WTF?!? - Dan Dakich

Submitted by 1989 UM GRAD on February 28th, 2021 at 5:30 PM

Anyone else see what's going on with Dan Dakich?

In conjunction with some Twitter discussions regarding Jalen Johnson's decision to leave Duke, Dan went off on two people who mentioned him on Twitter.

He called a Duke athletic scholar named Nathan Kalman-Lamb a "d-bag" and made some very sexist comments to Dr. Johanna Mellis, a university professor.  He referred to her as "some lady" and discussed "going at it" in a pol with Dr. Mellis.  

Not a great look for Dan....who has of course now deleted his Twitter account.  I'm an old guy so my apologies if the link below doesn't work.…;



February 28th, 2021 at 5:53 PM ^

Yawn. Who cares. Social media addicts love to make anything into something and old people, who shouldn't have social media anyway, fall for it hook, line and sinker. 


February 28th, 2021 at 6:02 PM ^

Must be the same folks falling for spam calls saying their vehicle warranty has expired or that there is an issue with your social security number and there is a warrant out for your arrest. 


press 1 now. Act stupid and waste their time. Just don't give them any of your real information.


February 28th, 2021 at 5:55 PM ^

He’s a product of Bobby Knight’s IU culture. I’m not surprised.

Although this Dakich tweet is interesting:

A lot more coming..learn before you speak..makes Duke look moronic that you don’t know that:
1-Players get paid cash ..a bunch
Much more from me coming

I wonder if he’s going to go after Coach K.


February 28th, 2021 at 5:57 PM ^

I like Dan as bombastic analyst.  I think he comes from a place of thoughtful analysis.  Is he a jerk? Yes.  Can I bury him due to this report? Not yet.  That was not a detailed expose.  But granted, he is asshole, I just usually like his thoughts.  and he does have a Michigan bent.  And we ain’t perfect...


February 28th, 2021 at 6:28 PM ^

There’s no doubt he’s a jerk.  Never was that more evident when the Dave Brandon drama was going on and Dan had Brian on his radio show.  Constantly cutting him off mid sentence when Brian was making accurate observations of Brandon’s obvious short comings.  Talking over him, flat out not believing him at times.  At one point Brian told him he shouldn’t be so sensitive and he shot back with some long, babbling story of his Bobby Knight years that I still have no idea what the hell had anything to do with what they were talking about.

As an analyst, he’s OK.  He’s a take him or leave him type of person.  I’d rather leave him.  


February 28th, 2021 at 6:12 PM ^

Sunday fun day...should stay off Twitter while at it.

Also, what is an "athletic scholar"?  I mean I get it....but that's phrasing I never see.  Is he a chess player?

Mr Miggle

February 28th, 2021 at 6:23 PM ^

I've unfollowed two people on Twitter, both several years ago. The first was Dakich. Not because he said anything offensive, but because he fought with people there all the time. I'm pretty sure that's his hobby.

The second was a well known former poster. Turned out I got my fill of him on this site.

Baby Fishmouth

February 28th, 2021 at 6:38 PM ^

I listened to his XM radio rant. He was saying that Dr. Mellis offered to go at it with him in the pool. He dismissed her by mentioning his wife. He then said that he'd get roasted on Twitter because of the "some lady" comment, which was the real reason for his rant. He clearly hates the Twitter environment and then deleted his account. Makes sense to me. But the OP's slant seems much different. It's funny how good we are as a society at bending the news to fit our opinions. I have no opinion on the man. I get frustrated when people take muddy waters and pretend that they are crystal clear, allowing them to judge quickly and harshly.


February 28th, 2021 at 6:41 PM ^

Dakich is a pretty big asshole on Twitter and absolutely searches out his name to start fights, so I assume at some point ESPN told him to knock it off or they'd boot him.  


February 28th, 2021 at 6:41 PM ^

Figured the “cancel culture” whiners would jump on this thread. Here is the deal, Dan can say whatever he wants. But ESPN does not have to employ him. This guy just suggested having sex with this woman in a pool in some bizarre effort to assert his superiority. That’s fucked up. And it’s stupid to do it in public. ESPN doesn’t need to deal with that BS. How would a woman who works at ESPN feel working with a guy who makes such awful suggestions about women with whom he has disagreements. 

1989 UM GRAD

February 28th, 2021 at 6:47 PM ^

I couldn’t care less about points and upvotes, but does anyone else find it a bit disheartening that the comments getting the most upvotes are the ones minimizing the egregiousness of Dan’s comments?


February 28th, 2021 at 7:05 PM ^

It is sadly not all that surprising that the most popular comments are the ones defending the well-paid tv and radio host who decided that the arguments he was having with people on Twitter needed to be brought into his radio show, wherein he calls people d-bags and suggests he'd have to divorce his wife in order to competitively swim against a woman in a pool.  Dan Dakich is an asshole who has been caught making inappropriate comments toward others numerous times.  He may also be a halfway-decent color commentator to some.  But the fact he can't seem to do one without repeatedly falling into the other is his problem, not one his employer or people online have to make accomodations for.


February 28th, 2021 at 7:04 PM ^

When you're a prominent individual and you end up having to delete your twitter account, you've fucked up. On a 1-10 scale of the sexist commentary I've heard in my life I'd give his "some lady" comment about a 2 or 3, but the swimming pool thing was just strange.

I never followed him on twitter and don't remember ever seeing any of his comments retweeted by anybody else, but from what I read in the thread, he sounds like an argumentative ass. Twitter's got an overabundance of those.


February 28th, 2021 at 7:50 PM ^

I personally like DD, listen to his radio show when I can on YouTube. Think a lot of this is overblown. From what I saw, the “bitching” comment was more directed at the group of them complaining and not the lady professor.


March 1st, 2021 at 9:41 AM ^

It was fairly uncouth, but probably more nuanced than ya describe it there.  Did you happen to catch their exchange?  It went something along these lines:

Dakich: these people don’t know anything about sports having not been in the arena.

Mellis: ok then, let’s participate in the arena. I’m legit good at swimming, let’s go at it in the pool.

Dakich: derp. I can’t “go at it” in a public pool, my wife would divorce me.

Was it a stupid, sophomoric, joke? Yes. Does it sound far worse outside of the context it was mentioned? Also yes. Is twitter dumb? 10000% yes.


February 28th, 2021 at 10:50 PM ^

It’s too bad.  I actually like his analysis (I know this is not a popular opinion) but his constant need for attention on twitter and his sexist trolling will probably get him fired, as it should be.  If only he had more more self control than my two year old niece