Mods: Does Wolverine Devotee Live?

Submitted by Arizona Blue on

I am sure many of the board are curious of the conclusion to the WD saga. Does he live or did he die? That drama was wayyyyyyyyyyyy better than post STATE apocolypse.


October 27th, 2014 at 5:41 PM ^

Deleting doesn't really delete anything. I gurantee if Michigan wanted to they could easily get the email back from wherever it went. My work basically has every email ever writted stored somewhere and I gurantee  Michigan / the AD probably does too. But why would they incriminate themselves like that?


October 27th, 2014 at 6:47 PM ^

I can guarantee that is not how it works.  When I worked for a local County government office, they backed up EVERY email on their servers FOREVER, whether you deleted them from your inbox in Outlook or not.  I think I even remember the IT director telling us that by law, as a municipality they were required to keep them backed up for at least 7 years.  

I would imagine this is also the case for other email services like Gmail.  It wouldn't surprise me if every email I have ever deleted is backed up somewhere in Google's servers.


October 27th, 2014 at 7:02 PM ^

I to once worked for a county and we stored all emails indefinitely (something to do with document retention records for receiving federal funds and also state accounting requirements). I work somewhere else now, and all of our email is permanently deleted after 90 days.

The moral of the story is, there are different approaches to email retention, and nobody knows what UM does.


October 27th, 2014 at 5:29 PM ^

the kid a break for christs sake.  If there's anything we should've learned over the last 7 years it should've been some humility and a maybe just a bit of forgiveness.

rob f

October 27th, 2014 at 5:34 PM ^

action shot of WD furiously studying his books

Seneste blogginnlegg: 

...he's either looking up some obscure statistical Michigan factoid or checking the list of his detractors, as he plots his revenge.


October 27th, 2014 at 6:10 PM ^

If Brandon can still be the AD, and Hoke can still call himself the Head Coach, then Wolverine Devotee should be able to survive his 1 mistake. He's just following in the foot steps of our esteemed Michigan Leaders.


October 27th, 2014 at 6:12 PM ^

A 19 year old lacks the journalistic skill to fact check a story. He shares said non-fact checked story and explains accurately the provenance of it correctly. Everyone assumes it's true because he posts on here a lot. I now appears to not be true and people are upset with the 19 year old about it? Ooooook.


October 27th, 2014 at 6:13 PM ^

A 19 year old lacks the journalistic skill to fact check a story. He shares said non-fact checked story and explains accurately the provenance of it correctly. Everyone assumes it's true because he posts on here a lot. I now appears to not be true and people are upset with the 19 year old about it? Ooooook.


October 27th, 2014 at 6:13 PM ^

I know he's still active; I hope he does post again.  I didn't always agree with what he wrote, but being scared off by the mob mentality that can take over around here shouldn't happen to anyone.


October 27th, 2014 at 7:56 PM ^

The internets are not executing well right now.  In practice these "Save" clicks on Chrome work great, but when game time comes it shits the bed.  


October 27th, 2014 at 9:59 PM ^

Sending the emails is easy. You hit forward, then edit them. The real, possible value of them being real is vastly outweighed on proof of them being fake if that's the case. With all of his sins, why would this be worthy of legitimately weakening the site's value? He didn't make a racist joke, he told someone to move on - at best he looks more of an ass than his confirmed public acts show. At worst you bolster every sling leveled towards bloggers


October 27th, 2014 at 11:05 PM ^

I was CC-ed on the email chain for a bit as we had an outside consultant doing some high-level tracking stuff. I got lost on the details between computer engineers but I think this was a much more involved confirmation than a forwarded email--from a non-computer geek it did appear the original emails had been transferred in some unalterable state, and were being tested with IP pings and such.


October 28th, 2014 at 12:18 AM ^

I will say that I was the guy doing this. I gave Brian my take personally and, while I'm not 100% that this would stand up in court, I'm convinced they're real based on the information that was provided to me. The details will come out in Brian's post tomorrow but, as I stated earlier in this thread, some people owe WD an apology, in my opinion.