Non-Alumni Fans

Submitted by Finance-PhD on

So a Sparty made a video about the fans of Michigan (and other schools) that have no connection to the school outside of fandom.

Having difficulty embedding it so...

His thesis is that only students have earned the right to say "we", which is disagree with because only players truly have that right. Also only alumni are able to build that close of a bond because of the shared struggle financially and emotionally.

If there is no connection to the school you should be a professional sports team fan instead.

I am a huge supporter of sidewalk alumni myself but I was curious what other people felt about the issue.


October 31st, 2013 at 11:31 PM ^

There's a very small part of me--a part I don't have a lot of respect for, truth be told, but it's in there--that thinks that you can't really be a Michigan fan unless you've lived in Ohio. And not Toledo, but the deep red part of Ohio, someplace like Newark or Springfield maybe, where every person you have met in your entire life was a Buckeye fan, where 3/4 of the teachers in your high school went to OSU, where there isn't a single person in your entire fucking world that isn't going to make your life miserable for the next 364 days if Michigan loses to Ohio. Where there's never any temptation to say "we" because, well, because it's just you.

My connection to Michigan is different too (I suppose everyone's is); it's certainly different from any alum's. For that tiny part of me, Brady Hoke might be the only person I share my fandom with.

I know it's wrong, of course. But there it is.


November 1st, 2013 at 12:41 AM ^

Maybe some of the people who identify with the block M and the football team couldn't give two shits about how much more there is to the university? Maybe they don't need to have had the experience of standing near a third string running back in Angell Hall or having taken a class with Jake Butt. Maybe to them the football games on fall saturdays are enough and they didn't need to go into debt or put themselves through hell trying desperately to get the full Michigan experience? 

And nobody gives a shit about your degree or how hard you worked for it, get off the cross. 


November 1st, 2013 at 1:59 AM ^

It is funny that so many people claim this thread/topic is dumb, then feel the need to detail the Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon that prove they deserve to be considered a super-duper Michigan fan. 

I was an out of state student and my parents and I had to scrape to afford the airfare to get me to campus for orientation, not to mention getting to graduation.  I don't buy or have any sympathy for the countless sob stories as to why people couldn't get in and/or attend the University of Michigan.  If you are qualified and broke, the school (or any school for that matter) will make sure you can attend.  If you aren't qualified (especially if you live in Michigan) then maybe you could have made better choices in high school.  If you are a success later in life and can donate or buy tickets for the teams you like, I don't think anyone begrudges your success or resents your presence. 

And I was at basketball games when we started the year 0-6.  And I was there the same year when we started winning games and you couldn't get a seat for the MSU game.  Needless to say there was a palpable difference in fan presence.  The number of people with "real fan" credibility at Michigan (or any other school with any degree of athletic success) is ridiculously low. 

Michigan football has a bunch of non-alum fans because Michigan football wins most of the games they play, and has done so for over 100 years.  Northwestern football has almost no non-alum fans because they sucked for a long time.  Nobody goes around justifying why they couldn't get into NU or explaining how their uncle's podiatrist is a big donor or bitching about the high cost of colleges that are actually good (which turns out to be about the same as the cost of colleges that aren't any good). 


November 1st, 2013 at 6:55 PM ^

and there were non-alums there when the bball team was 0-6 and alums who only started caring once we beat Duke. It's too broad a bat to beat anyone with. And it's clearly a tiny minority of our fanbase who actually care... unsurprisingly the ones who always have a superiority complex  

KC Wolve

October 31st, 2013 at 9:23 PM ^

Grew up in Missouri, not one family member went to college. Watched Harbaugh, Desmond (my favorite college player ever) Elvis, Tyrone, Timmy B, and many others any chance I got on Saturday. Always had Michigan gear. Went to K-State, love my alma mater, but was a Michigan fan long before I even considered attending KSU. Graduated and attended my first game at the Big House soon after. I try and attend a game a year now and have for the last 5-6 years with no plans to stop. Had my favorite game experience ever at Under the Lights 1 with my wife. Still watch, support, and go to KSU games, but UM has been my team forever and my dream is for my kid or kids to go there one day. Screw anyone that thinks this is wrong or stupid.

Go Blue


October 31st, 2013 at 9:39 PM ^

Since i watched Rick Leach and the Wolverines take on the Selmon brothers and OU in the 1975 Orange Bowl. I watched the video and I was amused. I trust he doesn't follow any pro teams bc by his logic, you'd have had to have actually played the game or for that team to cheer. I wanted to go to Michigan but there was no way I'd have BEEN admitted. Instead I was offered a scholly to play baseball at MSU after my soph year at GRJC. Sparty was in my top three and Michigan didn't recruit JUCO's. So, I went down south. It wasn't bc of Sparty, to this day I wonder if it would have changed my allegiance if I'd have gone green. However, there are plenty of people who bring their kids to games who may never go to the schools but have an affinity towards them. Is he saying those not yet enrolled in higher ed shouldn't be there as well? Saturday, please hurry

Bando Calrissian

October 31st, 2013 at 9:44 PM ^

The pro sports argument is a red herring. By nature, pro sports are a private enterprise. You're watching someone do a job they're paid for. There's no parallel to the college campus, or the Econ 101 class with the entire O-line squeezed into the row behind you, or paying tuition to an institution that sponsors the team. It's not even the same thing at all.


October 31st, 2013 at 9:39 PM ^

Here we go again. This is such a non-story. You don't need to be a graduate of a university to be a sports fan of it. Christ, is that so hard to understand?
If you are born and raised in Michigan like I was, you generally pick Michigan or Michigan State to root for as a youngster. A few freaks in SW Michigan may even pick Notre Dame.
I was hard core fan of Michigan all through middle school and high school. I didn't apply to Michigan. I went to Western because it was more affordable and a lot of my friends went there. But there passion for Michigan sports never left me.


October 31st, 2013 at 9:47 PM ^

I didn't go to U of M, my sister, brother in law, his two brothers and both his parents did. I was a fan of Michigan long before my sister went there, the reason was my Grandpa was a season ticket holder. My 1st game and love for the university started when I was 8 the first time I stepped foot in the Big House.

Now at the age of 32 and my grandpa long gone I am a season ticket holder, so I can be a fan of whoever I want.

I never lived in Detroit yet I'm a fan of the pistons, tigers, red wings and lions.

Well to be honest the real reason I picked to be a fan of U of M over MSU at the age 8 was, I liked cheering for a winning team!


October 31st, 2013 at 9:56 PM ^

being an Alum is the difference between being a Michigan Man and a Michigan Fan.  Sure you can root for a school you didn't go to, if that wasn't the case college football wouldn't be nearly as popular.  And with the videos high school point, of course people who didn't go to a high school root for it who do you think fills the stands?  You seriously think all those people are alumi and never moved from their old town or comeback for every home game?  Heck no, those people are students, parents, and local fans just like in college.  The only difference is colleges get more media coverag, have more recognition and people have much more loyalty towards them. The idea that you can't be a fan because you didn't go to a school is ridiculous.  Alumi get  a more nostalgic feeling watching games probably and are much more likely to be closer and more involved with the school but you don't have to earn the right to be a fan because that's what a fan is, someone who likes something.


October 31st, 2013 at 10:06 PM ^

Not trying to be argumentative and I agree with everything you said, except I didn't go to Michigan, nor have I ever lived there, and I'll be damned if I'm not a Michigan Man. Honestly this is probably hard for someone who did live there/go there to understand, and I totally ger that. But I live and breathe Michigan sports. Just wanted to throw in my .02 - thanks.


October 31st, 2013 at 9:58 PM ^

To M for medical school, and we will always be die-hard fans, even though I will be on an athletic scholly at a D1 school, M will always come first for everything except my sport and basketball.


October 31st, 2013 at 10:28 PM ^

I understand why they feel the need to harp on this, but I don't understand why we bring it to this board. Not one stadium in America, including MSU's, would be filled every Saturday with alumni only. None. Look at Ohio. As John Stewart pointed out, it seems like they are required by law to have 5 red hooded sweatshirts each. Do the Sparty fans think they all went to OSU? Nope. Sparty fans do this to irritate us and we let them. I did not go to UM. Would I have liked to? Who knows. I don't really think about it. I assure you, my University of Charleston education has suited me just fine. By the way, my brother is a huge MSU fan. Did he go to MSU? No he did not.


October 31st, 2013 at 10:33 PM ^

.. always bums me out because I didn't go to Michigan (I went to Siena Heights University before they added a football program) and I feel like somehow I have to justify myself. Why? So someone else can feel better about themselves?


October 31st, 2013 at 10:42 PM ^

But I may get my grad degree from there if I ever feel I can handle the debt of tuition for the executive MBA. I have lived in Michigan all my life and my grand parents were alumni thus I was raised by Michigan fans to only become a Michigan fan every since I knew what a football was. Not just a fan of Michigan football but a fan of the school...die hard Michigan through and through! I am proud of that regardless of how it looks to Sparty or anyone else for that matter. Go Blue Beat MSU.


October 31st, 2013 at 10:44 PM ^

It's no diff from being a Lions fan, and I don't understand the appeal, much less any reason why non-alums should be listened to. If you never attended or taught here, you'll never be a Michigan man. Have no delusions to the contrary.

This is Michigan

October 31st, 2013 at 11:21 PM ^

I reluctantly read some of the YouTube comments and noticed the creator of the video involved himself in the conversation. A couple of points of amusement:

1. He prefaced the video with "I know this is going to piss people off". He then engaged in conversation by being pissed off at presumed pissed off people. I believe he is just channeling his inner Drew Sharp; looking for page hits by taking the contrarian view on any anything against Michigan.

2. He claims to "work for a fairly large publication in Chicago".

Dude, you work for fucking RedEye and you don't even write for them. How dare you call yourself a journalist when you work for an entertainment newspaper where 90% of the content centers around Public Transportation closures, drink deals on every day of the week and why your homosexual friend in Chicago can't find a roommate.

...and yes I'm damn proud to be a Walmart Wolverine.

Beat State!


October 31st, 2013 at 11:46 PM ^

I've been cheering on Michigan since...we'll...ever. It's been a family school (also dating an alum), but I never applied as I knew I wanted a small liberal arts school. I continued to cheer on michigan throughout college as well...cause ya know...DIII Football.

I don't need some asshat telling me I can't root on my favorite team. No, I didn't go to Michigan, but at this point I'm not sure it matters.

I'll never have the same connection as an alum, I get that. But damnit if someone'll tell me if I can't root for my favorite team!


November 1st, 2013 at 12:04 AM ^

Its funny that puke green makes fun of fans who are non michigan alums, because i have encountered plenty of sluts and morans who also wear/are state fans because they think state is a "cool" university even if though they never went there.. Some dont even know where the school is even located lol

Dallas Walmart…

November 1st, 2013 at 12:31 AM ^

This has always been an interesting topic to me, because I did not attend the university and am not even from Michigan, but have been a fan as long as I can remember (and can't imagine being a bigger fan even if I had attended).  In my experience, those who have given me grief for "choosing" to be a Michigan fan (a) are not Michigan fans or (b) think it's just a bandwagon thing.  

The truth is I didn't "choose" to be a Michigan fan.  While there are plenty of reasons I can give for why I love Michigan, in the end, it's like trying to explain (as a non-scientist) why the sky is blue.  It just is, and I just am.  There is only one team that I want to win no matter who they play.  There is only one team I want to watch no matter who they play.  That has been true in good and bad seasons, and I've experienced plenty of both.  It may not be rational, but that's part of being a fan.

Thankfully, it's getting to the point where most everyone I associate with knows I'm a fan and so I don't have to try and explain it anymore.  Most new acquaintances see the Michigan flag flying on my house and my kids wearing Michigan t-shirts and just assume I went there.  I don't correct them.  


November 1st, 2013 at 12:56 AM ^

Sure, I'll bite. I didn't go to U of M, so by Sparty standards, and some of my fellow U of M fans standards, I'm not a true fan; A Walmart Wolverine, if you will. Here's my U of M association resume: I was born at U of M hospital to two U of M alumni parents. I've lived in Ann Arbor all but 5 years of my life. As a kid, I was a ballboy for the U of M womens bball team for 2 years (with Greg Mattison's daughter) and for the men's team for 1 year (during the 2nd yr of the fab five). I worked for U of M for 3 years, am a season ticket holder for basketball and get my football tickets from (and sit with) a former captain of a rose bowl winning Michigan team. More importantly than all that, I'm simply a Wolverine fan. So, why does a degree mean more than all that? Stupid Sparty logic.


November 1st, 2013 at 12:58 AM ^

I grew up a Michigan fan but circumstances led me to the school across Washtenaw.  I had intentions of transferring to Michigan but that never happened.  I liked going to EMU.  I still follow Michigan and have my trusty M-hat but I take pictures at EMU sporting events (on the field no less).  Does that make me a Walmart Wolverine?  Hell, I don't even shop at Walmart.

Every major university in the school has their non-alumni and student alumni...and so what?


November 1st, 2013 at 7:11 AM ^

The fans of Michigan’s great university
Prove that there’s so much diversity
In those who root for Maize and Blue,
Though degrees come from some other U.
If loyalties started in their youth,
Or in later age they’ve learned the truth
From relatives who’ve gone to them
And taught them ‘bout the big Block M
To bring new fans from coast to coast
To The Big House . . . Crisler . . . Yost
To Hail Denard and Hail Trey Burke
To those at home and those at work
Because it never is a sin
To say you root for Meeeeeshigan!
Must Bronx-born fans give explanation
If they root for Red Sox Nation?
Do Brooklyn natives question science
If they’re for San Francisco’s Giants?
Would Manhattan’s kids have been quite woozy
If they liked Bill Russell and Bob Cousy?
Thankfully, there is no rule
Preventing those who like this school
From rooting for the Wolverines
Though they’ve lived or learned in other scenes.

Tony Soprano

November 1st, 2013 at 8:25 AM ^

Michigan state fans are just jealous because they don't have many fans who didn't attend MSU, so they always want to criticize those Michigan fans that didn't go to the school.  Many times I've sat in the stands and the first question most pose to Michigan fans is, "did you even go to Michigan?".  The reality is those MSU fans wouldn't be MSU fans if they didn't attend the school, where as Michigan fans are Michigan fans regardless. 

The Michigan brand is as successful as it is because if it's die-hard fans, most of which didn't attend Michigan.  Michigan State's fans are its current and former students and maybe their family and some faculty.


November 1st, 2013 at 9:00 AM ^

I’m not entirely sure that’s true.
There might be fans of MSU
Whose roots can be traced back to Magic;
And if that’s so, it’s not too tragic
That Earvin’s smile and sheer delight
Made them root for green and white
And cheer each Spartan who achieves
Like J-Rich, Mo-Pete and Cleaves.
Perhaps they like the Spartan myth,
Or just were fans of Bubba Smith,
Or Giants’ fans who still give thanks
For linebackers Van Pelt and Banks,
Or those who might’ve liked some other.
So be nice to your “little brother.”*
* Except when competing in sports.  Then, it's okay for Michigan to prevail.


November 1st, 2013 at 9:14 AM ^

So here's a question for the guy:  What about people who served in the Army, Navy or Air Force but didn't attend one of the academies, are they okay to root for their respective academy?

Like I said above...I think this is silly. 


November 1st, 2013 at 9:30 AM ^

I am a WalMart Wolverine

I grew up a Michigan fan....but I was the first person in my family to even go to college. I went to UM-Dearborn (because I went on a full scholorship for grades)...and I went there again for my engineering masters....then I went there again for my MBA. I am not embarrased about that.

Don't worry...I have no illusion that I am an Ann Arbor grad and I don't tell people that I am. Ann Arbor grads let me know that I am not a "real wolverine" whenever they get the chance.

I am a huge Michigan fan, heck, my two year old's room is Michigan-themed...he went as a "Michigan Football guy" as he calls it, for Halloween. He can sing Hail to the Victors.

 If any Ann Arbor grad does not like that, or feels like I don't deserve to root for their team....then they have the right to that opinion.

I am extremely happy with my 3 degrees from UM-D and the life that they have helped make for me and my family. I loved my college experience. I played a sport, rented a house with some buddies and we had a great time...including the season football tickets...which I know some wolverines get heartburn over. Hey...two of my friends went to UM-Dearborn and played in the Marching Band....full field members of the band that traveled to bowl games and everything.

If that means that I am forever branded as a Walmart Wolverine....I am ok with that. Maybe I will right that wrong with my kids going to AA.....but man....if they turn out to be the kind of people like some of the AA grad posters I have seen on here....maybe not.