

I'm 55 and have had the good fortune to do fairly well in my career.  Which means I have more material things than some posters here that are younger and just getting started.  Plus I have a georgous, loving wife who treats me better than I probably deserve.  And she liked when I posted her pic on this site I spend too much time on but when Brian requested pulling down the questionable pics I obliged.  Even though he himself said I didnt have to - I didnt want to do anything to hurt this place.

I also have inoperable cancer, had an alcoholic first wife leave me for another guy while I was recovering from surgery trying to cure/help that and my youngest son from my first marrage flunked out of college due to drugs and is basically living on the streets which breaks my heart.

I've posted both the stuff about my life from the first paragraph as well as the second.  My guess is you dont remember the bad things about me I've posted hence your questioning my modesty.

Does that answer your question?


February 19th, 2015 at 10:25 PM ^


Nice little command in Everquest that used to show how long you had your account and how much time was spent on the current character.  Just like it used to blow me away by how much time I actually spent there versus what I thought I spent, I would imagine if MGoBlog had a similar command I would be shocked as well.


February 19th, 2015 at 10:31 PM ^

Depends, today has been a slow day at work and all that so I refreshed waay to often, at least 20 times.... I was excited to see there was a new topic, even though it is this =/


Actually my Chrome is always open and you can see 3 tabs open all the time, the first one is mgoblog..... the other ones are google and youtube.... 


February 19th, 2015 at 10:29 PM ^

depends on what is happening with michigan at the time.


during football season, ill check in more often. during the offseason ill probably only visit the site in the morning, around mid-day and at night. if something interesting happens or there is a good thread, ill make a post and follow that, but for the most part the off-season can get pretty slow.


but during a football gameday im probably refreshing the page non-stop starting about an hour before the game until and hour or two after the game


February 19th, 2015 at 10:46 PM ^

you know incognito or private browser settings mean nothing when the corp uses a proxy or filtering device?  All that traffic is logged and it's tied to your network id.  Use your phone and the app.  


February 19th, 2015 at 10:57 PM ^

In the mod role and in addition to being a regular poster, I essentially have a tab with the site going during normal waking hours or when I actually have meetings where this computer is being used for presentations and I shouldn't have this site among the active sites on my tabs. The frequency of visits depends on a lot of factors - like shit tons of actual work this week limiting visits, for example, so only perodic visits - but probably a solid several deep dives throughout the day. I never use the site on the computer actually assigned to my desk, only on my personal PC which also has work-related purposes. 

Steve Breaston…

February 19th, 2015 at 11:32 PM ^

During the end of the Hoke years I became quite a motivated and productive individual when relegating football, and this site, to an afterthought. Much like the program he took over, Harbaugh has changed my direction to what some judge mental folks would call "obsessive" and "unhealthy."

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